Free E-Book – PRIMER TWO: The Warning – Good News For Children Of Mary – A Handbook For All Mankind To Become A Beloved Child Of God – By A Soul

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A Handbook for All Mankind

To Become A Beloved Child of God

BY a soul

Series: Mary Protectress of the Faith, Volume 2


For the Glory of God

The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

Through The Heart of The Blessed Mother of God

For the edification and salvation of all living souls on earth

May The Complete Blessing of The United Hearts of

The Most Holy Trinity


The Immaculate Heart of Our Lady

Be bestowed upon you dear reader


Our Heavenly Father, “Papa”

My Love, Jesus

My Dove, The Holy Spirit

The Blessed Mother of God, The Immaculata, Mary

The chosen messengers who provide these heavenly messages to the world

My Dad – My Mom – My Brother

My Family and My Dearest Friends

All the people who have been a part of my life

I am a better person because of each one

I thank God for placing them in my path – past, present and future

My guardian angel



Table of Contents




















Jesus Christ – “When the soul stands before Me in judgment, it will not matter how many others committed the same sin”

Blessed Virgin Mary – “You cannot claim salvation once, then embrace sin, and expect to be saved”

Blessed Virgin Mary – “People must understand that private revelation does not have to be approved by theologians to be genuine”

Blessed Virgin Mary – “Please treasure the journey you are given through these (Holy Love) Messages – It is the missing link to all other Messages given to other visionaries”

Ever-Important Holy Love Message From 2005 To Read Today

Ever-Important Holy Love Message From 2008 To Read Today

An Invitation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

The Great Warning – Illumination Of Conscience – And Holy Love – United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary








(Feasts of Our Lady of Vladimir, Russia and Our Lady of Sweat, Salerno, Italy 2017)

This book is a compilation of several heavenly messages and commentaries that can be found on the blog,

This book is the second volume in the series, “Mary Protectress of the Faith.” This book is a “Primer” as it is meant to be a simple introduction and handbook to the Christian faith and the spirituality of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It is meant to be an “Invitation” from God and Our Lady to you, dearest reader, to enter into the Divine Heart and Divine Will of Our Heavenly Father.

You can embark on this spiritual journey of salvation and personal holiness by following the “roadmap” given by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary, through the Most Sacred Chambers of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity in Union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is the first Chamber—the first step—into this lifetime journey. The “roadmap” is given through messages at Holy Love Ministries (Maranatha Spring and Shrine, Ohio, USA).

The heavenly messages relied upon by the author in this book come primarily from these sources:

Locutions To The World

The Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy)

Holy Love Ministries (

Prophet John Leary (

Our Lady of Emmitsburg (

The heavenly messages relied upon by the author may or may not be approved currently by the Catholic Church. However, the author believes in the genuine authenticity of the heavenly messages provided in this book, which has come about through much prayer to the Holy Spirit.

The author offers the words of His Holiness, Pope Urban VIII (1623-44) as a means of discernment for the reader:

In cases which concern private revelations, it is better to believe than not to believe, for, if you believe, and it is proven true, you will be happy that you have believed, because our Holy Mother asked it. If you believe, and it should be proven false, you will receive all blessings as if it had been true, because you believed it to be true.”

All graces given by the Holy Spirit to the author are unmerited. The author offers this book as a continuation of these graces so God may bless others as the author has been blessed.

Although this book is written by a Catholic Christian, the intended audience is for all peoples of all faiths and non-believers.

It is the sincere hope of the author that all readers will be inspired by the spirituality contained within the book’s pages, which the author believes comes directly from God’s Own Paternal Heart.

Readers are invited to visit the author’s blog, to learn more.

Pax Christi.

a soul





September 28, 2011

Living in Truth”


The way of truth lies open for everyone. All can walk it, but man covers it over. He pretends that he does not see what should be evident. He wants to walk his own path, the directions that he chooses. He does not realize that truth is God’s invitation. Even if a person does not believe in God, they still understand truth and if a person would just walk the way of truth (which they understand) they will arrive at a personal God and Savior (whom right now they do not understand).

No one can say that they cannot find God. Let them live in truth and they will quickly come to him. That is where he awaits them. Even if they have never heard the gospel of my Son, they will come to know him in the truth of their lives. He will be there, although still hidden because they do not yet believe his story. If they continue in truth, they will begin to ask questions. These questions always lie deep in the human heart, not surfacing because too many other concerns are piled on top.

The Deeper Questions

But a person who seeks the truth begins to go deeper. He asks, “What is true? What is firm? Upon what foundation can I build my life? Does not everything shift? What I thought was important in my earlier years has disappeared from the scene. What I thought was important even last year, is no longer my goal. He grasps that all human life changes and he seeks what is lasting and true. The surface things can no longer hold his affections. He is restless within, but it is a good restlessness of searching for the truth.

O reader, if this describes you, then pick up the gospel stories. Read about my Son. He is the truth. In your searching, you have really been looking for him. Now you know where to look. You are thirsty and he is the living water. When you will drink of this water, you will not be disappointed.

September 30, 2011

Mary is Always Seeking You”


These words come like a little stream of life. They do not overwhelm but invite people to drink of their waters. They are a gentle invitation so even the most fearful will not be afraid to come and drink. Yes, I want all, saint and sinner, to come. Let us begin.

Always Inviting

In the beginning, I invite. To those who do not come to me, I continue to invite. What other words can I say? First, they must choose to be with me. This choice is very important. I cannot force myself upon them. Yet, I will never, never leave them. I will not go away. I will not withdraw. Even to the last moment, at the hour of their death, I will still be there, inviting them to come to me, asking and pleading that they would accept what I have to give – eternal life.

If they had heard my voice earlier, I could have given them greater blessings. They would have had time to receive. The seeds of life would have grown within them. But that is not important. There is still time for the important seed of eternal life.

This is what I want to say to everyone in the whole world. I am the Mother of God and I am your mother. My name is Mary and I conceived by the power of God’s Spirit. I have been chosen by God so he could enter this world by becoming flesh and dwelling among us. I was the woman chosen as God’s path to man. I am also the woman chosen as man’s path to God. That is why I will always be with you. I will always stay close.

Always Seeking

Wherever you go, even if you take the paths of sin, I will follow you. Even if years pass by and you never call on God, I will still be close to you. No matter what you do, what sins you commit, what refusals you make, I will be there. You can never go anywhere that I will not seek you out. This is called the Secret of Mary and it must be revealed.

I need only one thing from you. I need you to say the words, “Mary, help me”. Say them now. Say them from your heart. I am waiting to hear them. After that, all will change.

October 31, 2012

Pouring Forth Gifts”


What gifts I hold in my heart for all of mankind! I do not keep these hidden. I reveal them for all who would listen to my word. Many refuse to listen. To these, I cannot even explain what is available. Others have no interests in the gifts that would lift up their souls. They seek only what is of earth, having no interest in heavenly blessings.

Yet, I will pour forth my words and reveal all that I want to do for mankind. All the world can read and understand. Some will walk away, not interested in these gifts. Others, however, will tarry, giving time and giving my words a hearing. My word will attract them and they will find themselves thirsting for my kingdom.


O soul, do not wait. Do not put off this call upon your heart. Do not say, “I will come back another day”. No, this is the moment of your call and your salvation. You have already spent too many years in this darkness which has penetrated you and hopes to capture you as its eternal victim. These words are your only hope. They will offer you the only light that can save you.

November 1, 2012

The Heavenly Water”


O mankind, why do you thirst for other waters when the true, living water flows from my heart. I will describe this water, so you will want to drink fully. The water I would give you springs up to eternal life. You can live forever and ever. You are immortal and you can have unending life. Without my water, you will die in your thirst.

Water is vital. Without water, no human life is possible. Without my living water, no eternal life is possible. This is the first truth. As your body needs earthly water so your soul needs heavenly water and I am the only source of this water. You cannot gain it anywhere else.


How confusing is your world! One day is filled with happiness. Then, everything changes. Even you change. What you had yesterday does not satisfy you today. You have no control over events and even little control over your own feelings.

Cannot I use this confusion? Cannot I speak in the middle of your trials? Will you not listen attentively, knowing that I will help you? Now, listen to my words.

The way you are walking is not the correct way. It will lead you only into darkness and into death. I come to show you another way, a passage of light that will lead you out of darkness. This light will not change. It will not disappoint you. It will always point in the same direction. Even if you stumble, or walk in a different direction, this light will still shine and call you back. Take my hand. We will begin now to walk in my new light.

November 2, 2012

Choosing a Messenger”


Why do you not hear this truth elsewhere? Who has been covering up the truth? The light of faith has been taken off the lampstand and placed in hiding where no one can see. People have no idea of their thirst for eternal life nor any idea of how to gain this goal. Man has deceived man. The darkness in some hearts has led to the darkness in many because those few control the messages that go forth. So, I have found my own messenger and that person brings my words through these locution.


Where does this light shine? In the depths of your own heart, in your thoughts and in your feelings. This is the first and most obvious place to put my light. But how can you find this light within yourself? You must begin with a decision to walk in light and to turn away from all darkness. At times, it is easier to know the places of darkness than the places of light. So, begin there. Identify your greatest place of darkness. Where, in your life, are you engulfed in darkness? Let us begin there. Renounce this darkness. Ask me to bring you out. That is an excellent beginning. At least you see the first step. Start there and start now.

November 3, 2012

Thirst For the True Waters”


I pour my words into my messenger’s heart so they will flow into your hearts. See how I bend down, how I accommodate myself to your state. You need to hear my message, so I put it in the clearest words. All you must do is read and take the words into your heart. Can I not ask at least that?

Now, let us begin again. My living water is available to all. I do not hold it back. I do not even ration it, even though it is precious. I give to all according to their capacity to receive. I even increase their capacity. The more they drink, the more they thirst, but it is a sanctifying thirst of the spirit. Those who thirst for my water have no thirst for sinful and destructive waters. I own their hearts because they seek only what I can give.


Once you decide to leave the darkness, you wonder how you sought the darkness in the first place. You experience a confusion, “How did I let myself move in that direction? How did I choose so poorly?” This confusion has led you to leave the darkness. You see your new decision as correct and beneficial.

Now, do not hesitate. Do not turn around and covet the darkness you are leaving. You are not yet strong. You are not yet confirmed in the light. Walk without looking back and, whatever you do, do not return to your previous darkness. The light calls you and attracts you. Do not limit its power over you.

November 13, 2012

An Invitation to Faith”


I speak to the world because some will listen and be saved. How many will be saved? I was asked that question and I said that people must enter by the narrow gate and walk the narrow road. Many think that the road is wide. However, the wide road does not lead to salvation and, indeed, many walk that road.

I speak and many do not listen. Yet, a few take my words and find eternal life. Those who find my road need a special light because the light in the world leads only to darkness. A person cannot find the road to life unless he receives this special light called faith. Once he receives faith, he must cherish it above everything else. He must live by this light and even be willing to die for his faith. That is how important this gift is. So, reader, cherish faith above everything else. Live by faith and you will live forever.


I nourish this faith in all believers. I protect it and never let this light go out or be stolen. Nevertheless, many who receive this light in childhood, lose it as adults. They set it aside as unimportant. They grow concerned about so many other goals. They do not find time for the practice of their faith. Yet, in their hearts, the roots of faith are still planted.

For others, the seed of faith has never been sown. Their hearts are like rocky soil that cannot receive the seed. These, and many other causes, block the seed of faith that is so essential to eternal life. By these words, we will send forth a fresh invitation to the whole world to believe.

November 14, 2012

An Invitation to Surrender”


I ask for a commitment of the heart, a full, total dedication that leaves no stone unturned in seeking my interests. I ask for great hearts that do not count the cost. With these hearts, I can do great things and bless many.

I call all to this level of faith. To everyone, I extend the invitation. If, right now, you experience some desire to surrender yourself completely, then read on. These words are for you.


Do not be afraid of Jesus’ invitation, as if the cost might be too high and you cannot make the sacrifices that are needed. These thoughts come from the Evil One. Just set out. I will be with you. When you grow tired, I will refresh you. When you grow weary, I will console you. When you seem surrounded with darkness, I will come with my light. Together, and only together with me, can you reach the goal of faith, your heavenly home.

This is not a short journey, a journey of a day, a week or even a year. This is a journey of a lifetime that ends in eternal life for you and for many others. Let us walk together.

November 15, 2012

An Invitation to Receive”


I have many treasures of my heart that I want to place in your heart. Do not be concerned that you are unworthy. I have chosen you to receive. You are reading these words. They are my invitation and my assurance.

I place my gifts in your heart because that is where they belong. They do not belong in my heart. They are gifts, meant to be given away. When in my heart, they remain wrapped up and do no good. When I give them to you, I expect you to unwrap them, learn what they are for, and use them for yourself and for others.

How much I want to distribute these gifts! Do not be surprised that I have chosen you to receive.


All that you read here is encouraging. All the words lift up your heart. They tell you that all can and will be accomplished if only you agree. This is true. God can do all things and wants to give every blessing. He needs you to believe and to open your heart, so you can receive. After you are filled with the blessings, you have a responsibility to open them, to see how they can help others and what you must do. However, this is a great privilege – to receive and to distribute blessings that come from Jesus’ heart. So many try to distribute their own blessings. No one gets helped and soon the person is empty, having nothing more to give. You are to give only what Jesus give you to distribute. First, you must receive from his heart. Then, you can begin to share with others.

November 16, 2012

An Invitation to Love”


My first and greatest gift is for you to love me with all your heart. I give this gift freely and without reserve. It pours out of my heart and can be received by all. This love changes you, and gives new direction and meaning to your life. This love was the fire that led all the saints on their path of holiness. Do you want this fire of my love? I am ready to give it to you right now. Just open your heart and ask. “Jesus, please give me the fire of your love”. Good! You have said the prayer. Now we can proceed to other gifts.


This fire must go everywhere. Do not limit its power or place obstacles to its life-changing purposes. Let the fire touch your sins and consume them. First, receive forgiveness for your past sins. The fire consumes these quickly and instantly. Then, receive a fire that will protect you from future sins. This is given to you over a longer period of time. Let the fire extend to others in the way you speak and act and even feel towards them.

Finally, let the fire bring you peace and joy. You are on the right road. You have allowed the fire of my Son’s heart to purify you and to lead you out of darkness into his new light. I will be with you in your new life. I was the first to receive this fire.

November 17, 2012

An Invitation to Serve”


Love leads immediately to a forgetfulness of self, to the ability to set aside selfish desires and proud thoughts by which you think yourself to be better than others. Love bestows a spirit of service, a desire that all be blessed as you are blessed. Love is a river that flows out from my heart. After this love is received, the river must not stop with you. It must flow out to all others. In this way, the whole world can be blessed, beginning with those whom you meet every day.


Now you are making progress. You see where this river of love leads you. Do not be afraid. It is a new world, a new land, a new territory. Jesus and I have gone there ahead of you. Be kind to everyone. Forgive those who hurt you. Do good to those who take advantage of you. Do not strike back or take revenge. There is a new path. After a while, you will grow familiar with this path. You will see the folly of your former path and will rejoice that love has changed your heart. Love, only love, can purify the world. That is why I offer this gift so freely.

February 25, 2012

Drawn by God”


When a person is alone, he can only bring forth individual goals. When he joins in a relationship with another, he can bring forth far more. This is best seen in marriage when a child is born from a relationship. It happens in many other areas. When one person joins with others, an enterprise, a company, a school, a political party or even a marriage can begin.

A Fruitfulness

If in human relationships, a new fruitfulness happens when one person joins with another, how much more this happens in the divine mysteries, when a person is drawn into a relationship with God. I say “drawn” because man does not choose to seek God. First, God must act, placing hopes and desires within the person. If the person listens, senses these desires and responds to them, then God can draw the person into the greatest gift of all, a personal, intimate relationship.

An Adequate Friend

This seems so unequal, man being a friend of God. In the beginning, it is very unequal. However, God lifts the person up, deifies the person and, in the greatest of moments, transforms the person by the flame of divine love. The person loves God with God’s own love. God has transformed the person into an adequate lover, sharing the divine flame of the Holy Spirit. From this gift comes the greatest fruitfulness in human history. From the silent heart of this transformed person comes untold blessings. Families, churches and nations are blessed. God’s mercies pour out because he has transformed the willing person into an adequate lover. God, in his delight, blesses the whole world with love upon love.

You, O reader, are called to a life with God. Much has been written. The Catholic Church has a spiritual tradition. Discover that tradition. Read the books. Find those who are devoted to the spiritual life. Immerse yourself. This is not the work of one day or of one year. It is the call of your whole lifetime. When you find love, you find God. When you find a love for God, you find every blessing. Unfortunately, many good people do not know how to be “drawn by God”.

March 20, 2012

To Which Group Do You Belong?”


The door is always wide open. I never shut the door of my Immaculate Heart until the ultimate moment, when the soul is about to leave the body behind in death. Then, my heart closes. If the person is inside, he is brought to eternal life. If the person is outside of my heart, I cannot bring him to eternal life. My heart is like the Ark of Noah, saving all who are inside from the floods of evil. This is the great mystery of which I have spoken so freely.

No Need to Enter?

Right now, the doors remain wide open but so many pass them by, not realizing the importance of those doors. “Let us give ourselves to the joys of the world” they say. “We have no need to enter the doors of Mary’s heart.” O foolish ones, how different and happier would be your lives if you took time to examine and to enter. You would fulfill your goals, meet the right persons (for some even their future spouse) and discern your dreams.

Life Within

All is different in my heart. It does not contain the confusion of the world or the pressures that pull you in so many directions, or even worse, the temptations that lead you into sin. My heart is steady while the world is a ship tossed here and there among the many storms.

Do not put my invitation aside. Many think that entering my heart can happen later and that they can always find a time. They do not see the squandered opportunities and the joys that would lift up their hearts. They do not see the light that would guide their decisions.

Two Groups

Let me put this bluntly. There are two groups of people. One group lives in my heart and enjoys an intense and satisfying life. The other group lives in the world and struggles to even find meaning for their existence. What is the difference between a person who lives in a land filled with every food and a person who lives in a desert? The only difference is where they live. Yet, one feasts and the other starves. I cannot be any clearer. My heart is a fertile land and those who live in my heart enjoy every blessings. Outside of my heart there lies only a wasteland and those who live there experience every kind of difficulty.

June 5, 2012

The Story Within You”


What will be the end of the story? How will the history of mankind end? What will be its conclusion? This great mystery has already been revealed. My Son will come in glory and all the nations will be gathered before him in judgment.

That is the ending, but what will happen then? Billions of people will be born, spend their time on earth and die. This is the great mystery of human life. Decisions are made. Forces, good and evil, come upon the scene. People are moved to the left or the right. Everything is recorded, both in the souls of every person and also in the hearts of others. The person retains his own memories and society has its memories, some of which are recorded for posterity.

The Great Inner Story

Each day the story goes on. It is called human history. But, within this history a more important story takes place in each human heart. It is the story of God with man.

Every human heart is lonely because it thirsts for God. This is the insatiable quest of the human person. God does not hide himself. Jesus has come to earth and lived among us.

The mystery of human life is my Son, Jesus. He will bring history to an end but, before he comes in glory, he comes quietly, to every human heart. He asks the person to believe in him, so he can flood the person with the riches of God and prepare him for eternal life. This must happen before death.

The importance of human history is not what happens on the battlefields of wars but what happens in the human heart, the battle over who will possess your soul. Will my Son, Jesus, possess your soul and prepare you for his coming? That is the great question of human life and I speak so you never forget. What is within you is the most important story of human history.

June 6, 2012

The Greatest Battle”


I do not turn my eyes away from my children, not for one second. They are always in my heart even when I am not in theirs. Yes, there are many moments when my children place something or someone else on their hearts. I do not leave them, even when they shove me aside.

Personal Selfishness

I do not live in their hearts to rebuke them but to protect them from the dangers of evil choices. Who else cares for them? Does the world, with its enticing goals, really care about their happiness? Certainly, the Evil One seeks only their destruction. The most important enemy, however, is their own selfishness, which assumes the garb of happiness. It is always calling to them, “Come over here. Seek this pleasure. Gain this position.”

Selfishness proposes to their minds ways to take advantage and to exploit the situation. At every moment, it looks out for self, and makes the person “Number One”, as they say. All of this selfishness leads to a great downfall. It builds a wall between the person and others. This destroys relationships.

Destroying Selfishness

I have come to destroy the wall of selfishness in every human heart. O reader, how free you will be when I have cleansed you from the inner powers that drive you to always serve yourself.

Here is what you must do. Invite me into the center of your heart. As your selfish desires arise, you will see that I do not want you to follow them. If you lay them aside, you will have won a victory. Soon, you will be a different person, having won the greatest battle of your life. You have defeated inner selfishness.


A short commentary

By a soul

(8/17/16 – Eve of the Feast of the Coronation of Our Lady)

I am writing this short commentary for the many people who visit this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. While many of them are Catholic, I know there are many Christians of other denominations as well, and also, perhaps, people of other faiths or no faith at all.

I am writing this commentary for all of them.

I want to introduce you to Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth, the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the Mother of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Your Mother, too, although, you might not be certain of that fact yet. I want to tell you that it is okay to ask the Blessed Mother to intercede for you and for others in prayer. You do not have to be Catholic or an Orthodox Christian to turn to Our Lady and to ask Her for certain favors. She loves you just as She loves Her own Child, Jesus. Our Lady was entrusted by Jesus to all of us at the foot of The Cross before Jesus died. She was given to us to be the Mother of All and She desires that you know that in your heart.

Mary loves you very much and She wants you to know that honestly and truly. If you simply say, “Mary, help me to know Jesus better and love God more,” She will answer that prayer in a profound way for you. She desires that very much for you and if you have certain needs, She will listen to them and respond to them as best as She could as Your Mother.

Mary will obtain the “best grace” possible for you and your particular need. It may not be exactly what you want, but it will be the best grace that God desires to give to you.

Mary will provide for you, as any loving mother would.

There are many theological arguments on the internet about why or why not praying to Mary is a good thing. Many of them are arguments based in Holy Scripture, which may or may not be correct interpretations, but they are written by people with good intentions, who simply want to honor God as best they can.

If you would like to read a theological argument, then by all means, search for an appropriate article to read. But, what I am writing is not a theological argument… Rather, it is a writing based on the heart and what the heart feels is right—Love.

This is a commentary of Truth in Love. Not made of fancy words and articulated viewpoints. Rather, it is a writing that appeals to your heart and what you know, instinctively, as a child of God.

Mary is Your Mother. She loves you.

From the very beginning of Christianity, the Blessed Mother has been honored by the faithful. You may not know this fact, but the early Christians loved and honored the Blessed Mother very much. During the first 300 years of Christianity, the early Christians hid in the Catacombs—the tunnels underneath Rome, Italy—to protect themselves from on-going persecution by the Roman empire. In the Catacombs, the early Christians would hold Mass (prayer services) to God and would bury the deceased Christians in marked tombs.

Do you know what these early Christians would mark on the tombs? There are tunnels of tombs marked with many prayers to Mary and the Saints in Heaven.

The early Christians believed in the powerful intercession of Mary and also, the martyrs of the faith, because they knew that they were close to God’s favor in Heaven. And so, they marked the tombs with intercessory prayers, because they also believed in the existence of Purgatory, which some faithful may have to go to, to be fully purified from sin before finally going to Heaven.

This was the real beauty and true fullness of the meaning of the Communion of Saints—the family of God. One Body in Christ, One shared and Mutual Love no matter the distance between earth and Heaven.

Just as a Christian today might ask another faithful to pray for them on earth, the Oneness in Christ meant that the early Christians felt immediate closeness and oneness to those already saved in Heaven. Asking Mary or a Saint to pray for you and intercede for you is no different from asking someone on earth. And guess what? It has the extra bonus grace of faith attached to it, so God looks with great favor on those who trust in Him through demonstrating their deep faith in intercessory prayer in Heaven. Faith moves mountains.

Some people might say that praying to Mary and the Saints is idol worship and prohibited by Holy Scripture. But, these same people might not know that the Ten Commandments are interpreted differently by Protestant Christians and Catholic/Orthodox Christians. In fact, the Ten Commandments were changed by the Protestant Christians during the Reformation, so it could be justified the ransacking of Catholic Churches and overturning of statues, dismantling of Crucifixes, and destroying of relics of the Saints.

I do not want to go into theological debates here, but simply research the differences between the Ten Commandments in the Protestant Churches and the Catholic/Orthodox Church. You will see they are written differently and it is up to you to discern the better argument—

Meanwhile, I continue to appeal to the heart.

Many Christians are proud of being “Bible-only” believers. I applaud them for their fidelity to seeking Truth in Holy Scripture. Truly, I am impressed by those who know by heart many verses of Holy Scripture.

I wish that I had that good of a memory and could be that learnt in the Holy Bible. But, alas, I am not graced with those talents. I have accepted that fact sadly.

Yet, I ask the “Bible-only” believers, how do you teach a person who cannot read? Is Christianity really a faith limited to those who can read? Or, is there something more to it?

Love is shown much more than through words. Love is shown through acts of love.

Statues, murals of art, paintings, stained glass, prayer cards, and other works such as music that glorify God are acts of love that teach others the traditions, stories and mysteries of the Christian faith. These acts of love are what has sustained the Christian faith for the past 2000 years during which most Christians could not read. This is a simple historical fact.

Some of these works of art—acts of love—honor the Blessed Mother and the Saints. I simply say, as Christians, we must not be afraid to love.

A Saint, Maximilian Kolbe, once said:

Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

In the Ten Commandments that are shared between Protestant Christians and Catholic/Orthodox Christians is the Commandment of “Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother.” We also know that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, fulfilled perfectly all the Commandments of God, no doubt loving His Mother all the more than we ever could.

If Jesus opened His Sacred Heart to His Mother and we are called to imitate Him in all ways, how can we not also open our own hearts to Her as well? To honor Mary, is to honor Jesus. To love Mary, is to love Jesus and the way He calls us to love.

On this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, I want to tell you of three resources that have been created especially for you. These webpages are called:

Invitation To Become A Child Of Mary”

Our Lady Speaks To Those Who Never Heard The Gospel”

Our Lady Speaks To Those Who Have Little Love In Their Life”

These three webpages were created so that you could learn more about Our Lady and the message of the Gospel (which means, “Good News”). I hope you were take the time to read the heavenly messages and will invite the Blessed Mother to have a place in your life, because She loves you very tenderly and desires only your best.

Also, on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, I try to feature every day the daily heavenly message of Holy Love Ministry ( The daily heavenly message are words of wisdom from Our Lord, Our Lady, or the many Saints that visit the site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine, which is home of Holy Love Ministries. It is located near Cleveland, Ohio, USA.

Holy Love Ministry is an ecumenical organization not affiliated with any church authority. Although the visionary who receives the messages is Catholic and many of the followers of the messages are Catholic, it is open to all peoples of good will who desire to know and love God better. You do not have to be Catholic to believe in the heavenly messages and anyone can visit and participate in the prayers and prayer services. It is open to one and all.

Also, if the spirituality of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary appeals to you, there is also a prayer association that you can join that is open to all peoples. It is called the “Secular Order of Missionary Servants of Holy Love (MSHL)” and more information can also be found at the main website for Holy Love Ministry.

Finally, I want to conclude with a heavenly message from Our Lady through Locutions To The World. God bless!

September 20, 2011

The Road the King Will Use to Come Again”


I begin where I always begin – in my Immaculate Heart. This is the heavenly Father’s secret, his plan for the salvation of the world. He has placed his Son in my heart. His Holy Spirit has come to abide in my heart. These are the secrets that I am trying to reveal so all might know of this treasury. Some misinterpret this doctrine. They think I am speaking of my own powers and my own prerogatives. Rather, I am speaking of God’s powers and where to find them.”

Am I not the Mother of God? Did not Jesus, true God and Lord of all, dwell in me? Did not the Holy Spirit overshadow me? These are the realities that I speak about when I proclaim the importance of my Immaculate Heart. “He who is mighty has done great things in me”. I am revealing what God has done by his own free decision. Just as he decided to abide in the human nature of Jesus, so he has decided to make my Immaculate Heart a place of his abiding and a place where all can find him.”

People search for Jesus. They look, but so many times they do not find. He is in my heart. He abides there. He dwells there. For this reason, the Father wants all the world to honor my Immaculate Heart. This is the easiest place to find his Son, Jesus.”

He came the first time through me and he will come the second time through me. If a king is coming by a certain road, cannot the citizens go out to meet him? Surely, they can stay home. Yes, the king will certainly come. Yet, the wise citizens say, “We need not wait. We can go out to meet the king”. They only need to know the road that he will use to come to their city.”

Everyone knows the road that Jesus used to come the first time. This is without dispute. My revelation is so simple, “The road he used the first time, he will use the second time” and those who understand it can go out to meet him. They can find him before the others, who have no interest in meeting the king or do not know which road he will use. Now you see the importance of these revelations of my Immaculate Heart. The king is coming and you can be the first to greet him.”



March 15, 2011


To the Confused Person

How did things get to this point? Why is the world in such dire straits? Mankind has gone in the wrong direction for centuries, unable to cope with the rapid speed of technology. Quick, so quick. Everything is quick, with no sense of direction.

So stop. Do not rush headlong. Pause, be still. Ask yourself, “Where am I going? What is my goal?” In this stillness, I will whisper to your heart, “Come this way”. It will be a surprising direction. One you would never have thought of. It is your Mother who leads you. Follow me.

To the Discouraged Person

As the tribulation continues, the faith of many will be shaken because they have built their house upon sand. But, is it too late? Will they collapse? All things are possible to God.

This is my promise. Even those whose faith has not been built on solid ground I will receive into the Ark of my Immaculate Heart.

That is why this word must go forth. No one is rejected. It is never too late. The door of my heart will only close at the last minute, when all have had a chance to enter. Never, never say, “It is too late”. My word is a constant stream of hope. Wherever it reaches, hope enters, saving hope.

You, discouraged soul. You, frightened soul. Get up from your bed of despair and walk to the Ark. Just use my name, Mary. Suddenly, the Ark will be in front of you and the door will be open. I will await you there.

To the Overwhelmed Modern Person

Everything swirls around with no sense of purpose. Each minute cries out, “Take care of me because the future has no hope”.

So, you plunge into what is at hand. Why ask? Why search? Why look for more than what the present holds?

The whirlpool gets greater. The helplessness grows. O child, you get carried away by forces that are greater than you. So, I stretch out my hand. My strength is enough. I am the saving Mother who searches endlessly for my children, finding them in back alleys and deep valleys.

Wherever you are right now, I am with you. Just stretch out your hand. I do not say “Grasp my hand” because you do not have the strength. I do not say “Hold on to me”. I will hold on to you. I do not say “Follow me”. I will lift you up.

Just one act of your will is enough. Use my name, “Mary”. It opens the door of my heart.

To Lost Souls

I am the Mother of Sorrows whose woes will not come to an end until all the events written in the Book of Life are fulfilled. I am the Mother of Life. Where there is life there are also sorrows until all my children are gathered into the kingdom. I am not condemned to sorrows because they are not the final word.

These days, however, are days of travail, of bringing to new life, and of restoring life that has been lost. Yes, many of my children have lost the life I gave to them in Baptism. Many have cast aside the life I suffered to give them. They chose their own life. Others were carried away from a life of devotion. So many causes. So many snares. So many had roots with no depth. This is the state of the Church and my deepest sorrow.

Yet, I do not cast them out of my heart. I take them deeper into my heart, allowing them to cause me even greater sorrows. I let them surround my heart, hoping that just one might understand, “I am causing sorrow to my mother”.

Dear reader, think of your earthly mother. Think of her faith and what she taught you. Did she not teach you my name and to fold your hands in prayer, and to say the Hail Mary? I ask you, “How does she see you now? Do you not cause her sorrow even though she is in heaven? Think of your earthly mother and turn back to the ways which she taught you. I will be waiting there for you.

Inviting Souls to Return

Little by little. Step by step. No need for great efforts. One step after another, like two feet on a journey.

You have so many questions. “What will others think? Am I able to return? What will it be like?” Do not ask these questions. They are of no help. They are not the way back.

Here are the steps you must take. First, leave behind what is sinful. You believe that sin’s grasp upon you cannot be broken. This is not true. Just remove your desires for the sinful. Once you let go, I will take what is sinful from your hand. Easily, quickly and with little effort, your hand will be empty, easily able to select the good.

Second, search your heart. It will be able to choose what is above, the gifts which heaven offers. This is what you have always wanted and it is yours because sin’s power is broken.

Thirdly, seek out others who also want heaven’s favors. All your hands will be lifted high, freed from what is below you and receiving what is above.

To the Fallen Away Catholic

These are not mere words. They are gifts from a mother’s heart, filled with enticements. I place the needed medicine in a candy so you will eat. As you chew on my words, a power will enter your hearts. You will taste a new hope. What you thought was impossible is suddenly within your grasp, like a lifeboat in a dark ocean.

I will inspire you with new hope and you will say, “I can return to the faith of my parents”. You will know the way back. It is a familiar road. You grew up in the Church. You know its teachings and its liturgies.

When you return, you will meet one stumbling block because you will not be fully reconciled. Some will say that this is not needed but you will know that something is missing. You cannot just overlook many years. You cannot remove your own sins. This violates all that you were taught.

September 21, 2011

To the Disillusioned Person”


You have taken the wrong road. Oh, how many paths lead astray and so many walk them, delighted by what they see at the beginning but disillusioned by what they discover along the way. If only you had listened, you would have been spared the suffering of walking a fruitless path for which you have nothing to show.

The paths of the world are filled with promises and the human heart feels itself drawn. The sights are set and they begin. Soon, their hearts feel entrapped because they were not made for this road.

Do not be afraid of this moment of your disillusionment. It is a grace to see that you have taken the wrong road. It is a time of opportunity.

My path is different. It is entered by faith. As the person walks, they experience a joy, a realization that I will not disappoint them. Can you not begin again?

Will I not reveal my path for you? You will surely find it. Let me teach you what to do.

A Place

Find a place, possibly a church, where you can be quiet. Go there often, because it is not in one day or one moment that light is given. The light will come slowly. Be faithful to these visits. I will be there. Call upon me.

Gradually, I will turn your heart to what is of value. I will cut away the false hopes and empty promises. You will see what is of lasting value which you set aside as unimportant. You will pick it up again. You will say “What I have spurned is really what I should have chosen.” Take it up again. This is the path I have for you.

September 23, 2011

Light Entering Your Heart”


I lead you along this path so that others can know that there is a way of salvation. Mankind must be given a ray of hope. Otherwise, all would be darkness. A ray of hope does not cast out the darkness but is given even during the darkness. It is timely. Available at the urgent moment. This ray of light cannot wait. It must arrive when the need is greatest. That is why I give these words now. They are urgent and must be delivered as saving hope to all who will listen. Let us begin.

I draw near. I am close but man does not realize this. So, I must speak, “Here I am. I am at the door of your heart. I am not far away. Just open the door a little bit and I will come in and bring my light with me.”

If there is light in your heart, even if you are surrounded by darkness, you will be safe. Now it is just the opposite. The light surrounds you but darkness is in your heart. I must reverse this. If the darkness comes and there is also darkness in your heart, then all will be dark. You will have no light to walk by. So, this is an urgent task.

Knocking at the Door

How does light enter your heart? Is it hard to find? Must you search diligently? Not at all. I am at the door, knocking hard with all my might. I speak boldly to you.

Open the door and let me come in. I am your mother and I have come to save you. I know what is ahead and I know that you are not prepared. You have no spiritual thoughts. Your will is weak. You have even set aside some religious practices. You are entangled in the world. You are confused and anxiety has begun to enter. This is your inner state. Your outer state is shaky. You do not know what the future (which once was quite rosy) holds in store. You are frightened and you do not know where to turn for help. That is why I have come to you. Yes, through these words, I have come. I am at your door, knocking at your heart. Call upon my name, ‘Mary’. Let my name be always on your lips. You will see its power and what I will do for you.”

January 22, 2012

Mary, the World’s Good Samaritan”


Look around and what do you see? So many broken lives! People who began with high hopes and great talent are now by the wayside. They are like the traveler, going from Jerusalem to Jericho, who fell among robbers. That is the modern person. There are so many robbers these days, waiting along the way to destroy. If someone avoids the robber of lust, then the robber of avarice and greed awaits him, or the robber of hatred, or the robber of disappointment and broken dreams. So many people lie helpless along the way, unable to finish their journey and fulfill the purpose for which God created them.

So, I come as a Good Samaritan. I do not pass anyone by. I stop and bend over all my children, offering to each exactly what they need.

You, O reader, have you been set upon by robbers? Has your joy and your life been stolen from you? Do you lie wounded and even left for dead? Have many others have seen your plight and just walked on? Well, I will not walk on. You are far too important for me. I take this time to speak to you.

What Has Happened?

You could never have foreseen that all of this would happen to you. Your early years were so filled with promise. You had so many talents and so many opportunities. But the years went on and the opportunities dried up. You found yourself put off to the sidelines. In a sense, you could not believe that all of this was happening to you. Everything was supposed to turn out so differently than this.

Shattered Hopes

Now, the dreams are shattered and the hopes are broken. The road ahead looks no better. No doors seem to be opening to you. What can you do?

That is why I have stopped for you. I saw you lying here, so helpless. Really, so much can be done. Take my hand. I will stay with you. I will lead you on a new road, a different road where there is hope. I will teach you about my Son, Jesus, who holds all the keys of heaven and earth. He can unlock the doors which need to be opened in your life and he can close the doors which should be shut. Everything will change. Trust me. Rise, let us go from here.

February 2, 2012

Our Lady of Sorrows”


My greatest treasures are my sorrows, those difficult events which the Father asked me to accept. He did not will these sorrows. They came because I accompanied my Son to his death on the cross. This was my privilege, to be present when the world was being saved. This was also my sorrow. The two could not be separated. To share in my Son redeeming the world, I had to share in his sorrows, also.

Mary’s Love

It was for love of you, O reader, that I accepted all my sorrows, like a mother accepting the pangs of birth, so her child can live. Now, I reach out again because of your plight which is so evident to me. I know all your sorrows and I will absorb these sorrows (like every loving mother) if you bring them to me.

A Place of Stillness

This is what you must do. Find a place of stillness, where you are alone with me. Allow your sorrows to come to the surface. Speak your sorrows to me. Stay in the stillness. Do not leave quickly. Enjoy my presence. A peace will descend. Let it enter deeply. I will give you patience, because some of the sorrows will remain. Finally, I will place in your heart an answer to some of your more pressing questions. When the time is over, you will be able to continue.

Come often to this place of solitude. You can experience this anywhere. I will be waiting for you there. I am well versed in the sorrows of earth.

July 6, 2012

A Surprising Gift For Lost Souls”


I open up my heart and anyone can enter. It will close only when filled to capacity. It remains open while I go in search of the lost souls. I find them everywhere. Some are lonely, while others are in the midst of many friends. But, all are lost souls, having no faith or hope or any friendship with God.

Can I not gather them up and draw them in? Are they to be lost forever, having no life with God? No. I will do the surprising. You will see it before your very eyes. Believe now even when you have not seen.

God’s Actions

I will touch the lost. My Son came to save the sinners. He wants those who are far away to come close. He wants those who do not know him to invoke him and call upon his name. Do not say that it is impossible to have an enormous stirring in the hearts of the unchurched. Light will be given directly to the heart and will call forth a massive response. People will put aside what is superficial and will call on the name of the Lord.

At first, others will wonder if this is true. But, the evidence will convince all that I am bringing about a worldwide conversion and am beginning in the strangest places – in the hearts of the lost. If those who profess to have faith continue to abandon this gift, then I must fill their places with those who have never called on me before.


Also see, these free downloadable and printable PDF booklets from Direction For Our Times, Jesus Christ the Returning King:

“Jesus Speaks To You”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Do Not Know Jesus”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Away From The Church”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Have Rejected God”

* * *


May 1, 2011

To Those Who Never Heard the Gospel”


I speak to you who have never heard the gospel because you have been deprived of a great light. Everyone on earth has a right to hear the gospel of my Son, but sometimes missionaries did not reach you. Governments have refused them entrance or even ejected them from your land. No more. Governments can no longer banish a word that goes forth electronically.

I speak first to you because others have had their chance to hear the gospel. It is a new day. I will preach and you will hear. No one will stop the gift.

The Conception of Jesus

I begin with a mystery which was hidden in my womb and first revealed in a Jewish culture, 2000 years ago. God became man. He took flesh and blood. He came among us and was seen and heard by those who lived in Israel.

Why Israel? Because God had prepared them for centuries. They knew there was only one God. He had spoken to them through the prophets. As a young girl, I was instructed in these sacred books. I was a daughter of God and a daughter of Israel, prepared by my sacred culture to be the mother of God. Yes, I am the mother of God and I want to be your mother.

Life of Jesus

My Son’s name is Jesus. He performed miracles, signs and wonders. He proclaimed that the Kingdom of God was breaking through and that his life would begin this great event. The leaders of Israel were jealous. They were angry because my Son denounced many of their practices. They feared him because large crowds followed and believed. So, they killed him, nailing him to a cross. I was there. I saw my Son die and his heart pierced by a sword. We buried him in a new tomb and I sorrowed, more than any other mother. He was my only Son and I was a widow.

However, all of this was only a preparation. He entered the tomb to deprive it of its power. That is the great message that I bring you. My Son won the victory. He destroyed the power of death. On the third day, he rose from the dead. His body is now in glory – unable to die or to suffer. This same glory is for you. That is my message. You do not need to fear death if you believe in my Son. This is my first message. It is basic but even now you can see how deprived you have been by not hearing these words. I promise I will make it up to you.

May 4, 2011

Receiving the Holy Spirit”


Peter, the leader of the disciples told the crowd about the events which I have told you. He explained the purpose of my Son’s death – to take away every person’s sins and to send the Holy Spirit into their hearts.

The people experienced great sorrow for having killed my Son and asked what they had to do.

Peter said that they had to repent of their sins and be baptized in the name of my Son. In this simple and easy way, they would receive my Son’s Holy Spirit. Peter baptized 3000 persons that day.

This little story raises many questions which I will answer. Who is this Holy Spirit? He is the Spirit of the Father and the Son. The Father is God and my Son is God. Also, the Holy Spirit is God. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you become a child of God. God lives in you and, on the last day, He will raise you from the dead, just as He raised my Son from the dead.

I told you that my Son conquered the tomb and you do not need to fear death. By the Holy Spirit, you will live forever. Death is not the final state. My Son gained eternal glory for himself and He gained it also for all who believe the story. I will explain more the next time.

What You Have to Believe

Many books form the Christian Bible, but you need not read all of them before being baptized and receiving Jesus’ Spirit. In these little talks I will give you all that you need to know.

Let us begin with God.

There is only one God. We call him the “heavenly Father” because Jesus taught us this title.

Centuries ago, he created the whole world – the earth, sun, moon and stars. He created all that lives – the fish and the animals. When earth was ready, he created the first man and woman, from whom comes every man and woman on earth. They are our common parents.

You have a body and a spirit. Your body came from your parents. Your spirit was created by your heavenly Father. But this was not enough. Your human spirit can receive God’s Holy Spirit. As your body lives because of your human spirit, so your human spirit lives because of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit, your human spirit has no life. My Son died on the cross so He could give you his own Holy Spirit and you could live forever with his heavenly Father. I will talk about that the next time.

May 5, 2011

Mary Ascends the Electronic Pulpit (the Internet)”


So many of my children, who used to be in my heart are missing. They were baptized and taught the truths but they are not here. I am their sorrowful mother and I must look for them. I will ascend the pulpit of the world. I will call out to them in the clearest of words. No matter where they are, my words will reach them.

Since their world no longer includes the Church, I will enter their world through the Internet. I will find new pulpits and give the clearest, most inviting teachings. At the same time, I will touch their hearts. They will know that it is a mother’s voice which invites them.

Translated into All Languages

I ascend the pulpit of the world to speak to all people, in their native language. The words will go forth on the Internet and will be translated into all languages by the little ones whom I hold in my heart. You will accompany me into the pulpit and record the words as they go forth.

Explaining All the Truths

The God who created the world wanted to reveal the mysteries of heaven. To do this, he chose a people to be his very own – the Israelites, also called the Jews. These are my people. He formed them by his word, which they collected into books.

He revealed many things but the most important was that there was only one true God. This truth separated the Israelites from the other nations. Although they knew that God was one, they did not know God’s inner life. Only Jesus, my Son, who is God, could reveal and explain God’s inner life. This is what Jesus explained.

God is a Father who brings forth his Son. The infinite love which they have for each other brings forth the Holy Spirit. The Father so loved the world that He sent his Son, Jesus, to save the world, (All of this I will explain later.) and to give to the world the same life which the Father and Son enjoy together. This life was given when the Father and the Son sent the Holy Spirit who begins to live within you when you believe in Jesus and are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Disobedience and Obedience

Having spoken of what God did, I must now speak of what man did. Inside of you are powers not shared by the animals. You have a mind that can know God and a will that can obey him or disobey him. You can say “yes” or you can say “no” to God.

The history of man is filled with “no”. This is called “sin”. This tendency to sin (to disobey God) is now planted in every heart. It is a selfishness which destroys all that God would do.

Because I was going to be the Mother of God, God did not allow this power of sin to be planted in my heart. No power of disobedience ever touched me. I always said “yes” to God. Jesus, also, always said “yes” to his heavenly Father.

Because he was obedient to the Father, the leaders of Israel crucified Jesus. All the way to his death on the cross, Jesus said “yes”. I, also, said “yes” as I stood at the cross of my Son.

The heavenly Father heard this perfect “yes”. So, the Father and the Son poured out the Holy Spirit (their mutual “yes” to each other). This Holy Spirit empowers people to say their “yes” to the Father. Therefore, the Father can glorify us, just as he glorified Jesus. I want to explain exactly what will happen.

The Glory of God

My Son, Jesus, always enjoyed life with his Father. This life we call “God’s glory”. By disobedience to God, man had lost God’s glory.

Jesus lowered himself and became a man. He even accepted death on a cross. His Father exalted him, raised him into glory and made his name above every other name. All who call on this name can be saved.

You are “saved” when your human spirit receives God’s Holy Spirit. This is God’s glory. This Holy Spirit raised the human nature of Jesus from the dead. This Holy Spirit will do the same for you as he did for my Son, Jesus. The important proof of this truth is that He already did this for Jesus. Let me tell you what happened. In this way you can believe that Jesus rose from the dead.

The Appearances

When Jesus was 30 years of age, he left our home and began to preach that the kingdom of God was at hand, the special moment that all of Israel had awaited for many centuries.

Jesus told everyone that God had sent him and that he was God’s Son. To prove this, he healed sick people, drove out evil spirits and even raised people from the dead. Many Jews believed and placed faith in Jesus. Some became his disciples, and from these he chose apostles, who were called the twelve.

Jesus predicted to these disciples that he would die on a cross and that he would rise from the dead. The disciples did not believe that he would be killed and they did not understand what “to rise from the dead” meant. Yet, both took place. After Jesus rose from the dead, he appeared to these disciples for 40 days, proving to them that he had risen and instructing them about their future tasks.

These disciples were the important people in God’s plan. They told this story to the whole world. They had no fears. Many were killed because they preached this new way of life.

These disciples believed because they had seen the risen Jesus. Those to whom they preached believed because of the disciples’ words. Also, the disciples healed people and drove out demons. This little group was not educated, yet they preached to the whole world. This is what I am doing now. By their preaching, many received the opportunity to gain eternal life. Those who heard believed, were baptized and received the Holy Spirit.

This is why I am preaching now – preaching to the whole world by the Internet – so all receive the same opportunity for eternal life.

A New Way of Living
(Jesus is Lord)

Jesus proved to these disciples that he was God, the Lord of all creation. He was God’s only Son and, with the Father, the source of the Holy Spirit. These disciples went forth telling the whole world to put aside their many false lords and to accept the true Lord, Jesus, into their hearts. This meant adopting a new way of life. The disciple has to live like the Master and the servant like his Lord.

Jesus lived in obedience to the Father and to his commandments. He lived in truth, in service to the Father and to others. He lived in chastity and purity of life. All of this I will explain now.

Your human nature is selfish, controlled by your passions. You are a slave to sin. Baptism frees you from your slavery to sin and makes you a servant of goodness. You are a new creation, called out of your selfish darkness into Jesus’ light. This is how Jesus is different from your pagan gods. You offer them sacrifices but you go on leading your selfish lives. With Jesus you are lifted up, made a child of the light, guided and helped by God’s Holy Spirit. I will take this up again.

The Christian Community

When the believers were baptized and received the Holy Spirit, they could not return to their former way of life. So, they supported one another. They joined together for prayers and the teachings of the apostles and the sharing in the Eucharist.

This same method was used by the missionaries. Baptism demanded that the new believers leave behind their sinful way of life. To accomplish this, the believers formed new Christian communities. They came under Jesus who had promised to stay in their midst until the end of the world.

This is true even now. The baptized must remain with the community. Jesus has already given himself as the food for the community. That is my next teaching.

The Eucharist

The Holy Spirit forms the Christian community. He lives within each member and unites them.

His goal is that every member proclaim Jesus as Lord. To gain this, he recalls all that Jesus did and taught.

Even more, he overshadows bread and wine so that Jesus himself lives in their midst and is food for their divine life. I will tell you how this gift was given.

One day, thousands of people gathered to hear Jesus preach. This was in a deserted place and the hour was late. Jesus took some bread and fish into his hands and blessed them. He gave them to his disciples, who distributed them. All 5000 were fed. This multiplication of food was a sign to everyone of Jesus’ special powers.

The next time that they gathered, Jesus used this miracle to promise a greater gift. He would provide bread come down from heaven, his own body and blood, to give them eternal life. He promised that if they ate his flesh and drank his blood, he would raise them up on the last day.

At this time, many did not understand the promise. First, Jesus had not yet died and been raised to glory. Second, they did not understand how he could give his flesh to eat and his blood to drink. I will explain this the next time.

The Last Supper

On the night before he died, Jesus was at supper with the twelve apostles. He took bread, blessed it and gave it to them to eat, saying, ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me”. Then he took a chalice of wine and said, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in memory of me”.

Now the twelve apostles understood the promise. The bread and wine had become the Real Presence of Jesus. When they would say the same words in his name, Jesus would always become present. As they ate and drank, he would enter their souls with the divine life he had from the Father, uniting them to God through his body and blood. Celebrating the Eucharist is the central act of Christian worship.

The Apostles Creed

I have taught you long enough, explaining all the basic beliefs. Now, I want to gather you.

Your world is filled with darkness and Jesus is the light. If my words have stirred you, then read them again and again. I have instructed you as simply as I could.

Our names are important. I am Mary, the mother of God. Jesus is my Son. He was born to give you life, to save you from darkness and from the evil spirit. Do not wait. If you believe, seek Baptism from Christians in your land. If there are no Christians, then believe and baptize each other. First, learn this prayer:

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified died, and was buried. He descended into hell. On the third day, he rose from the dead. He ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, the Father almighty. From there, he shall come again to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.

Explaining the Creed

I have explained these truths in the course of my teaching but let me review them in a systematic way.

God created the world. Jesus is God’s son. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, sentenced him to death in Jerusalem. I was there when he was buried in a new tomb, not used by anyone else, made out of stone with a large rock across the opening.

On the third day he rose from that tomb and began appearing to the disciples for 40 days. Then they saw him taken up to heaven to prepare a place for all who believe in him.

On the final day, he will come down from heaven and will judge everyone. Some he will take to heaven. Others he will send away because they did not believe in him and did not receive his Spirit.

The Holy Spirit forms the community of believers called the Catholic Church. This spirit forgives sins through Baptism and other sacraments. The Spirit will bring about your resurrection into eternal life. Jesus promised his disciples, “I go and prepare a place for you. I will come back for you, so that where I am you also may be”.

Amen” means “I believe”, “I say it is so”. If you believe all these truths and want Jesus to be your Lord, then you are ready for Baptism. Just begin. The one who is baptizing you should plunge you into the water three times saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. You answer “Amen”. These names Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are familiar to you.

Comment: Ideally, only a baptized person should baptize another. However, these words might reach people who are not baptized. A non-baptized person can baptize as long as they do three things:

1. Plunge the person into water three times, or pour water on their head three times.

2. Say the words, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

3. Do all the above with the intention of accomplishing what the Church and Mary want accomplished, namely, to make the baptized person a child of God.

August 8, 2011

Returning To The Father’s House”


Forsaking the Father’s Wisdom

Why are the nations in tumult? Why this stirring on the earth? All is anxiety and turmoil. The pot boils over. The sins of the past come to the surface. What was planted in secret now brings its harvest – a harvest full of weeds not wheat. This economic turmoil was not a harvest sown overnight. For decades, the nations have hidden their debts, buried them, saying, “Let a later generation pay the bill”. Now, the bill has come due. The collector is at the door and he wants the whole house. He owns it. His accounting is correct. He has added up his figures and now he presses his case. Oh, poor mankind, burdened with so many years of folly, like a man awakening to reality. Yes, the harsh reality of an economic system that cannot pay for your lifestyle. What can I say in the face of this worldwide problem? Let us begin.

Years ago, you left your Father’s house, where all was in order. You said, “Give me the inheritance that is due to me”. You were of age. You could claim what was yours. You took your Father’s money but you did not take his wisdom. “It is different now”, you said. “The truths of economics that my Father used are no longer the guide”. So, you made up new rules, the modern way that borrows now and pays later. “This is the way of growth. This is how we expand”, you claimed.

But you overlooked one truth – the selfishness of man and the constant postponement of responsibility. Look back. See the wisdom of your heavenly Father, a wisdom you have rejected. Return to your Father’s house before it is too late! Regain the ancient truths upon which your society was built. You have forsaken the religious spirit. You have become secular. Fine. Taste the secular wine. Eat the secular food. It will make you throw up. Hopefully, in your agony, you will return to your Father’s house.

The Prodigal Son

I speak with you as a mother to her child and I reveal to you the longings of my heart, the heart of a mother. Yes, I am a mother who sees all too clearly the state of my children. They have left the Father’s house where they could daily experience my love. Now they have chosen to scatter, not even recognizing their brothers and sisters. They are divided and clashing, and want to gain superiority. They leave behind the relationships within the family and adopt the relationships of the street. They have chosen this, wanting their freedom, and being discontent to remain in the Father’s house where they were loved and fed, where they were accepted and had a place.

Why, O why, did they leave? I watched them go forth. I felt the sorrow in the heavenly Father’s heart. I knew what lay before them. They saw only the false promises. They would own and prosper. They would have their own house. They were a human race “come of age”. This was all their false hopes. They forgot that the Father held them together.

In the Father’s house, they cooperated. The Father kept everything in order. The human race is now a world without a Father. They are like the Prodigal Son. They have spent their inheritance. They have no identity. They are not recognized for what they are – children of a loving Father and children of a heavenly inheritance. Can all the ills be solved? Yes, the answer is yes. That is why I speak to the world. One decision is needed. “I will arise and I will return to my Father’s house”.

O world, you do not even know how to return. That is why the Father has sent me. The journey is a long one because you have strayed so far. Take my hand. Let us begin the return journey.

To the Generation Born in Darkness

I want all my children to return home. I will call them. I will place new stirrings in their hearts. They will remember the way it used to be. But what about those who never knew the Father’s House? Those who have no memories? It has been so long now. Children have been born outside of the Father’s House to parents who left and abandoned the Father. What will I do about them? They are children born without any religious memories. Oh, what time has done! A generation which has never tasted the springs of religious faith. They thirst and have no idea of where to find true water. They are even more difficult to draw back than their parents, but I must reach out. Let us begin.

To you who have no religious memories, who were born and raised in a secular culture. For you, religion is only an item in the news, usually associated with political controversies. To you, I speak these words.

You have no idea of the gift of a religious spirit and of the consolations offered by faith. You have no idea of the peace that comes from a relationship with my Son, Jesus. You do not know all that He will do for you.

Instead, you wander in darkness, not knowing the true longings of your heart. I cry for you. I weep for you. This was not your decision. Your parents left the Father’s house. They never taught you the truths that they had learned. In rejecting their religious life, they lost it for you, also.

I do not see you as a generation which has rejected my Son. Your parents rejected him. You were fed a secular milk. This is how I see you – a deprived generation, an offspring that has never existed before in America. Know that you are welcome in my heart. I await you.

Is There a God?

Why does the world not return to the Father’s house, especially in the West where the faith was so strong? The memories have faded. They have forgotten the peace that settles into a person’s heart when it is right with the Father. They have forgotten the order that comes to a society when all its members accept the Father’s commandments. They have forgotten all the blessings that come from an Age of Faith. So, I come to lead them back. They cannot return because they do not know the way back. That is why I speak. Listen carefully.

The way back to the Father is not a far away distant path. It is near. It is in your heart. The path back begins within you. Even now it has begun with the stirrings caused by my words. Others are praying for you. All the saints and angels intercede for you.

Faith surrounds your heart. Faith is like the air all around you. You need only to breathe to take it in and be blessed by its presence.

Let your mind and heart rise above what you see and experience. For just one moment be willing to ask, “Am I made for God? Are the ancient teachings true? Will I live forever? Did God create me? Is Jesus his only-begotten Son?”

In the ages of faith, people knew these questions and lived by their light. Begin with the first one. “Is there a God?” Keep asking yourself that question until the light dawns. Everything begins with that question.

Do not shut the question from your mind. Do not put it away. To ask this is the first breath of faith.

The Loneliness of the Secular Person

When the darkness begins it will be too late. The return to the Father’s house must begin now, so you can be joined with others in faith. I want to explain this gift. Let us begin.

When a person leaves the Father’s house, they also leave behind all the relationships and friendships they enjoyed. They not only break their relationship with the Father but also with the others. This is the high price that man pays for what he sees as his freedom.

He goes out into a world which does not know the Father. The relationships which are formed are not relationships of faith. People unite in pragmatic ways, in ways that serve their interests. They form relationships according to their own will and fancy. How fragile are these relationships. How many times they break off, unable to withstand the forces that come against them.

Some forces are internal, the passions and the selfishness of those involved. Some forces are external, the trials and difficulties encountered in the world. As relationships are broken, innocence is lost and isolation sets in. The person is vulnerable, unable to respond or even to hope, because they stand alone. They never foresaw all of this as they left the Father’s house. What must be done quickly because so much has been destroyed?

Begin like the Prodigal Son. Say, “I will return to my Father’s house.” Seek out a Church and seek out people of faith. Give yourself to these relationships. Be formed with others into the Body of Christ.

Find others! Find others! This is the secret. Find others who believe. Form relationships of faith. Together, profess my Son as your Lord.

September 13, 2011

Our Lady – A Summary of Her Teachings”


Do not just read these words. Inscribe them in your heart and live them in your life. They are words of light for the darkness that is coming. I will summarize my teaching so you can easily recall the light I have given.

1. The time is short. Many disasters will befall mankind. Some are already evident, the problems which are seen and felt by all. Other problems will be new and unexpected. Together, they will squeeze the heart of mankind, which will feel sorely oppressed, unable to respond and be filled with hopelessness.

2. By these words, I am preparing my children (and all can be my children. They need only to accept me as their mother). This is not a preparation of one day nor can it be done at the last minute. The time is short. Prepare now.

3. To prepare, you need to begin with the ancient truths, the basic truths that are already in your heart. These are the saving truths. There are no others.

4. Take these truths and make then the foundation of your life. Begin now. In this way, when the trials begin, they will be your foundation.

5. Gather with others. You cannot stand alone.

6. Observe the Lord’s Day. This is the foundation of the foundation. By observing that day, you will find all the riches that you need. There are many hidden riches, buried in that precept. Only those who seriously try to keep the Lord’s Day, will discover those riches. How clear can I be?

7. In all decisions and in all events, think of my Immaculate Heart. If you do this, you will realize the truth I have been teaching. Go to my heart and find every solution for your problems. Go to my heart and find every consolation in your suffering. Go to my heart and find protection in every difficulty. This truth means nothing unless you act upon it. Once you act, you will experience the reality of my Immaculate Heart and the help which is always available.

September 14, 2011

Look into Your Heart”


Why look around for answers when the answers lie within each person’s heart. Yes, the heart must be true. If the heart is true, the person can see what is in their heart? This is where, O reader, you must begin.

Look into your heart. What do you see? Do you see the basic elements of faith? Do you see a belief that God exists? That you have responsibilities to God? What are these responsibilities? Can you list them, or at least, some of them? Do you fulfill these responsibilities? Where do you fail?

Look again into your heart. What have you accomplished in life? What were your dreams and your talents? How have you fulfilled your dreams? How have you used your talents?

Look again into your own heart. Who are the important people in your life? What are your responsibilities toward them? Have you fulfilled them?

Look again into your own heart! What is sinful? What destroys you? What lowers you? What do you want, crave and seek, even if you must break God’s law to get it? What is your hidden secret? What would you not want anyone to know about you?

Look again into your heart. Do you find any hope? Do you see any stirring of your heart that says, “I will arise from here and return to my Father’s house”?

Look again into your heart! Do you find me there? Does my presence fill your heart? This is the easiest part. If you do not find me, then invite me. Use your own words. I will listen. As soon as you use my name, “Mary”, I will come. If you ask me to stay, I will stay. If you invite me to go deeper into your heart, I will go deeper.

Recapture your own heart. Get it firmly into your grasp. Then you will be free to enjoy my words.


Guidance and Instructions As Given By

Our Lady – Mary – Queen Of Heaven

* * *


The Heavenly Realm (August 1 to August 9, 2013)

August 1, 2013

Jesus’ Kingdom”


I see Satan’s kingdom with all of its evil plans and powers of destruction. However, I also see the beautiful kingdom that Jesus preached. Through Jesus, this kingdom has come upon the earth. However each person must believe in Jesus and be baptized, so the kingdom can come in its fullness. This is what I will describe in these coming days. Let us begin.

Originally, the kingdom of God was firmly established and mankind enjoyed a close friendship with God that no one on earth can even imagine. However mankind freely chose to turn away from God. (Such was the powerful deceit of the Evil One.) However, God had the final word promising that Jesus would be sent. Speaking to Satan, God said, “I will put an enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers.” (Gen.3:15)

I will be describing this heavenly realm which Jesus has brought to earth.

August 2, 2013

Clothed With Divine Life”


So much to pour out of my heart! I rejoice to speak out. The kingdom of Jesus begins by clothing the soul in divine grace, the life of the Trinity. The soul is snatched away from Satan’s grasp, transferred from the kingdom of darkness and into Jesus’ kingdom of light.

The soul becomes a new creation, filled with supernatural powers. The soul becomes a child of God and an heir with Jesus, its brother. Such is the glory and dignity conferred as the soul is clothed with divine grace. This begins my explanation of heavenly life, a gift which Jesus restored to the human race.

August 3, 2013

Life Within Jesus”


This divine life is the same life that I received at the moment of my Immaculate Conception.

The person becomes a child of the Trinity and enjoys the life of the Father, Son and Spirit.

This life flowed within Jesus and is given to all who believe in him and are baptized.

I see everyone in the world. Some have this divine life and others do not. I sorrow over every human suffering, large or small, but I sorrow the most over those who do not have this divine life.

Jesus always told people to seek true life and to be rich in heavenly things. He was speaking about this divine life that I will explain each day.

August 4, 2013

A Community Filled With Divine Life”


Reader, I must first explain the state of the human race and how you can gain the divine life.

The heavenly Father so loved these newly created human persons that he clothed them in divine life and they enjoyed a friendship with him. However, they were deceived by the Prince of Darkness and made the horrible mistake of disobeying God and forfeiting this divine life. They and all their children were led into the darkness where mankind still abides. This is the first truth. Mankind is born into darkness.

However, the Father sent Jesus, the light of the world, to save mankind from this death and darkness. By my Immaculate Conception, I was the first to be rescued. As Jesus preached and gathered disciples, others came into the light. The divine gift was sealed by Jesus appearing after his death and resurrection to those whom he had chosen beforehand. When these disciples received the Holy Spirit, Jesus’ community, filled with divine life, was ready to share that life with the whole world. This was the beginning gift of the Father.

August 5, 2013

Believe, Repent and Be Baptized”


This little community filled with divine life and knew exactly what to do. Jesus had instructed them to preach to the whole world and to make disciples of the nations. These disciples told the whole world about Jesus’ death and resurrection and of his promise of eternal life to all who believe in his power and his name. They invited all who believed their preaching to be baptized.

In this way, divine life went out from this little community to the whole world, just as it does today. I am the world’s preacher and I invite you, if you have not been baptized, to believe in Jesus, to repent of your sins, and to be baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. In this way, the divine life of Jesus will make you a new creation.

August 6, 2013

A Child of God”


When the Holy Spirit of Jesus enters by Baptism, the soul becomes a new creation and a child of God. They are filled with divine powers and many potentialities that are released by the other sacraments. All is contained in the baptismal gift, even their specific call to serve the Church and the world. So much to explain in the coming days! Where will I begin?

I will start with the soul becoming a child of God. Jesus alone enjoys this power to make you a child of God. John writes “But to those who did accept him, he gave power to become children of God to those who believe in his name” (1:12). The human family was divided, cast into darkness and burdened with sin. Jesus formed a new family and Baptism is the birth into this family. All the angels and saints are also members of this family. They help the soul to reach heaven.

However, every child of God must freely choose to remain in the Father’s house. Everyone is free, like the Prodigal Son, to take their inheritance and to leave. My heart sorrows because so many have made that choice. How I want them to repent and to say, “I will return to my Father’s house”. I search for these souls. I even allow them to experience hardships so they understand the blessings they used to enjoy.

So much to explain. The gifts of the heavenly realm are infinite.

August 7, 2013

The Seed of Faith”


Just as the newly born infant has many powers that will increase as he grows up, so this divine life contains powers that are meant to grow. These powers are like seeds planted in the soul. Unfortunately, the ground might not receive this seed fully and there is no harvest. I will explain what happens when the divine life is fully welcomed. I will begin with the power of faith.

Faith opens the door to the heavenly realm and the soul experiences a new life. When a child becomes an adolescent, they experience a new world of human relationships. By faith, the soul sees the great possibilities of a life with the Father. It realizes the great love of Jesus who gained these heavenly riches by his death. The soul sees that I am its heavenly mother.

All is new. Another world and new possibilities come into sight. Suddenly, the soul begins to hope.

August 8, 2013

Heaven Can Be Mine”


As faith opens the heavenly doors the soul begins to realize, “All of this can be mine. I can live forever. I can be perfectly happy.” Joy fills them and they are ready to sell all they have to gain Jesus’ kingdom.

Contained in this hope is a purpose that will never disappoint them and a goal which they know is not an illusion because it is based upon the promises of God himself. Filled with faith and surrounded by divine hope, they realize that the Father is inviting them to make a decision.

By faith, the door is open. By hope, the person sees the Father’s heavenly gifts. However, only by love can the soul embrace the kingdom. This is the divine question. Will they love God above all things and open their lives to his intrusions?

August 9, 2013

Being United By Love”


Faith and hope are divine powers that lift the soul, like a rocket, far into the mysteries of the heavenly realm. The soul arrives into the presence of God and is overwhelmed by these inner powers that constantly push the soul deeper and deeper into God’s life.

Suddenly, another power emerges that was hidden until now. The soul experiences an invitation, as God himself speaks “Do you want to be one with me, bonded together forever?” How is this possible? Yet, the soul experiences supernatural charity, an urge to surrender to divine love.

The soul also sees the cost of this surrender. All that is self will be burned away. Only God’s life of Baptism will remain. (Some walk away sad, like the rich young man.) At this moment, I stand with the soul who sees that I fully accepted divine love. I help the soul to accept this baptismal power of faith, hope and love. With that surrender, the divine life contained in the baptismal seed can break out of its protective shell.

The Heavenly Mysteries (August 10 to August 21, 2013)

August 10, 2013

God’s Call”


Invited to be one with God, the soul allows infused charity to plunge it into the very center of God’s mysteries where all becomes clear. The soul realizes, “God created me. I came from his hands. He gave me a name and placed me in the middle of his people. He gave me a task, with only so much time to accomplish it. He gave me Mary as my mother, and the angels and saints as my companions”.

The mysteries continue to unfold. “He gave me my parents and my family. I was born in a definite place and time, the perfect circumstances, the culture in which I will spread his kingdom”. In this way, God’s call contained in the divine life is released. Happy the soul who hears God’s voice and believes and acts.

August 11, 2013

The Battle Within”


Divine life transfers the soul from the Kingdom of Darkness into Jesus’ Kingdom of Light.

However, because every soul retains remnants and vestiges of darkness it perceives a war going on within. Two powers battle for the soul. A wise soul realizes both the pull of darkness (back to its previous selfish state) and the power of this new divine life that wants to establish the soul forever into the kingdom of light.

Many souls have no idea of this daily struggle. They have little interest in the divine life of their Baptism and as a result, the original victory is surrendered. The soul forsakes the light and lives in darkness.

O soul, let me awaken you to the great powers of divine life already infused into you. These powers will propel you into the heart of Jesus and will help you to live as he lived. Let these powers be released. I will give you the secret – consecrate yourself to my Immaculate Heart and the powers of the Spirit will flow freely.

August 12, 2013



This divine life within the soul contains every power which the soul needs to become holy and united with God forever. Because this life always strives for growth and completeness, the heavenly Father has provided special, external helps, called sacraments, that serve this divine life and bring it to its fullness.

Confirmation is the sacrament of Christian adulthood. A child experiences two lives. The first is lived in the context of the family, the years of growing up. The second occurs as the child grows and leaves the parent’s home for a life in the world.

Within the family, all is provided and the child lives dependently. A time comes for the child to shed this dependency and to forge his own way. Obviously, he must develop different skills and he needs much greater understanding.

This is an example of the graces given at Confirmation, which equips the soul to find its way and to cope with the problems presented by adulthood.

August 13, 2013

Confession and the Earthly Battlefield”


Although filled with divine life, the soul remains all during its earthly life on the battlefield between good and evil. In the midst of this daily battle, the soul might sustain some wounds. We call these venial sins. At times, in the great darkness of the battle, the divine life might even be struck a mortal blow (called mortal sin).

Jesus has foreseen these moments of wounds and even possible spiritual death. He has provided two gifts, one interior and the other exterior. The baptized soul has been permanently changed. Even in spiritual death, it retains the capacity to be restored to life. The powers of Baptism can be stirred again into the flame of life.

Second, Jesus has provided the sacrament of confession and has given the Church (who baptized the soul) the power to heal the wounds of venial sin and to raise to life any soul that has died by mortal sin. Tomorrow, I will explain this sacrament in great detail.

August 14, 2013

Sacrament of Confession”


Baptism cleanses the soul and pours out a divine life that is spotless. However, this life is received by a human person who will be subjected to many temptations. The years are long and the battles are great. The soul needs help. Can they not be baptized again? Does not this divine life carry within itself the power to constantly respond to divine forgiveness?

My son, Jesus, has prepared everything. He has foreseen these struggles and even sins committed after Baptism. When he told his apostles, “Receive the Holy Spirit, whose sins you forgive, shall be forgiven”, he foresaw every soul who would need the second Baptism of confession. He foresaw. He made provision. He established another sacrament. He gave this power to his Church.

O Reader, take advantage of this sacrament. Do not put it aside. It contains special powers of restoring and cleansing your divine life. Go to confession. I will wait for you there.

August 15, 2013

Holy Communion”


Who can speak fully of this mystery? Even my own lips cannot find words to adequately praise this divine gift. The mystery began when the Holy Spirit overshadowed me and formed the humanity of Jesus from my body and blood.

During his ministry, Jesus promised to give his body and blood as food and drink even saying, “Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day” (Jn.6:54). Many did not believe and they walked away.

Finally, on the night that Judas betrayed him, Jesus said to his disciples, “Take and eat. This is my Body. Take and drink, this is the cup of my blood. Do this in remembrance of me”.

What happened that night at an unknown table in Jerusalem, is now celebrated every day on thousands of altars in every part of the world. Holy souls are nourished. Weak souls are strengthened. Sinful souls are invited to repent so they, too, can receive. All are invited.

How can I describe this mystery? Tomorrow, I will speak of my own First Communion.

August 16, 2013

Mary’s First Communion”


After Pentecost, I gathered, just like the other believers, to celebrate the mystery of the Eucharist and to receive Holy Communion. I will try to explain my inner feelings and all that happened to me.

First, I was filled with the greatest expectation. I had given Jesus his body and blood. Now, I was to receive it. Jesus would again live within me (how familiar this would be to him). His Body and Blood, of course, had been changed. He had lived his life of obedience. He had died and had risen into glory and his body had ascended into its place within the Trinity (where all the just will join him).

When Jesus came to me in Communion, he stirred up all my human memories. When devout souls communicate, they try to recall the stories of Jesus, imagining some event in the gospels. For myself, my own heart overflows with maternal memories. I pondered Jesus’ every word and deed. At Communion, all of these were stirred. I relived every event. All the mysteries came alive.

At this First Communion, I was immersed again in my entire life with Jesus. Together, we relived all the memories. They were, in a sense, more real than when they happened because Jesus was not outside of me but within. What a union we enjoyed and what emotions filled my heart. I possessed the One who had created me and the one to whom I gave his Body and Blood.

August 17, 2013

Mary and Communion”


He to whom I had given birth, whom I accompanied to the cross and had experienced in the glory of the resurrection, had now returned to me through this mystery of Holy Communion. During pregnancy, a mother enjoys a relationship with the child of her womb. She imagines what it will be like to hold the child, to feed the child and to watch the child grow.

When Jesus returned and I once more held him in my heart, my relationship to him was not imaginary. Together we had redeemed the world. Every soul was in our hearts. O Reader, on the day of my First Holy Communion, you were there. We spoke of you . We thought of you. We planned for you all that we would do. We even thought of these words that I would speak to you. Listen closely to me now. “Holy Communion contains every blessing of God. In that mystery, Jesus and I come to you and offer you every gift. In Holy Communion, I enter your heart with Jesus. Desire this bread come down from heaven and receive it as often as possible. With Jesus, I will come.”

August 18, 2013

Holy Orders”


How I loved the little community with whom I gathered regularly to receive Communion. The apostles assumed their active role. They would preach about Jesus and then point me out as “the mother of Jesus”. That is how the Beloved Disciple always wrote of me, “The mother of Jesus was there”. Also, the believers would ask me about Jesus and I would share little stories so they could more easily love him.

The community continued to grow, causing an obvious need of expansion of ministry. The twelve handled this crisis so well, laying hands upon seven men chosen by the community. This became a regular pattern as new growth and new needs happened. The apostles would lay hands so that each new community had the Eucharist. How important is the Eucharist and how necessary is the priesthood that consecrates the holy species.

August 19, 2013

Permanent Marriages”


Gathering with the community of believers, I could see the new powers of the divine life which they received at their Baptism. The men had a much greater respect for the women. Women were seen as equals, for in Jesus there was no Greek and Jew. All were believers, sharing the divine life.

A great purity of life came upon the believers and they began to live out the ideals of marriage that, formerly, had seemed impossible. Jesus taught a higher morality. There was to be no divorce. Among the believers in this time of intense devotion, the men answered this call. Marriage became a permanent commitment. These enduring marriages were a sign to all of the great powers given by the Holy Spirit. A new culture began, that transformed history. Such is the great power of the baptismal life.

August 20, 2013

Prayer for the Dying”


A special moment came when a believer died. For some, this was the great victory of martyrdom.

Their names were venerated and their stories recorded by the community. Others died a natural death. In every case, great joy filled the community because Jesus had destroyed the veil that had hidden life after death.

Devout Jews had debated the question of the existence of life after death. Even those who believed were not sure what that life would be like. Jesus, by his rising, cast great light on this darkness. We rejoiced that these deaths took place after the resurrection because we knew that Baptism had conferred the divine life lost by sin.

Now, I come to my point. Whenever a believer was dying, we gathered for prayers. The apostles (or a leader of the community) laid hands in faith that in Jesus’ name healing and full forgiveness would be given. These acts strengthened the dying. Many got well. Others received the great peace of full reconciliation. After death, we cared faithfully for the body that had been a temple of the Holy Spirit. This was the faith and practice of the Early Community.

August 21, 2013

Early Missionaries”


The little community of believers knew exactly what to do. They went to every town and village, preaching the good news that Jesus had died and risen. They wanted people to repent and to believe. They baptized the believers, bestowing this powerful divine life that I have just described. They trusted this divine life, the Holy Spirit himself, to transform the new believer. They knew all the helps that Jesus had provided to foster this divine life.

My Church must go back and learn the secrets of the Early Church. They must learn to release the powers of Baptism which are often tied up because of ignorance and lack of faith.

The divine life within the person, and nothing else, can transform the soul so it lives as Jesus lived. Every other approach is doomed to failure. The secret lies in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in each believer.

Explaining the Power of the Holy Spirit in the Baptized (August 22 to September 6, 2013)

August 22, 2013

Using Our Human Natures”


All three divine persons manifest their presence and power. The Father’s power is seen in the magnificence of all creation. The Word is manifested in all the words and deeds of Jesus. The Spirit, too, wants to manifest his power. In these daily visitations, I will explain this mystery that is covered over and forgotten, causing the Spirit to be called the “hidden” and “forgotten” person of the Trinity (which he is not supposed to be).

In the great mystery of my womb, the Word became flesh, taking to himself a new human nature. He used his humanity to reveal himself. The Holy Spirit acts quite differently. He assumes no new human nature, but uses each baptized person as his instrument. As the baptized person allows the Spirit to act through him, the Church and the world see the reality of the Spirit and are blessed by his actions.

August 23, 2013

The Spirit’s Anointing”


The heavenly Father had given Jesus definite tasks to accomplish. He had to preach, to heal, and to raise from the dead. He also had to be obedient even to his death on the cross. To fulfill the Father’s will Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit at his Baptism. Even before that, Jesus was led by the Spirit. That is why he knew to remain in the temple (his Father’s house) when he was 12 years old.

Jesus was quite aware of the Spirit’s anointing. He told those in the Nazareth synagogue, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor”.

He also knew that the Father would send the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth upon the disciples. He prophesied, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes down upon you”. He commanded the disciples not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father.

The Father had his task of creation. Jesus had his task of redemption. The Spirit has his task of sanctification. He fulfills this task every day but he needs the cooperation of the baptized to fulfill it.

August 24, 2013

Changed Lives”


The Holy Spirit brought about many miracles among the early disciples but his greatest manifestation was their changed lives. A great holiness came upon the Early Church. Each person was a new creation. The former sins were put away and goodness filled them.

They rejoiced to be with each other, to share in the prayers, the Eucharist and their common life. When people came into Jesus’ presence, they knew that they had to change their life. If not, they departed (as Judas at the Last Supper). So it was with the early community, formed by the Spirit of Jesus. The Church’s fervor called the person to goodness. The Holy Spirit used this community as his instrument in changing lives. This was the secret of the Church’s tremendous growth.

August 25, 2013

The Believing Community”


Do not be surprised at all that I reveal about my spouse, the Spirit of Jesus, because so much has been hidden for so long. Today, I will speak of the community of believers which he formed by the powers of Baptism. Much is lacking in the Church because the powers of Baptism are unknown. They are unknown because there exists no true community of believers who manifest these powers and can communicate them to the newly baptized.

Recall the scenes of the Early Church. Because of a special joy, all the believers wanted to come together. The Spirit joined their hearts in the gift of religious experiences. They knew that the Spirit was in their midst. His signs and wonders manifested him. He became present to each believer by his living flame. This is what is missing today, a community which daily experiences the fire of the Spirit and communicates this fire to new believers.

August 26, 2013

The Mighty Rivers”


The Holy Spirit comes as a mighty river. The soul finds itself filled with a great joy. Tears flow. Emotions pour out. The soul feels like some divine fire pierced its heart. The soul has no doubt. No one needs to explain the Holy Spirit who now works so powerfully within.

At other times, the Spirit comes like a quiet stream. Again, the soul cannot doubt. Peace, a deep and lasting peace, covers the soul. It believes and hopes in God with no effort at all.

Some divine power surrounds the soul All is different. Again, the soul knows that it abides in God’s loving hands.

There are two secrets to this great release of the Holy Spirit. First, the person must know and seek these powers. The Spirit wants to flow like a mighty river. Second, the community must believe in these powers. How can the person know unless the community believes and manifests the joy and fervor of the Spirit’s presence? I want the Church to become communities of the Holy Spirit. Anything else will completely fail. The Spirit will bring about a victory march. Without his powers, all will be defeat. This call is very deep. A superficial response loses everything.

August 27, 2013

The Great Manifestations”


Jesus was born quietly in a hidden manger in Bethlehem. However, at the great feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came in a great manifestation of power in the very center of Jerusalem. From the very beginning, he wanted the whole world to know that he had come and would abide until the end of time.

On Pentecost, we were gathered in the Upper Room, faithful to Jesus’ command to wait in Jerusalem until anointed with the Spirit. Each day, we continued in prayer and great expectancy. Suddenly, we heard a noise like a mighty wind that filled the room. Then, we saw tongues like fire that parted and rested on each of us. For the first time, under the Spirit’s power, we began to speak in different tongues. This was the first and abiding manifestation of the Spirit.

This manifestation would constantly happen when the Spirit was given. Cornelius and his family spoke in tongues (The Pentecost of the Gentiles – Acts 10; 44-49). The disciples of Ephesus spoke in tongues (Acts 19:6). This powerful manifestation was so common in the Early Church that Paul wrote to the Corinthians, “I should like all of you to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy (1Cor.14:5). How important are all the Spirit’s manifestations. Yet, they are mostly unknown in the Church. The Holy Spirit, alas, remains hidden and unknown.

August 28, 2013

The Spirit Forms Community”


The Early Church was a community filled with great signs and wonders, the works performed by the Holy Spirit through the believers. You cannot understand these phenomena without grasping the intense life of that beginning community. Today, even Catholics do not enjoy a community.

After mass, they often return to their individual lives.

In the beginning, the Spirit’s fire led the people to fuse their lives. They became a family, joined as brothers and sisters. They praised God together. They shared their stories and they gathered others. In this intense sharing, they experienced the Spirit’s powers. He healed. He prophesied. He raised up teachers and leaders. Within the community, all of these powers were expected. The people had intense faith. If they withdrew from the community, they returned to a world without faith, and they lost these manifestations. Experiencing the Spirit’s powers depends on the closeness and fervor of the community of believers.

The Spirit wants to restore these powers. Catholics must understand and be willing to join regularly with others. This is the secret of true Church renewal.

August 29, 2013

Gifts of Service”


The Holy Spirit wants to pour out these gifts of service but so many do not even know what they are or how they are received. St. Paul writes, “I do not want you to be in ignorance of the spiritual gifts” (1Cor.12:1). This ignorance is widespread and believers do not come together. How can a person use a gift of service when there is nobody to serve? These gifts flourish when believers know about them and gather in the Spirit.

At Medjugorje, I spoke often of these little groups of prayer, but who has heard my plea? So, I make it again. The renewal of the Church depends totally upon the Holy Spirit. He wants to be known and to show forth his power. He will pour out these powerful gifts if believers come together.

Satan wants to isolate the believer and to immerse him in the world. The Spirit calls the believer out of the world so he can join with others. Today, so many do not even go to mass.

How can the Spirit give them power to serve? Those that go to mass, are in ignorance of the spiritual gifts and do not gather with other believers in prayer.

Is it any wonder why the Church is weak? I am trying to explain the secrets of the Spirit’s workings. Just begin. Study the books. Come together. I will be in your midst to lead you. Do it today. Remember, the time is very, very short.

August 30, 2013

Importance of Prophesy”


Today, I will speak of the importance to the Church of prophetic visions and words. Later, I will teach about the use of prophesy. Look again at the Early Church. How did this great missionary enterprise reach the end of the known world in just a few decades? Was this the work of human genius? Not at all. Read the scriptures. All was guided by the revealing gifts of the Spirit.

By a prophetic vision, Peter knew to go to the home of Cornelius, the Gentile (Acts C10). By prophetic words spoken at Antioch, Barnabas and Saul were sent forth on the great missionary journey (Acts C13). On the second journey, the Holy “Spirit did not allow Paul to preach in Asia. Instead, a prophetic vision called him to Macedonia in Europe (Acts C16). Later, when Paul was to return to Jerusalem, he already knew clearly that he would be taken prisoner because of a prophecy given by Agabus (Acts 21:10-11). While in custody, the Lord himself told Paul, that, having preached the gospel in Jerusalem, he would also bear witness in Rome (Acts 23:11).

Where would the Early Church have been without the Holy Spirit’s prophetic revelations? The community would be floundering and subjected to every kind of failure. Such is the plight of today’s Church because the prophetic word is not spoken and the prophetic vision is not received.

Prophecy is not an extraordinary experience like God speaking from the mountaintop amid thunder and lightning. Prophecy is a quiet voice, heard within the heart.

At times the Spirit reveals the Father’s will for the soul. These words are just for the person. Sometimes, the words are for another person, a group, for the Church, or even for the whole world (such as these locutions). This is what I will explain.

August 31, 2013

The Importance of Prophesy”


Prophecy is very important because it is the word of God. Paul writes, “Strive eagerly for the spiritual gifts, above all that you may prophesy” (1Cor.14:1) because “whoever prophesies builds up the Church (V4).

The Spirit has already given God’s word in the Bible and in the authoritative teachings of the Church. True prophesy never contradicts that word but applies the word and explains God’s plan in individual circumstance.

How the Holy Spirit wants to speak out! Through the gift of prophesy he guides the individual speaks to congregations and even leads the entire Church. To set aside this spiritual gift is to walk in a useless darkness. I ask “Can human solutions save the Church? Can the thoughts of man, even the thoughts of bishops and popes adequately guide the Church? God’s plans are hidden and he reveals the great mysteries through the prophets.

Oh, when will the spiritual gift of prophecy come forth to illumine the Church? When will those who guide my Church accept the prophetic word? Even when I speak in authorized apparitions, the words are set aside.

The future of the Church will be filled with a great light and power resulting from the Spirit pouring out his prophetic word. As Peter said, “Your sons and your daughters will prophesy.” (Acts 2:17). Yes, all from the greatest to the least will speak God’s word and new life will flow out.

September 1, 2013

Evangelizing and Miracles”


The evangelizing success of the Early Church depended much on signs and wonders. When Peter healed the lame man in the temple, 5000 came to believe (Acts 4:4). When Paul healed Publius at Malta, the whole island believed (and remains Catholic until today). When Philip went to Samaria, he drove out many demons. Paralyzed and crippled people were cured. Great joy, came upon the city and many were baptized. (Acts C7).

These events parallel the ministry of Jesus. He preached that the kingdom of God was present. His miracles showed the people that his preaching was true. Jesus told his disciples to proclaim the gospel to every creature and to baptize those who believed. He promised that signs would accompany the preaching, that they would drive out demons and heal the sick by laying hands. Evangelization and miracles should go together.

Widespread evangelizing without widespread signs and wonders is impossible. Many try to preach but (as Paul says) are ignorant of these spiritual gifts of healing, raising from the dead and driving out demons. Their harvest is bound to be small.

September 2, 2013

Discernment of Spirits”


Discernment of Spirits is a very important spiritual gift which is also unknown to most. There are three “spirits” – the Holy Spirit, the human spirit and the diabolical spirit. The Holy Spirit guided Jesus to stay behind in the temple. When I asked, “Son, why have you done this to us?” He replied, “Should I not be in my Father’s house?” The Holy Spirit told him to stay in the temple.

When Peter refused to believe that Jesus would suffer and when he refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet, until he was corrected, Peter was acting in the human spirit.

When Judas betrayed Jesus and left the Last Supper, he was acting under the demonic spirit which controlled his heart. “It was night”.

The human spirit stands between God’s Spirit (who invites it to goodness) and the demonic spirit that uses every opportunity to enslave it to darkness. If people do not pray, their human spirit, with all its passion, ambitions and weaknesses will inevitably make false steps and walk in diabolical darkness. How much the soul needs to discern which spirit is guiding its decisions.

September 3, 2013

Discerning the Evil One”


The spirit of evil is most effective when he is hidden and people do not realize that he is at work. The gift of discernment unmasks him, reveals him, and shows the person how to be freed from his power.

He is the spirit of lies, confusion and division. He is the spirit of wars, suffering and destruction. He is the spirit of lust. (Oh, how this spirit has gone forth upon the world.) He is the spirit of death in abortions and of hatred in relationships. He is the spirit of greed that drives a person to seek avariciously and to forget his neighbor. He is the spirit of infidelity that leads a spouse into illicit relationships. He is the spirit of addictions that claims alcoholics and those who use drugs.

He is the spirit of division that divides and destroys families; the spirit of hatred and revenge which resists God’s gift of forgiving others. He is the spirit of rebellion when people say, “I will not serve God.” How extensive is his influence. Because he is not seen, he goes undetected.

He is everywhere, but must act only on the surface until he discovers some door into the human heart. Then he enters, until he is revealed and renounced.

September 4, 2013

The Spirit’s Wisdom”


There must be an explosion of the Spirit’s wisdom for the whole world to be enlightened.

Otherwise, man is doomed to follow the wisdom of the world, the flesh and the devil. The wisdom of the world is the foolishness of ambition and greed. The wisdom of the flesh is the selfishness of every kind. The wisdom of the devil is a multiplicity of snares that entrap people and nations in a thousand ways.

Without the Spirit of Wisdom, man’s intellect is darkened. He is like a blind man in a darkened room, seldom making even one correct decision.

Only the Spirit’s wisdom can transfer man from darkness into light. Then, all of his decisions bring about the kingdom of Jesus. What would Jesus do, or say, or decide, or counsel? The Spirit sends forth this fountain of Jesus’ wisdom. Oh, how the world needs these waters.

O reader, just come to me before every decision and I will ask my spouse, the Holy Spirit to enlighten you.

September 5, 2013

People Helping Mary”


Even though I was the mother of God and the spouse of the Holy Spirit, it was the Father’s plan that I be helped by those who used the gifts of service. How I rejoiced when Elizabeth said, “Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb”. My heart was lifted up when the shepherds came to Bethlehem and recounted all that the angels had said to them.

There was the prophecy of Simeon which guided me all my life. Jesus would be a light to the nations but my own heart a sword would pierce.

Most of all, there was Joseph. The Spirit guided him by dreams showing him to accept me as his wife even though I was pregnant. By these dreams, Joseph took us safely to Egypt and then knew when to return to Israel. Even I needed others to help me by their gift of service.

Everyone needs this help. When these gifts are unknown, set aside or even looked down upon, my people walk in darkness and fear. Many lose their way.

Let there be new spiritual lights, millions of lights of service placed in the hearts of all believers. Come, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can fashion a new world. Without the Spirit, only darkness and destruction are possible.

September 6, 2013

Who Is In Control?”


At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus openly proclaimed, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He has anointed me to preach the good news”. The Holy Spirit was in control and Jesus willingly subjected himself to the Spirit’s actions. “I always do the will of the Father”, Jesus said. The Holy Spirit brought about this total surrender.

The question is, “Who is in control?” Who is in control of your life? Who is in control of the Church? The Holy Spirit should be in control. The Spirit is like a dove. He needs to be invited and he knows when he is not welcome. O reader, O Church, I have explained everything.

Now, the decision is yours. Do you want to control your lives or do you want the Spirit to be in control?

Read again the Acts of the Apostles. See the results when the Spirit is in control. Imitate the disciples surrender and you will experience the Spirit’s power.




A Commentary

By a soul

(In Honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

August 15, 2016 Feast of the Assumption)

After I spent some time in prayer, I decided to study some messages found in Locutions To The World. Similar to how I study messages at Holy Love Ministry (, I will search using key words that inspire me. Then, I will read all the related messages for their words of wisdom from Our Lord and Our Lady.

And so, as I was studying messages, I came across two locutions that I wish to reflect upon for this commentary. They are the messages of April 17, 2013 and April 22, 2014.

These two locutions intrigued me, because they talk about music. I have included the complete messages at the end of this commentary for others to read. Specifically, the Blessed Mother speaks of the “new song” the faithful will both listen to on earth and will sing in Heaven.

In particular, Jesus says these words on April 17, 2013:

Now I come to the heart of my teaching, my mother. I have placed all these mysteries in her heart. As the Father has given them to me, so I have given them to her. She, a creature like everyone else, is certainly not too high to reach. Go to her Immaculate Heart and you will find all these mysteries. As I have poured them into her heart, she will pour them into your heart. This is the great secret of the Immaculate Heart and why the heavenly Father wants this to be the Age of Mary. I cannot speak any clearer.”

And then, the Blessed Mother says these interesting words:

Who am I? I am the mother of the Church. All are born in me. This is the great mystery, concealed until now, but being made known through the worldwide revelations, appearances and locutions. The voices come from everywhere, from every continent and in many different tongues. The song they sing and the message they bring forth are always the same.”

Why is this? So all the world can hear the new song arising from the hearts of those who love Jesus, the lamb who was slain. What is this new song, held in reserve for centuries? What are they singing? This is their song, “Mary is the mother of the lamb who was slain. She is at his side as he opens the scrolls and as God’s plan unfolds. Blessed is he who hears what the Spirit is saying to the Churches”.”


Now, the reason I found these words intriguing is because Our Lady alludes specifically to Chapter 5 and Chapter 14, Verses 1-5, of the Book of Revelation. I have included these words of Holy Scripture at the end of this commentary as well, so others can study them.

In Chapter 5, St. John the Apostle writes that he sees a Scroll at the right hand of God the Father in Heaven, which has writing on both sides and it is sealed with Seven Seals. He sheds many tears, because no one on earth or Heaven is worthy enough to open or examine the Scroll. But then, an angel comforts him, by saying that the Lamb of God, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is worthy to open the Scroll by the Most Precious Blood that He shed.

And so, the elders surround the Throne of God the Father, sing a new hymn—a new song—honoring the Lamb of God as being worthy to open the Scroll. This new song is then continued to be sung by the angels, and then by all Creation. And St. John the Apostle writes down the words of this new song of the elders, angels, and Creation, in the Book of Revelation.

However, in Chapter 14, St. John the Apostle writes of another “new song” he hears in Heaven. It is a new hymn that only the 144,000 sealed virgins learn how to sing. And so, St. John the Apostle cannot write down the words of these chosen saints. It is hidden from him.

Yet, as shown, the Blessed Mother finally reveals on April 17, 2013, in a locution, what this mystery apocalyptic hymn is being sung in Heaven. The “new song” that has been hidden for two thousand years. It is:

Mary is the mother of the lamb who was slain. She is at his side as he opens the scrolls and as God’s plan unfolds. Blessed is he who hears what the Spirit is saying to the Churches”.

And so, this is a joy to understand, because just as a vision of the Lamb of God precedes the scene where Our Lord, Jesus Christ, opens the Scroll of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse, so, then, in Chapter 12, St. John the Apostle sees a vision of Our Lady as the Woman Clothed with the Sun. This vision of Our Lady (as Our Lady of Guadalupe) precedes the mention of the new song in Heaven, which turns out to be a Marian ode of honor to Our Lady.

Now, I wish to speak about some thoughts I have had tonight on Chapter 14, Verses 1-5, of the Book of Revelation. Firstly, let me explain who the 144,000 sealed virgins are… They are the faithful ones who overcome the persecution of the Great Tribulation.

144,000 is considered a “perfect” number by ancient Israel and expresses a “multitude” or “countless” number of saints. 12 is a “perfect” number because it reflects the twelve tribes of the nation of Israel. 12 is also seen as a “perfect” number in the original number of Apostles chosen by Our Lord. So 12 by 12 x 1000 (144,000) is an exceeding great—countless—number, because ancient Israel did not have a number to express a “million” or a “billion,” etc. Expressing 144,000 is considered “infinite.”

Now, I have written before that the Blessed Mother has revealed that She desires to confer Her “Seal of the Immaculate Conception” on all those who enter the Refuge of Her Immaculate Heart. This divine teaching of the “Seal of the Immaculate Conception” was introduced by Our Lady in Her messages found in Locutions To The World. In Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation, we see Our Lady giving birth to Her offspring—the children given to Her by Her Son, Jesus, at the foot of The Cross, as the New Eve. These children—us—are sinners, unlike Her Divine Son. Yet, it is by the conferral of the Seal of the Immaculate Conception on Her sinful children that they, too, can become sinless like Her Son.

Thus, I have written that the easiest path to holiness is following the “roadmap” given by Our Lord and Our Lady at Holy Love Ministry—the Most Sacred Chambers of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary—because the presence of the Seal of the Immaculate Conception is present from the very beginning as the Flame of Holy Love in the first Sacred Chamber. This Flame of Holy Love, which is a flame that purges one from sin, continues with the soul throughout their spiritual journey through the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, until the Sixth Chamber is achieved—an “immaculate” state of grace in Unitive Love within the Divine Heart of Our Heavenly Father.

Thus, I believe that the 144,000 sealed virgins of Chapter 14 in the Book of Revelation are the countless multitude of saints who overcome the Great Tribulation and persecution of the antichrist, by seeking the way of salvation and holiness as provided for by the messages of Jesus and Mary at Holy Love Ministry. They are the immaculate oneslike new-found virgins—who sing the “new song” of being Mary’s children in Heaven.

Finally, I want to address questions about why these “heavenly realities” are so hidden. Why was the Book of Revelation written in such vivid imagery and symbolism? If God wants us to understand such matters, why does He not tell us in a straightforward manner?

I believe it is for two reasons. The first reason is that God is respecting our free-will. Prophecy is given in such a way that it will not inhibit our free will and creative freedom as His loving children.

And the second reason is satan.

I have included four messages found in Locutions To The World that address the “secret plans” of God. The Immaculate Heart of Our Lady is the secret plan of Our Heavenly Father. It is the secret divine weapon that satan has not had time to plan for and devise against during these past two thousand years.

The Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was a crushing defeat for satan. satan did not understand the Messianic secret that God was planning to raise Jesus from the dead until The Cross was raised at Calvary. Thus, satan had no opportunity to plan for it even though the Messiah had been promised since the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Likewise, satan has regrouped his forces for two thousand years. he is approaching the culmination of his centuries-long demonic plan to bring hell to the entire earth in which he hopes to crush the Light of the Resurrection in the hearts of mankind. satan wants mankind to be so far from anything of God that mankind is eternally lost to Him and the Divine Plan is ruined.

So, I believe that Our Heavenly Father held back certain heavenly revelations and divine truths in reserve for this special time of heightened darkness, The End Times, so that when satan was ready to unleash his demonic hell on earth, Our Father could bring forth His secret weapon—His secret plan of attack—Our Lady—as the Woman Clothed with the Sun.

Thus, satan has had two thousand years to plan for the Second Coming of Our Lord. But, he has nothing planned for against Our Lady. And all the answers for all of the planned darkness of satan lie safely in the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.

We only need to seek the Refuge of Her Immaculate Heart. God bless!


Book of Revelation

Chapter 5

The Scroll and the Lamb.

1 I saw a scroll in the right hand of the one who sat on the throne. It had writing on both sides and was sealed with seven seals.

2 Then I saw a mighty angel who proclaimed in a loud voice, “Who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?”

3 But no one in heaven or on earth or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to examine it.

4 I shed many tears because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to examine it.

5 One of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. The lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has triumphed, enabling him to open the scroll with its seven seals.”

6 Then I saw standing in the midst of the throne and the four living creatures and the elders a Lamb that seemed to have been slain. He had seven horns and seven eyes; these are the [seven] spirits of God sent out into the whole world.

7 He came and received the scroll from the right hand of the one who sat on the throne.

8 When he took it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones.

9 They sang a new hymn:

Worthy are you to receive the scroll

and to break open its seals,

for you were slain and with your blood you purchased for God

those from every tribe and tongue, people and nation.

10 You made them a kingdom and priests for our God,

and they will reign on earth.”

11 I looked again and heard the voices of many angels who surrounded the throne and the living creatures and the elders. They were countless in number,

12 and they cried out in a loud voice:

Worthy is the Lamb that was slain

to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength,

honor and glory and blessing.”

13 Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, everything in the universe, cry out:

To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb

be blessing and honor, glory and might,

forever and ever.”

14 The four living creatures answered, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped.

Book of Revelation

Chapter 14, Verses 1-5

The Lamb’s Companions.

1 Then I looked and there was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads.

2 I heard a sound from heaven like the sound of rushing water or a loud peal of thunder. The sound I heard was like that of harpists playing their harps.

3 They were singing [what seemed to be] a new hymn before the throne, before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn this hymn except the hundred and forty-four thousand who had been ransomed from the earth.

4 These are they who were not defiled with women; they are virgins and these are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They have been ransomed as the first fruits of the human race for God and the Lamb.

5 On their lips no deceit has been found; they are unblemished.



April 17, 2013

Revealing the Great Secret”


So many do not understand these mysteries, the great powers that the heavenly Father has placed in my Sacred Heart so I might distribute them to all mankind. The human race must come to me. I am the Beloved Son in whom the Father has placed all blessings. This is the mystery which I am trying to explain.”

When someone turns away from me, I cannot pour out these blessings. When someone renounces their faith, the blessings must stop. The mystery of God’s plan is thwarted. What should have been easily accomplished in the light is lost in the darkness.”

Now I come to the heart of my teaching, my mother. I have placed all these mysteries in her heart. As the Father has given them to me, so I have given them to her. She, a creature like everyone else, is certainly not too high to reach. Go to her Immaculate Heart and you will find all these mysteries. As I have poured them into her heart, she will pour them into your heart. This is the great secret of the Immaculate Heart and why the heavenly Father wants this to be the Age of Mary. I cannot speak any clearer.”


Who am I? I am the mother of the Church. All are born in me. This is the great mystery, concealed until now, but being made known through the worldwide revelations, appearances and locutions. The voices come from everywhere, from every continent and in many different tongues. The song they sing and the message they bring forth are always the same.”

Why is this? So all the world can hear the new song arising from the hearts of those who love Jesus, the lamb who was slain. What is this new song, held in reserve for centuries? What are they singing? This is their song, “Mary is the mother of the lamb who was slain. She is at his side as he opens the scrolls and as God’s plan unfolds. Blessed is he who hears what the Spirit is saying to the Churches”.

April 22, 2014
“A Song of Hope”


I will place everything before your eyes so the world will see. Mankind marches to Satan’s tune. He plays his sweet music and attracts the hearts of many, like a pied piper. Mankind only hears the music and pays no attention to his path.”

So, I put forth these locutions. They have their own attraction. They resonate deeply in the heart. People say, “These words are true. I must listen more and more”. The more I speak, the greater are the numbers who listen. They find in my words new lyrics and truths that give peace.”

Come, my children, just listen and I will sing you a song of hope. My songs are of a new life that comes only by faith in Jesus. I will be the new pied piper and soon the world will hear two songs, Satan’s song of death and my song of hope.”

You will dance to my music and your hearts will be light. You will say, “Yes, it can be done. Mankind can turn away from selfish pursuits. He can live in harmony. Individual freedoms can flourish and goals be accomplished without surrendering our freedoms.” The secret lies in the music. I am a different drummer, playing a new song. Listen for my music in your heart. It is already playing, the band has begun.”



December 9, 2013

Every Person’s Identity”


As the new Eve, the mother of a humanity restored to grace, I received the whole human race into my heart. Now, I hold within me the identity of every person. This is God’s secret plan for everyone who exists.”

God’s plan for all of human history flows out from my Immaculate Heart. Oh, how great is my sorrow when God’s plan does not go forth, when mankind chooses its own path and its own goals.”

Just as Jesus came forth from my womb as the Word made Flesh, so every person is meant to come forth from my Immaculate Heart, formed totally in Jesus’ image. This secret will only be known to the whole world when the Fatima gift is finally released.”

January 7, 2014

Mary Will Be Everywhere”


Man searches and searches, always seeking new ways and new inventions, always hoping that the next new discovery will finally bring the unending happiness for which he yearns. Yet, he never finds and continues to search.”

He needs a new wisdom which will show him where and how to search. He must understand his own inner desires which are made for God. He avoids these truths. He shoves the Almighty to the sidelines. He even outlaws him and restricts his name from being mentioned. He removes God from public life because so many have already removed him from their private life.”

So, God will send a woman to entrap man’s hearts. God has appealed to man through his Son. Now, he will seek man through the woman. This is the Father’s secret plan.”

I will be everywhere. Already, I am appearing in many places. I will take on new forms. There will be new devotions, new books, new understanding. I repeat. I will be everywhere. No one will think to exclude me. And when I come, I will always bring Jesus.”

May 12, 2014

Surprising Satan”


God is love, an infinite love that always pours forth blessings, like the sun that gives only light. If there is darkness, no one blames the sun. So, if there is evil, no one should blame God. Somehow, his love has been blocked, kept out, and unable to enter.”

In his secret plan, the heavenly Father has placed this love in my Immaculate Heart. He has told me, “Mary, go to the world. You will be more than just my messenger. Your heart will carry my love. I have so united your heart with Jesus’ heart, that the two hearts are as one. You are so united that it would be more difficult to separate your hearts than to separate the sun from its rays”.”

So, I go everywhere with this great secret of my Immaculate Heart, a mystery kept hidden for centuries but now revealed to a world that is plunging into darkness.”

O mankind, the heavenly Father has united my heart with Jesus’ heart. He has surprised Satan, who had no idea that he would be conquered by a Woman. Against my Immaculate Heart, he has no defenses.”

He has not been able to plan for this surprise. He wants my words to be hidden but, by these locutions, I speak openly to the whole world. All is new!”

August 2, 2015

God’s Infinite Stream of Goodness”


In the infinite goodness of God and the tenderness of my heart, a stream will go forth to mankind which no satanic action can stop. Satan does not know the secret plans of God which the Father has revealed to me fully.”

Mankind will try to regain his equilibrium and rebuild his systems. Such is the natural force of self-preservation, but Satan knows these plans and has prepared for these responses. He holds back some of his powers for a later date, not spending his forces all at once.”

This will be the great mistake of mankind. People will believe that the early events are all that are coming and that they can rebuild. They will not use this time to repent of their evils and turn to God. They will continue in a human wisdom which is no match for Satan’s plans. They will not have learned the teachings which I am pouring out.”

Mankind has lost its way. It has lost its ability to hear God’s voice or to see his light. When confronted with the satanic evil, it will have only its natural light as a guide.”

A stream of God’s infinite goodness flows continually through my Heart. None of this stream is lost. I pass every blessing on to mankind. In the events, all that mankind needs to do is to seek these blessings in my heart.”

Remember my words, “I will not abandon you. My heart contains all that you will need. There will be a great stream of blessings. Day after day, sufficient help for you and your family. I will not abandon anyone who seeks me.” ”



February 18, 2015

A Path Revealed to the Little Ones”


The path of light is a road filled with blessings which are hidden from the proud but revealed quickly to the little ones who want to walk my ways.

First, they see that I am with them in every danger, always protecting them from the harm which is caused by others or by their own foolish decisions.

Second, they experience my constant encouragement. They know that when the great problems come upon them, that I will be there to help carry them. Third, they often experience my presence, as warmth or a peace comes over them. This quiets their fears and allows them to choose the right road.

Thirdly, they know that I will be with them until the end. I will never abandon them until that moment when I embrace them forever and ever. This is the path of light which is open to all the little ones. How do you become “a little one”? This is the great secret. A person must decide to be a “little one” (and everyone in the world can make that decision).

First, they must see that their own strength and their own intellect are unable to overcome all their difficulties.

Second, they must be filled with hope, that I hear their every cry.

Third, they must walk in my ways, according to my truths. This is the great illumination that takes place in the heart, when the person allows me to place my new light within them.

Now, they are my little one, able to walk my path of light.

February 15, 2015

The First Three Steps”


I must teach this way of light quickly because the darkness can already be seen. This path has only little steps, but it has great gifts. These I pour out on all who walk. This is the first truth. You do the little things and I do the great things. At every step, huge blessings await. This is why I must teach.

People think that they must do great things, especially as the darkness comes. Really, they must do only little things, but these acts are so important. They dispose and prepare the person for my acts.

The first little act is always faith, and faith comes from hearing. I speak. You listen. What happens to the word? You either accept it or reject it. If you accept it, then it enters your heart and you set out on the path of light. If you reject it, my word sits by the wayside, and you choose other roads, roads of darkness.

The second step is hope. “I am on a journey. Mary is with me. I will not go astray. She will protect me. If I fall, she will pick me up. If I fear, she will calm me. Even if I sin, she will lead me to forgiveness. It is different now. I am not alone. The Virgin is with me and she is my mother”. Such are the thoughts of hope, always casting out the darkness of doubts.

The third step is a choice, a choice of love, when your will embraces me. How many times and with such great tenderness, I have embraced you. But that is not enough. You must embrace me. Do this now. This great act of love seals everything. Once you embrace me, I will never let you go. I will always show up. I will intervene. When you embrace me, you give me permission to act as your mother.

You can see that this path is very easy but you would never have found it unless I revealed it to you.

February 16, 2015

The Flame and the Candle”


The path of light is my gift to those who accept me. Many set me aside, as if I were not important in the Father’s plan. Others see no need to call upon my help. If you are one of these, it is specifically for you that I speak today. Without me, you can certainly walk a road to the Father through Jesus, but that road is hard to find and difficult to walk.

The heavenly Father foresaw this present time of darkness brought about by the cleverness of Satan’s plan. For this moment of history, God reserved a new and special light, a candle burning brightly which each person can hold. Is that not what you yourselves do? When the lights go out, you use candles, because there is no central light. So each person carries their own lit candle and all feel safe.

Picture me as the Heavenly Father’s candle and Jesus as the flame. Can you have the flame without the candle? I am not the flame. Jesus is the flame, but I am the candle, easily available to all who accept me. The candle comes first, then the flame. Who would try to take the flame into their own hands? That is foolishness. Only harm would result.

How long will the candle burn? How bright will be its flame? I am the Father’s candle and I will burn as long and as brightly as each one needs. I am Immaculate. The light will be pure, piercing and totally able to lead you. When the night grows darker, I will burn more brightly. When the wind comes, I, myself, will protect the flame. Even if the flame goes out, I will ask the heavenly Father and He will light your candle again.

The time is now because you must get your candle before the darkness comes.



May 17, 2012

Why Does Satan Delay?”


I know exactly what I must do. Everything is clear before my eyes. I see the forces of evil and how they are aligned. I see the plans that have been drawn up for centuries and those whom Satan will use. Nothing escapes my eye, because the Almighty One has revealed everything to me. I am the Woman Clothed with the Sun. To me, the Father has given power to conquer the Evil One and to set the world free of his darkness.

Why Delay?

I see the time that is so short. The beginning phases have already taken place but few are aware. The troops have been moved into place. It is just a matter of the general, Satan, giving the command. Why does he wait? His troops are overwhelming and his prey is unsuspecting and unprepared. What is the matter? He is making a mistake. He is not satisfied with what he already has and what he could easily snatch away. He sees what is outside of his grasp.

The Little Ones

Who are these? These are the thousands of “little ones”, my little ones. Those who have listened to my words. These are the “children of light”. They are not the thoughtless children of light who do not fully value the light. These are the enlightened souls. They cherish that light, value that light and will never sell the light. They are like the five wise virgins who would not share their oil, lest they would not meet the bridegroom. These are Satan’s greatest envy and he does not yet have them. They are not in his grasp and they are not even within his reach.

Loses Time

So, he waits. He even loses time. He willingly gives up other opportunities. He is furious that they escape his net. He tries other strategies, but I know them all and I warn my enlightened souls. They listen to me. They follow me. In this way, they stay out of Satan’s reach.

O reader, this is why I speak. Without my words, you would not survive his plans. Open your eyes to the dangers and you will never trust your own powers.


For Study:
“Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin” by St. Louis de Montfort
“The Secret of Mary” by St. Louis de Montfort


November 30, 2011

True Devotion of Mary”


I move about the world, always trying to make my presence felt, inspiring those who turn their hearts to me and filling them with divine wisdom so they make all their decisions in the light. What I am doing by these messages is to offer this light to all. A person does not need spiritual sensitivity. By these words, they know my thoughts. They do not even need to be seeking me. By these words, I seek them. This is the extraordinary purpose of these words. The help that I give regularly to devout people I give now to everyone who reads these messages.

Yes, O reader, I want to influence you. I want to enter your life. I want to guide you. I am your Mother, even if you do not yet know me. Even if you have not yet awakened to the woman who would bring you forth to birth and nourish you at her breast. I say “would bring you forth” because for some this has not yet happened. Let me explain.

Everyone has a physical mother. All spent months in her womb and came forth from her womb. Concerning this, you had no choice. Everyone also has a heavenly mother who would bring you forth to heavenly life, but this you must choose.

So, I invite you right now to choose me as your heavenly mother. Once this choice is made, all my powers of being a mother begin. Also, as you constantly choose me to be your mother, as you ask me each day to be your mother, my care and protection over you increases. This is the secret which I am now revealing to you.

You are a child and you need to be nursed. As you grow, I will help you to walk. And as you come to adulthood, I will guide your every step. This is called “The Secret of Mary” and has been revealed, especially to St. Louis de Montfort. I call all to learn this “True Devotion”, so that the spring of living water is yours. Learn it now. Do not delay. So many helps and favors are not distributed because people do not know about the True Devotion of St. Louis de Montfort. Read his books and they will open your eyes to hidden treasures.

December 7, 2011

Mary’s Special Invitation to You”


I wait and I wait for the world to turn to me. I speak and I speak, hoping the world will listen. I search and I search, trying to find hearts that would receive all my blessings. I will not cease to wait and to speak and to search, because I have a mother’s heart which can never forget the child of her womb.

Now I search in extraordinary ways. I do not limit my words to those who gather for worship. I go everywhere. I go to every nation in the world by these modern means of communication, but my messages are quite different.

When someone uses the Internet to send their message, the word goes forth for anyone in the world to read, but the person does not go forth, only their word. When my word goes forth, I accompany it. Yes, reader, as your eyes are now upon my word, I stand at your side. I touch your heart. I am already pouring out my gifts.

I am searching for you and I have found you. If only you would open your heart to me, I would enter your heart. Your heart is a very special place. There is a gate, a door into your heart which is closely guarded by your free will. No one can enter unless you are willing and no one can leave unless you eject them. This is the greatest mystery – the human heart with all of its choices.

All of your life, you have chosen whom to accept and whom to reject. This is a very special moment. You have a visitor at the gate. I stand at the door, and by these words, I knock, not just once but many times, not just softly but with great clamor. If you do not hear, I will knock louder. If you do not open, I will not go away. For years I have been searching for you. In the years of your sinfulness, I waited. In your years of questioning, I spoke. Now, at this moment, when so many of God’s graces have made you ready, I come and knock.

Look at your life. Has there not been a series of graces, a gradual turning away from the darkest moments of your life, as gradual, almost imperceptible dawning of light? Now, I am closer than ever before. I am the noonday sun and I want to bring you into a fullness of light that will always remain within you. Take the step. Seek out confession. Rid yourself of your sins and you will have stepped into a new day that will remain with you, all the days of your life.

December 11, 2011

Calming Fears of the Darkness”


The world is entering a time of great darkness and it is a long road back into the light. Many will get lost and never find the light, but I promise to guide everyone who trusts in me and listens to my messages through whatever darkness they encounter. I will tell you what I do.

When a person comes to me, I first quiet and still them. They are filled with fears and believe that they cannot continue. Sometimes, it takes a long while to quiet these fears because anxieties multiply themselves. They beget images that oppress. Everything is blown out of proportion. The fears enter the deep regions of the heart and paralyze the person. This power of darkness, these lies of Satan, need to be put to rest. I speak simple words with a mother’s voice because the person in this state has become like a helpless child. (But a helpless child at least has a mother while so many in the world do not know that they, too, have a mother.)

This comforting must happen again and again, because, in the darkness, fears multiply. So, I bring some rays of divine light. I recall the eternal truths to the person. The heavenly Father has not abandoned the world. He is drawing the person close to himself and he has sent me so that no one loses the way.

In this darkness, the person feels my presence. They do not see me but they know I am there. Sometimes, I give them great faith and peace in the middle of the trials. At other times, I bring about a sudden and surprising rescue from the difficulties. In both cases, the person knows that I am with them.

And so, we wait together, getting through one day at a time, surviving even amid the most difficult of times. Soon, the person grows strong in faith. They have survived the initial darkness. The fears are calmed and they return to their usual way of life. They are surprised. They can function. They can continue. The first waves of darkness have not destroyed them. There will be other waves but they know they have a mother who will help them. Blessed are those who know that I am the Woman, the powerful Mother of all mankind. How unfortunate those who think they are orphans.

January 7, 2012

Becoming a Child of the Light”


I watch over all my children but if they do not turn to me for light, then my protecting power is limited because I lead them mainly by light. Man has a free will but this is so often limited by the darkness of his intellect. In that darkness, the will sees only a few choices, none of them good. The will cannot choose what the intellect does not see. This is human nature, rational in seeing the possibilities and free in choosing among those possibilities.

However, if the possibilities are limited to earth, then the will can choose only earthly goals. By this constant choosing of earth, the darkness comes. The clouds cover over the heavenly realities. The person no longer sees a God who helps and enlightens. Man is left on his own, limited to an earth that cannot fulfill his dreams.

Piercing the Clouds

So, I come and I speak of heaven. With those words, a new light pierces the clouds. I am piercing the earthly clouds and revealing a new world. Let me describe this heavenly world that offers man the light that he needs to live in hope.

Man, you are not alone. You have a heavenly Father who created you. He wanted to come close to you so he sent his Son, Jesus. I am the mother of Jesus. He is real. I gave birth to him. He entered a very dark world but he brought a kingdom of total light. He brings out of darkness and into light whoever believes in him.

Removing Great Darkness

The greatness darkness is your sins. You carry that darkness within you. My Son will forgive your sins. His name is Jesus which means “One who saves from sins”. Once your sins are forgiven, you possess a great inner light. You see that you are a child of God, with a very important dignity. Your eyes are opened. You see the works of darkness (some which you yourself committed) and you no longer want to share in those works.

You are new, a child of the light. Once Jesus transforms you, your intellect is in light and your will has many new choices and you desire only the things of light. Do not worry about the darkness that is outside of you. Let Jesus remove the darkness that is inside of you and all will be light. I will be there for you.

January 9, 2012

Baptizing With the Holy Spirit and Fire”


As I speak, the waters of mercy flow from my Immaculate Heart, going forth to all whose hearts are open to receive. I speak so more hearts are open and can receive. Let us begin.

As my words first touch the heart, it seems hopeless. The water seems so frail and the obstacles seem so great. How will such a tiny stream even cleanse this heart that has been filled with so many sins or with so many disappointments, failures and heartaches?

Just the Beginning

But the stream is just beginning. The person has heard only the first words. Even here, some little problems are removed and new freedom comes.

The person begins to see the power of this stream. They see what they can do, what sins they can remove. Suddenly, my words and their personal efforts accomplish much. The person sees changes and new hope.

Then comes the next step, the sorrow for their sins and a seeking out of the priest. This does not happen at first. There is too much darkness. But when the light enters and hope springs up, then the person is ready.

Continue to Read

There is so much more. They will continue to read these messages. The words will mean so much more because I have drawn them close to my heart. Progress becomes quite rapid. It is no longer the water of my words, but the fire of my heart which is purging them.

When they have reached this divine fire, they are at home. They have arrived. No need to go any further. They will just remain in that divine fire and be made holy. John baptized with water but my Son baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire.

January 10, 2012

The Father Searches For You”


All the doors are open. No limit exists to the mercy and goodness of the Father. This is what I come to preach. This mercy will reach into the greatest darkness. Those who feel they have no opportunity for forgiveness will experience the warmth of divine love.

This is the new era which I am announcing to those hidden in the greatest darkness of sin, to those who for so long have given themselves over to the worst of vices, to these and many, many others, I proclaim that a new day of God’s forgiveness is dawning.

The Father’s Voice

No one will hold back this divine stream. It will flow everywhere. You will hear the heavenly Father’s voice saying, “Do not be afraid. I have come for you”. The merciful Father of the Prodigal Son waited and looked for his return. When he saw him afar off, he ran and embraced him. But even this is not enough. In this great time of darkness when so many of his children have left his house, the heavenly Father cannot just wait and look. He must go forth. He says, “I will search for my lost sons and daughters. I will find them wherever they are. Some are sick, burdened and despairing. Others are strong but their hearts are empty. Others know that they have lost the faith that they had as children.”

Search for You

The Father will search for you, O lost soul. He will not wait for you to come to your senses and say, “I must return to my Father’s house”. He will not stay at home. He will go forth. He will come into your world. He will show up at your door and he will say, “Come back. I will restore you to your place in my kingdom. I will once more give you the divine life which you have squandered”.

Already he is knocking at the door of your heart. Listen. Open the door and return. I will be there to help you.

January 12, 2012

The Gift of Light”


My words are true and those who listen will walk a true path. They will not be fooled nor search for what is illusion. They will be on a solid road. That is why I speak.

The Effects of Lies

Lies are infections that weaken the body of a nation. When there are so many lies, then the nation is sick, very sick. The lies are poisons, and as long as they lie hidden, they affect the body. America is built on so many lies. It claims that a fetus is not a person. This is the big lie which opens the door to so many evils.

Truth is a painful medicine and no one wants to swallow it. The remedy is put off and the lie spreads unchecked. So, I must speak.

Wanting the Light

I call everyone into a light where truth can be seen clearly. This light varies according to the recipient. For the good person, the light is gentle and urges them to greater good. For the sinner, the light is harsh. Not that I make it harsh but the light must expose what is evil. For the nation, the light must be very strong so all see and all can repent. I always offer my light but some condemn themselves to darkness because they do not want the light.

Now, I come to the heart of my teaching. You must ask for the light. That is the secret. Certainly, the light can come at any time but a sincere heart which asks will always receive the light. They will always accept the light, because they desired it before it was given.

When a person or a group or a nation asks me for light, I always give it in abundance. I give the light immediately, even though it takes time for the person to realize that they have the light. So, do not put off this easy task. Just ask for light and believe that I give it to you. This is not hard. Do it now. Do it often. I will always, always give you light.

January 14, 2012

The Path to Light”


When I come to anyone, a peace settles into their heart and the darkness does not inflict pain, even though it still remains. I say to the person, “Follow me” and then I lead them to light. Yes, this is the way that I save those who say the prayer, “Mary bring me into light”. Let me explain.

When the person asks me for light, the darkness is pierced immediately. The person has called upon heaven and heaven always responds. A ray of light descends from my heart into their heart. Not only that, I myself come and am present.

Even if the person is surrounded by dark circumstances of various kinds, like the death or sickness of a loved one and this enduring situation seems to have no answer, they must pray and look inside their hearts. I will come and begin to stir within their hearts. They must hope and believe. They must listen for my guidance.

The Ways of Light

Sometimes, I will send someone, an angel of my light, with the answer. At other times, the person will see what will be of help. We will work together until I lead the person out of the darkness into light.

Notice that I do not necessarily scatter the darkness (although this, too, happens). Most of the time, I bring the person out of the darkness. The situation remains the same, but the oppressive darkness (which is always the work of the evil one) is left behind. The person can now face the difficult situation with a heart bathed in the light of faith. That is my gift, a faith that brings light even if the situation does not change.

January 15, 2012

The Light of Conversion”


Why does the person not allow me to lead them into light? Is this not the greatest gift – to live in light? Yet, there are so many obstacles. First, the person does not realize that they are living in darkness. They think that darkness is light. This is the “wisdom of the world” which is foolishness to God.

So many, after coming into the light, see their past foolishness and say, “How did I ever think that way?” They have become wise, children of light.

It is only slowly that the scales of darkness fall away. When people pray, “Mary, bring me into your light”, I immediately begin to remove these scales, gently and slowly, so the person can adjust to the light.

A Conversion

Then comes a great moment, called by many “the moment of conversion”. By allowing me to remove some scales of darkness and by coming out of the deep darkness of serious sins and addictions and by taking some little steps into the light, the person is ready for the great gift of light. I do not delay. As soon as a person is ready, I bestow the great light. Let me describe that moment.

The person has chosen the light and has made some progress. Their heart is trying to turn away from earthly darkness to the heavenly light. This turning is so important because the will needs to be open and searching. As soon as the person is ready, I flood them with great light. This is a life-changing moment which they will never forget.

Suddenly they see the great value of heaven. They see how they have wandered. They see the divine mercy which did not let them fall into total darkness (when that was a distinct possibility). They see how God’s hand has led them to this moment. They are overwhelmed with thanksgiving. A gigantic light has been placed at the center, yes the very center, of their soul. It goes forth to their emotions and to all their inner faculties. What a gift and what a moment. I will explain more later.

January 16, 2012

The Stages of Light”


When the person arrives at the place of light, a peace fills them. They know that they have received the gift. What must they do to safeguard the light? First, they must hide it deep within their heart, like the world hides a precious jewel. They must not expose it to those who would steal it from them or to those temptations that could cast them back into the darkness. This is a very precarious time because the light has not yet taken root.

They must find others who are in light and will support them. They must find someone who can guide them on their spiritual journey and they must mark off clearly the doors of darkness which they must keep closed.

Next Stage

In all of these actions and decisions, I will be with them because I want them to be children of light, who enjoy the light and who do not lose it. As time goes on they will become very familiar with the light and all that it demands. The powers of darkness will recede and will lose their attractiveness. The darkness will seem evil and offensive. When this happens, it becomes even easier to avoid.

Final Stage

Eventually, the light takes total control. All the faculties act in light. Habits of light are developed and the power of light is everywhere. At this stage, the person has become truly a child of light. The beginning process is complete. They know they have been led out of darkness into light. Now, they are ready to walk the path of perfection.

January 17, 2012

How to Pray From the Heart”


I put before you choices of life and death. I am not speaking of earthly life and death, but of eternal life or eternal death. These are the choices made each day. Does a person wish to live with God forever or are they willing to lose eternal life because of some earthly satisfactions that are illicit? These are the daily decisions, life with God or life without God.

How horrible is life without God. (That darkness begins on earth.) How blessed is life with God. (That happiness begins on earth.) This is why I speak. I want to lead many into eternal life.

God is not far away. You need not travel a thousand miles to find him. He is already in your heart. Wherever you go, even when you flee from him, he is there, waiting for you to turn to him. That is the secret. That is all you need to do to find God. Really God finds you. Just turn your thoughts to him. I will show you how. Picture for a moment, a story from the gospel. You know some stories. If not, then read the gospels of Jesus.

Praying with the Imagination

Picture Jesus as a baby in my arms, or as a young boy in the temple, or being baptized in the Jordan, or preaching to the crowds, or praying in the Garden or dying on the cross. Any of these scenes will do, whatever you are attracted to. Use your imagination for a few moments and speak to Jesus from your heart. It might only be a short prayer but it will be from the heart. Congratulations. You have begun to walk the road of divine light. Be led to do this often. Just a short prayer where you picture Jesus and speak to him from your heart. That is truly a turning to God. Do not forget, I will always be there with you.

January 18, 2012

Eternal Light”


Man must put away senseless and useless things and come into full wisdom. There is so much striving for what passes away, and so little thought given to eternal life. Eternal life is the fullness of divine light, so I will describe it fully.

Life on earth always ends in mortal death. The body’s task is over. The soul which God created when the body was conceived now lives a separate existence. It is no longer united with the body, although on the resurrection at the last day, the soul will be reunited with its body.

The Created Human Person

The soul was created by God and is made for God. (This soul is the human person). So, at the moment of death, when the body is no longer a fit receptacle, the soul returns to the God who created it.

Sealed By Its Choices

However, much has happened in those intervening years, from the moment of conception to death. The person has lived on earth, has been intertwined with many forces of good and evil, has made choices, has committed sins and, sometimes, has sought forgiveness. Obviously, the soul is much different, formed by years of choices and experiences.

That is why I speak. The soul is made for divine light and during these many years, had the opportunities to choose light and to live in light. However, if it has chosen darkness, then the moment of death seals those decisions forever and ever. That is why I say that man searches after the passing things and does not seek the eternal gifts of light for which his soul was created. I will continue my teaching on this path of light. I am the mother of light and I have no children of darkness. Many are in darkness right now and they must become children of light before it is too late. Always, the choices are urgent. Do not forget your prayer, “Mary, make me a child of light”.

January 19, 2012

What Should Be Left Behind”


I put before you choices of life and death. These are important choices which are made every day. I speak to guide these daily choices.

When a person is in darkness, they make foolish choices, taking what is unworthy and setting aside what is truly valuable. When a person does this every day of their life they discover like Peter that they have fished all night (sometimes with unbelievable energy) but they have caught nothing. Oh, their nets are full. They took in many things. They might have even gained a fortune, but they fished on the wrong side of the boat.

Filled With Earthly Wealth

They fished on the earthly side and not the heavenly side. Their nets were filled to overflowing but only with earthly valuables. O reader, you might look around your home and see so many valuable things, all of which you earned and paid for. They are truly yours. You won them. But have you purchased also the valuables of heaven? What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? So, speak about your soul.

What is in Your Soul?

A moment will come when you will die and must leave your earthly wealth. You will take with you only what is in your soul. What is there right now? First, there are sins. Yes, you have committed sins. You do not want to take these sins with you. So, you must seek forgiveness. Take a moment. What sins come to mind? Do not be afraid to allow them to surface because, then, you can ask forgiveness.

If need be, write them down. Make a list. Now bring each sin before my Son, Jesus. For each sin, ask for his forgiveness. Will he forgive you? He is just waiting for you to ask. Just ask and they will be forgiven. For Catholics, there is a greater gift. They can receive Jesus’ pardon in the sacrament of confession. What must you after this? I will talk again, later.

January 21, 2012

A Child of Light Lost in Darkness”


Many, who walk the path of darkness, need only a little light because their hearts are good. It is their intellects which are darkened. I speak these words so this darkness is scattered and they can see the right path. Others need greater light because their hearts are given over to darkness. Yet, even these, if they immerse themselves in my words, will receive light for both their intellect and their heart. Here, I do not just scatter the darkness but I pull them out of the darkness which they cling to. Let us begin. All can be helped.

Going Back and Forth

A person who first enters darkness knows that they have lost some light. Some turn back immediately because they hate any darkness. Others find the darkness agreeable. So, they go back and forth, from light to darkness and then into light and back into darkness. They can do this for years. Their hearts seek the light but they also find some darkness quite to their liking. To these I want to speak first, because they need to stop compromising. Yes, that is what you do. You compromise yourself and you hurt me very much. You know who you are. You have received much light. You come from a family that was filled with light. You were trained in the light, especially in your youth. You always saw yourself as a child of light.

The Door Closes Behind You

Now, the world has attracted you into a darkness and you go back and forth. It is time for a decision. You cannot keep going from light to darkness and back to the light. At some point, and this is very serious, you will take your usual trip into the darkness, thinking that you can easily return to the light, and you will discover that the road is blocked, the door has shut behind you and you are where you never wanted to be. You are a child of light who finds yourself in a darkness that can never, never be your home. If this is you, call out to me now. “Mary, make me a child of light”. I will come. Yes, I will come.

January 23, 2012

A Light That Goes On and Off”


The lights go on and off. Sometimes, there is a moment of understanding and the person sees clearly what they should do. Then, suddenly, the light goes off and the person returns to the reality of the darkness in which they live every day.

Moments of Light

O reader, you must see the importance of those moments of light. Even though they seem to last but a short time, they show you a way out of your darkness. They are my gift to you and I will teach you what they are and how to gain their full effect.

The light that you receive comes from heaven and it shows you your life as the heavenly Father has planned it for you. Unfortunately, this light gets quickly swallowed up in the darkness of the world that surrounds you. When I give you that light (even for a moment), you are seeing another world, a different world. That world is where you belong, where I want to take you. Now, I will tell you what to do.

Increasing the Light

When you experience that light, do not set it aside. Ponder the light. Draw it into your heart. Remember what you felt and what you experienced. Ask me to increase the light and to bring it more often. The Father is trying to place heaven in your heart so that, even in the darkness of your world, you experience inner light.

One more thing. This light is important for your family. As this light becomes established in your heart, there will be light in your home. You will be a child of the light. This comes from heaven above but is received here on earth in the stillness of your heart. I will be there. I am the Woman of divine light.

March 15, 2012

Entangled in a Darkness”


Do not turn your back on what you believe. Many times, a person is filled with truth and actually walks in the truth. Then, an attraction comes which delights them and even fascinates them. They know that this attraction is forbidden and seeking it violates all that they believe. However, they do not immediately dismiss it from their minds as dishonorable and unworthy of their beliefs.

Straddling the Fence

Instead, they straddle the fence. Their life is supposedly in the light, but their heart has been captured by the darkness. This is the state of so many because the modern world has so many such attractions and to resist these demands constant vigilance. So, I will address this issue.

You are my child. Your heart is good and you want to do what is right. You want to be counted among the blessed, but you are caught in a struggle. You never believed that you would be so entangled. This is not you. This is not what you ever wanted to be. Yet, you must face the truth. You have become entangled, even engrossed in what is sinful. You keep it hidden because it is not what you want. Yet, you do not send it away. You do not cut the ties. You allow this evil to have some place in your life. It is always there, lurking in the back of your mind as something you might enjoy when your obligations are fulfilled and when no one is looking.

No Compromise

Do not delay. Do not compromise. This must be cast out of your life. It has already robbed you of much spiritual riches and if you continue to tolerate its presence, it will eat away more and more. You will continually pay a higher price and the day will come when there is no turning back. It will control you. All the while, you will think that this is of little importance.

O child of the light, cast out the darkness. Never, never say, “It is just a little darkness. It can be tolerated. No need for action”. I am the woman clothed in the sun and I want to clothe you completely in the sun but you block my gift by clinging to this darkness.

March 19, 2012

Seeking a Home”


I open up to you the human heart. How complex it is! Even the person is not aware of what goes on in his own heart. It is known only to Jesus who understood well what was in the hearts of men. Even when he was acclaimed he did not give himself to their hearts, knowing that human hearts are so easily able to change.

O reader, there is great darkness in your heart and only on the surface is there some light. If you would allow me, I would place light deeper into your heart. I would reclaim many parts of your heart for the light. That is how you become a child of light, about which I always speak. So, let me begin.

The Inner Civil War

Light is truth. In truth, the person sees things as they really are. So, for a moment, let me cast the light of truth upon your heart. What do you honestly see there? Only you are privy to your inner desires. Only you know the attractions of your heart. Within your heart are two sets of desires and these cause a civil war within you. Some desires rise up to heaven wanting to love God. Other desires seek earth and want to cling to all that is selfish. When the heavenly desires lift up your heart, you experience a human freedom and a divine peace. When earthly desires burden your heart, you feel overwhelmed and discouraged, lost and far distant from your Creator.

This is the plight of man and reason for all of his problems. Because he is made for God, his heart searches and searches. He knows that earth is not his home. He is in exile. He has in his heart memories that he cannot reconcile to his present existence. Memories of another existence, memories of life with God.

A Picture of Heaven

How can this be? How can man remember a previous existence? I am only using this as an image. Every person was created by God at the moment of their conception but God existed forever. The Loving Father placed into everyone’s heart a picture. When a child is born, the parents have a home and a room all prepared. Only as the child grows does he see and appreciate this home provided for him. So, God prepared a heavenly home and he places into everyone’s heart a picture of that heavenly home and a powerful desire to return to that heavenly home and to the heavenly Father from whose hands every person came forth. This is the greatest mystery of the human heart. It desires a home which it has never experienced and will never be content until it regains that home.

April 27, 2012

Words to Sinners”


Many are taken up with this pastime or that goal, and they forget why God created them. As they wander from my path, they suffer hardships that need never have happened. They even inflict hardships on others because their life is out of control. All of this could have been avoided. Their life should be filled with earthly and heavenly happiness. Instead, it becomes like a wineskin that holds no wine.

Leaving the Road

Yet, I watch and watch as so many of my children leave the road of virtue to follow the attractions of vice. All are entangled in bonds that they cannot break. In sorrow like a mother who sees what happens every day. Let me speak to this issue.

Because of its great attractiveness, sin ensnares very quickly. Even a person trained in virtue, who has followed virtue for a long time, can become entwined in forces that claim them, pulling them away from all that was taught to them. Those who feasted on the bread of angels now are quite content with the worldly bread that can never satisfy them.

Powerful Forces

What is the problem? They are pulled in so many different directions. Even if they resist, they do not have the strength to resist all that the world and the devil throw at them. They are assaulted on every side by the most powerful of forces. The lure of great attractions increases every day. There are more and more doors into the sinful.

O reader, if this is you then listen to my words. I will come for you, no matter what sins you have committed and no matter what sinfulness fills your life. List them all – lust, greed, murder, selfishness, abortion, divorce, infidelity, prostitution, homosexuality, theft, lies. Need I go on?

Make your own list of what you have done. Never, never say that your life is hopeless, that you can never save your soul. I know the road of sin that you have taken and I know the road back to goodness where you want to be.

April 29, 2012

Rejecting Jesus’ Gift”


These words flow from the sorrows of my heart. Sorrows have a power to go deeper than other thoughts. They pierce through until they reach the center of the heart. Today, I share with you all of my sorrows, from the least to the greatest.

First, I see so many of my children starving and dying. So few come to their aid, busy about so many other things. Those who have much, do not even think about those other countries, who have so little. Look into this. I will stir your heart and you will discover true ways of helping those in need.

Second, so many of my children do not know the basic teachings of the Church. They are ignorant of the scriptures and have no desire to read them. They walk in darkness and do not realize it.

Finally, and most important, there are so many who have no life within them. They are the living dead. They live but not God’s life which Jesus offers them. This is my greatest sorrow. If only man were filled with God’s life, then everything on earth would quickly be restored. There would be a new earth.

I do not come just to give messages. I come to give life.

Man is the only creature on earth who can receive God’s life. This is his highest calling and the purpose of his existence. He is unique. He is called to be God’s child and to enjoy God’s life. Yet, this life is beyond his powers. Man has a calling that he can never fulfill by his own powers – to become a child of God and live a divine life. Man becomes God’s child by a gift coming from Jesus.

This gift was purchased at the great cost of Jesus’ death but man does not accept the gift. Man has no interest in God’s life. So, man is destined, by his own free choice, to die eternally, refusing the gift which he could so easily receive.

O reader, do not cause me sorrow. Believe in my Son, Jesus, and receive life in his name. I will help you.

May 5, 2012

Mary, Help Me”


So many of my children are destroyed because they do not know all the places where they can be attacked nor do they understand all the helps that come from heaven. This is my teaching.

Each person is very vulnerable in many ways. They need an environment which provides for their physical needs. They need emotional help from others. They need to be taught values and morals. They need a culture which supports those values. All of these can be attacked and even destroyed. Then, the person becomes vulnerable to the Evil One.

So Vulnerable!

They also are vulnerable to their own thoughts and feelings which lead astray. They are vulnerable to false friendships that lead into darkness. They are vulnerable to past memories and guilt that lies buried in their memories. They are vulnerable to passing attractions, to addictions, to suggestions and to allurements that abound everywhere.

O reader, how vulnerable you are! You think that you stand strong, but neither the legs you stand on nor the ground you stand upon is strong.

An Accident Victim

So, I must speak of heavenly helps. Yes, heaven wants to help you. That is my constant message. The help begins as soon as you realize that you need help and call out to me. An accident victim says to the rescuer, “Help me”. Then, they point out their need. The rescuer acts and also tells the victim what they must do to cooperate.

It is as easy as that. Say, “Mary help me”. Then, describe in a few words what is your dilemma. After that, be still. First, you will feel my love and the power of my presence. Then, you will hear my words, telling you what little steps you can take, to be lifted out of the problem.

Use this method every day. I love to hear you say, “Mary, help me”.

June 1, 2012

Heaven’s Help”


Not everyone understands the world of heaven, so I must explain. Heaven is filled with created beings called angels and saints. Like yourselves, they enjoyed free will and freely chose to be in heaven. Now they see all the people on earth and they want you to make the same decision. They are always praying for you, especially those who knew you or even brought you into existence. Their relationship and friendship continue in heaven.

God’s Helpers

They help you in so many ways. They know your weaknesses and they ask God for his protection. They always pray that you find God’s will and do it. They never want you to sin. They always want you to repent. They have their greatest impact upon you when you pray to them, especially if you were close to them on earth.

I say all this to open up a treasury, the great riches of heaven. Anyone is free to take these riches. I would like to cite a very special example.

Devotion to A Holy Person

Think of someone who was both close to you in life and also close to God. These could even be more than one (like a set of parents). Think about this person every day. Ask them, to help you on your way to heaven. You will be surprised what happens within you. Sins will drop away. Devotion will emerge from within your heart. Even external blessings will fall in your lap. Continue to ask their help all the days of your life and, when you die, you will join them in heaven. That is all that the saints hope and pray for.

June 4, 2012

Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church”


As I begin to put my people in places of authority, a new era of justice will begin. This will replace the present confusion. Too many things are allowed to take place in the name of freedom of expression and freedom of thought. Truth exists. The purpose of freedom of thought is to arrive at truth. On truth, a solid foundation can be built, and only there.

Otherwise, man makes up his own truths, creating them from his own heart, according to his own desires. These, so-called truths, are bent and shaped according to the whims of the human heart. These are personal desires, not objective truths. The human heart becomes its own guide and, foolishly, leads itself astray.

So many forces of confusion fill the air. People do not know the direction of truth. They wander like sheep without a shepherd. So, I must guide them by my words.


First, listen to the Church. She speaks of right and wrong in very clear words. For many people, the words are too clear and they do not want to hear. Do not join their numbers because they are rejecting the light established by my Son.

Read the Catechism of the Catholic Church. There you will find the clear and simple teaching. No one can claim that these words are not available. Go to the internet. Download them, if you wish. They will enlighten your eyes to the truths and these will be written in your heart.

See these websites for the Official Catechism of the Catholic Church (1997):
First Source:
Second Source:
Third Source (Simplified):

June 14, 2012

Mary’s Road”


Do not turn back from the road of trust and full confidence in me. No other path to life exists and great are the forces that would lead you off this road.

First, there is the forbidden fruit of the world. To pick this, you must leave my road because nothing forbidden can be found on it. Second, there are your personal sins. When you walk this road your sins become evident to you. This clarity is given to you so you can seek forgiveness. Then, you will rejoice in the goodness of this road.

Third, there are the fears concerning the future. What will this road demand of you? Really, it is the easiest road, devoid of problems caused by your selfishness. And, I am there to help you.

No Compromise

I cannot compromise this road. It is the narrow road that Jesus spoke about and invited his disciples to walk. I cannot change his road to accommodate your sins but I can remove your sins so you can walk this road.

This is where people turn back because they want their sins. They cling to their sins even though they cause so many problems.

To Sinners

I do not speak now to the saints and to the devout. I speak to those who are mired in sin, to those who do not see themselves as devout or practicing their religion. I speak to all who have abandoned the faith of your childhood. I even speak to those deeply mired in the most serious of sins. Yes, I speak to all of you.

You can walk my road. I want you on my road. Mine will be the joy of a mother who sees her child return home.

You might not yet feel at home in a Church but you can feel at home in my heart. I want you there. That is where we will begin!

June 18, 2012

Pitfalls and Darkness”


How many and how great are the pitfalls that can entrap anyone, holding them captive even for a lifetime. Yet, man wants to walk around blindfolded, not desiring the divine light which could easily fill his soul and help him to avoid these pitfalls. O reader, do you want God’s light? Just ask me. I am the Woman Clothed With the Sun and I share God’s light with everyone who seeks it.

The Commandments

However, man deliberately closes his eyes. He has no interest in God’s light. He sets aside the bible and the clear teachings of the Church. He allows his heart to be filled with the world’s darkness. He falls into some pit. This is inevitable. In modern life, pitfalls dot the landscape and the person must navigate them, watching closely not to be entrapped. This protecting light comes from God’s commandments.

Even if a person does not see what lies ahead, if they always obey God’s commands, they will not even approach these pitfalls. Their obedience safeguards them from numerous trials. Compare this with the person who compromises, who knows God’s law but is not firmly committed to keeping the law. Yes, this is what is needed, a firm commitment. So, I say, “Never compromise. Do not even take the first step down the road of darkness. You endanger everything – your eternal place in heaven and your years here on earth. So many have fallen in an unsuspecting moment.”

Sources of Light

Here is my plan. First, search out the sources of light. Read God’s word. Find people who love God and be with them. In this way, you will live in a culture of light and will quickly spot the darkness. Second, you must be aware of the sources of darkness in your life and get them out of your life. Get rid of them as completely as possible. Do not count the cost. No sacrifice is too high a price.

O child of God, in the world you will only find pitfalls and darkness. To find light, you must turn to me. That is why I speak.

July 2, 2012

Finding the Road of Life”


You do not know the road that leads to life. It is hidden from your sight. This is not as it was meant to be. Mankind was supposed to see this road so all could walk it easily.

But human history has been darkened by sin and the human heart has been blinded. Man cannot find the only important road leading to eternal life. It is covered over and hidden, kept out of sight by Satan who places other roads before your eyes saying, “Walk this road or that road”, so you forget about the road of life.

He says, “This road will give you power. This road will gain you pleasure. This road will gain you all that you desire”. The road you choose does not matter to him, as long as you show no interest in the road to eternal life.

Mary’s Road

So, I come and say to you, “All these other roads do not fulfill your purpose on earth. You cannot stumble upon the road to eternal life. You do not suddenly find yourself walking on it. It does not appear out of the blue”. Yet, it can easily be found and walked. This begins with your inner desires. Oh, your inner desires! They are so scattered. They often make no sense. Even worse, they are sometimes sinful. This only increases the darkness.

Right now, I ask your permission to sweep away these desires. Yes, I need your permission to act. “Mary, sweep away my desires that lead me into darkness”. Say that often and I will sweep them away. You will find yourself in the pasture of peace. Stay there. I will come quickly for you and show you your road to eternal life.

July 7, 2012

Paths Freed From Turmoil”


I lead you along a very simple path which I want all the world to learn. My path demands a leaving behind, a detachment from unneeded possessions. Even more, a leaving behind of selfish desires. Even more, a leaving behind of your own thoughts and plans.

When I say to you, “Follow me”, you can come only if you give up your path and your decisions. You must see me as the Woman Clothed With the Sun, who sees all that is ahead and who knows the safe paths.

Mary’s Path

It is not enough to have devotion to me. You must follow me. Walk with me. Choose my paths. Some are very obedient. They have no interest in any other path. These I protect all the time, with a marvelous and miraculous protection. Let me teach you this truth. My paths are as free from suffering as is possible in this life. There are two types of suffering. The normal hardships that accompany living in this place of exile and satanic hardships which are useless. He multiplies fears, anxieties, envy and hatred. He makes fires burn within you, that need never be lit. He leads you into his situations. These are traps which he sets through people whom he dominates.

My paths are free of all of this. Satan does not know my paths. Even if he did, he would not enter because they are all in my heart. So, I say, “Come follow me. I will show you my paths which you can easily walk.

September 11, 2012

The Name “Mary””


I look and I search. If any just call upon my name, “Mary”, I can act. Yes, all they need to do is to use my name, “Mary”. Many have forgotten my name. Many have never been taught the power that lies in my name. “Mary”, that is all they need to say. Say it quietly, and I will hear. Say it often, and your heart will be turning to me, like a lost person sending out distress signals. Just say my name, “Mary”. That is enough, I will rescue you.

February 14, 2015

The First Step Into Light”


The Way of Light is filled with blessings. However, the person must leave go of darkness so their hands are free to receive. This is the first, and the most difficult step, because the person sees only what they are giving up and does not yet experience the gift. Let my words teach you.

I will not delay. As soon as you let go of sin, I will come with light. As soon as you turn your back on the darkness, the light will envelop you. The purging will not be all at once, but in gradual steps that you can easily walk. The first step is to overcome your fears, “What will life be like without my sinful attachments?”

Let us begin with those sinful attachments. What in your life is obviously from darkness? What do you do that, in the goodness of your heart, you do not want to do? What steps do you take that you always regret? What leads you into sin and darkness? As you hear these questions, what comes immediately to your mind? That is where your path to light begins.

Now, do not say, “I will wait until tomorrow” or “Some other time” or “I am not ready just yet”. The same grace might not be yours tomorrow. If you are not ready now, then how will you be ready if you delay?

This path to light has many steps that lead to the greatest freedom. You cannot take the others, until you take the first. Just resolve within yourself. I need only your permission to act. Just pray, “I will throw away the darkness and walk as a child of the light”. It is done. Your will is resolved and your feet have chosen a different path. Now, I can explain all the blessings.

February 15, 2015

The First Three Steps“


I must teach this way of light quickly because the darkness can already be seen. This path has only little steps, but it has great gifts. These I pour out on all who walk. This is the first truth. You do the little things and I do the great things. At every step, huge blessings await. This is why I must teach.

People think that they must do great things, especially as the darkness comes. Really, they must do only little things, but these acts are so important. They dispose and prepare the person for my acts.

The first little act is always faith, and faith comes from hearing. I speak. You listen. What happens to the word? You either accept it or reject it. If you accept it, then it enters your heart and you set out on the path of light. If you reject it, my word sits by the wayside, and you choose other roads, roads of darkness.

The second step is hope. “I am on a journey. Mary is with me. I will not go astray. She will protect me. If I fall, she will pick me up. If I fear, she will calm me. Even if I sin, she will lead me to forgiveness. It is different now. I am not alone. The Virgin is with me and she is my mother”. Such are the thoughts of hope, always casting out the darkness of doubts.

The third step is a choice, a choice of love, when your will embraces me. How many times and with such great tenderness, I have embraced you. But that is not enough. You must embrace me. Do this now. This great act of love seals everything. Once you embrace me, I will never let you go. I will always show up. I will intervene. When you embrace me, you give me permission to act as your mother.

You can see that this path is very easy but you would never have found it unless I revealed it to you.

February 16, 2015

The Flame and the Candle”


The path of light is my gift to those who accept me. Many set me aside, as if I were not important in the Father’s plan. Others see no need to call upon my help. If you are one of these, it is specifically for you that I speak today. Without me, you can certainly walk a road to the Father through Jesus, but that road is hard to find and difficult to walk.

The heavenly Father foresaw this present time of darkness brought about by the cleverness of Satan’s plan. For this moment of history, God reserved a new and special light, a candle burning brightly which each person can hold. Is that not what you yourselves do? When the lights go out, you use candles, because there is no central light. So each person carries their own lit candle and all feel safe.

Picture me as the Heavenly Father’s candle and Jesus as the flame. Can you have the flame without the candle? I am not the flame. Jesus is the flame, but I am the candle, easily available to all who accept me. The candle comes first, then the flame. Who would try to take the flame into their own hands? That is foolishness. Only harm would result.

How long will the candle burn? How bright will be its flame? I am the Father’s candle and I will burn as long and as brightly as each one needs. I am Immaculate. The light will be pure, piercing and totally able to lead you. When the night grows darker, I will burn more brightly. When the wind comes, I, myself, will protect the flame. Even if the flame goes out, I will ask the heavenly Father and He will light your candle again.

The time is now because you must get your candle before the darkness comes.

February 17, 2015

Let There Be Light“


Those who seek the light need only allow themselves to be drawn and led by it. The Father has created you for light. He, Himself, is eternal light, shining from all ages. His first words were, “Let there be light”. He has formed in His only Son, Jesus, the new kingdom of light, the only hope for a world plunged into darkness.

I preach this kingdom and open its doors right now. Where are these doors? Just follow my voice. My words will lead you. Right now, you cannot see, so let your ears be open to my words. They will bring you to the doors of sight. Let me begin.

You are absorbed by a darkness that you do not even perceive. The daily cares, the anxieties, and the attempts to gain security absorb the heart. Every hour is filled, so little time, sometimes none, given to the light.

Now, you hear my voice saying, “Come over here. Stay a moment. Do not rush headlong”. What do I ask of you? Just a moment, a time to invoke me, to call on me with faith. I ask some quiet moments, some stillness, an absorption into the light of prayer which has greater power to absorb you than the darkness. Only I can bring you this light, Jesus, my Son. The Father has placed Jesus in my heart, where all are called to receive. You only escape darkness by coming into light and you cast out darkness only by grasping the light. All other efforts will completely fail.

Now, I speak the most precious words of all. In the beginning, all was darkness until God said “Let there be light”. As the new darkness comes, the Father has given me the privilege, the task, the call, even the command, to use His words, “Let there be light”. Through these locutions, I am saying those words day after day, in numerous images and teachings. Now, I say it to you, “Let there be light”. I will always say those words. They are my daily, constant blessing. “Let there be light”.

February 18, 2015

A Path Revealed to the Little Ones”


The path of light is a road filled with blessings which are hidden from the proud but revealed quickly to the little ones who want to walk my ways.

First, they see that I am with them in every danger, always protecting them from the harm which is caused by others or by their own foolish decisions.

Second, they experience my constant encouragement. They know that when the great problems come upon them, that I will be there to help carry them. Third, they often experience my presence, as warmth or a peace comes over them. This quiets their fears and allows them to choose the right road.

Thirdly, they know that I will be with them until the end. I will never abandon them until that moment when I embrace them forever and ever. This is the path of light which is open to all the little ones. How do your become “a little one”? This is the great secret. A person must decide to be a “little one” (and everyone in the world can make that decision).

First, they must see that their own strength and their own intellect are unable to overcome all their difficulties.

Second, they must be filled with hope, that I hear their every cry.

Third, they must walk in my ways, according to my truths. This is the great illumination that takes place in the heart, when the person allows me to place my new light within them.

Now, they are my little one, able to walk my path of light.

February 19, 2015

Light For the Hour of Darkness“


The path of light is open to all, but it is found most easily by those who walk with others, their hearts joined as one in the most important journey of all. How many gather for other purposes, joined by the hopes of profits or delights. They constantly move along those roads which the world points out to them. How few join their hearts to walk the path of light. This is the great secret that I am trying to reveal to the whole world.

In ordinary times, people do not need my special path of light. The times are normal. The problems can be overcome and the faith sustained. However, these are not the usual times. This is the hour, as Jesus called it.

In the hour of His passion, He told the apostles to stay awake, to pray that they might overcome the trial. They failed and scattered, not grasping the darkness that they would face.

People might ask, “Why do I need this path of light?” Because the darkness and the trial of the “hour” is at hand. You must seek out others whose hearts are also seeking the path of light. Join together and I will join with you. The more you are joined, the greater will be the light. When the darkness comes, just remain as one and you will have your light, your little candles burning brightly able to enkindle each other if your flame goes out.

February 20, 2015

External Signs That Invite All”


I come to my final teaching. I invite all, from every faith and every nation to walk my path of light. I do not limit this path to Catholics or even to the baptized Christians. The time is so urgent and the darkness is so great, that I must open my path of light to everyone. I say this by way of preparation.

At Fatima, thousands gathered. Some believed and some were skeptical. Yet, all saw the dance of the sun. All experienced its power to dry their clothes and to dry up the ground. All could photograph the phenomena and give excellent reports to the press. I did not limit the grace of Fatima to just the fervent believers. I reached out that day to all of Portugal and to all the world. So, it will be in the future. I have spoken in these locutions about the path of light that is available right now and should be walked immediately. This path involves inner steps and personal decisions. It asks people to join with others in faith. In that way, their candles will not go out. To whomever takes these inner steps, I promise that they will find their path to light.

But, now, I am speaking of external signs, invitations to all people of all faiths to walk my path of light. If they just know about me and about the path of light which I offer, they will be able to respond adequately to the signs.

Believers must help unbelievers. Prepare now to be missionaries of light. I am speaking to you. Who else? Have you not faithfully read these locutions? Do you not love my words? You must learn to be missionaries of the light.

The external signs, which are my invitation to the whole world, will open many hearts but you must be there with your nets, mended and readied, to receive the great catch of fish.





By a soul

I am not a theologian. I am not a priest. I have no higher degree in the studies of Christianity. I am a simple person with a small mind. I gave my intellect a long time ago to The Lord. I only know what The Lord has chosen to reveal to me. All these graces are unmerited. I thank and praise The Lord for his blessings and gifts.

Early in my conversion, I would wonder a lot about Our Lord’s life on earth. I have no prior knowledge of the “hypostatic union,” which is the theological term for the two natures of Christ—his humanity and his divinity existing in one person. I do not read theological works on this subject, because I know the words would be beyond my intellectual grasp.

But, in my curiosity and ever-increasing desire to know more about My Love, I would wonder questions like, if Jesus Is God, did He know everything that was going to happen? What was He like as an all-knowing baby? I did not understand how Jesus could be both God and man in one being. So, I had many questions about Jesus’ earthly life that I would ponder to myself. But, like everyone else, I accepted on faith this great hidden Mystery.

I am blessed. The Lord, in His Great Goodness and Glorious Majesty, has answered for me these ponderings of my heart. And so, now, I share my findings with you, along with commentary on the virtues of faith and hope, so you may understand and increase in your understanding of the holy faith. The key to understanding the humanity and divinity of Christ lies in Holy Scripture, in the following passage:

Book of Philippians

Chapter 2, Verses 5-8

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, Who,

though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.

Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness;

and found human in appearance, he humbled himself,

becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”


Jesus, before He Incarnated as a human person, existed as the Only-Begotten Divine Son of The Heavenly Father. He existed as The Second Person of The Most Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. As The Divine Son, He fully shared in All-Infinite Glory forever in eternity with His Father and The Holy Ghost. And before He Incarnated as a human being, as The Divine Son, He existed solely as Spirit in The Glory of God. Three Eternal Persons in One Loving God.

However, when Jesus Incarnated as a human person, a special action of God took place in time. All things are possible to God. The Second Person of The Most Holy Trinity took on flesh, becoming a material human being with a spiritual soul. Thereafter, The Second Person of The Most Holy Trinity would exist for all eternity as a human being, a Man-God.

In the Book of Philippians, St. Paul writes that though Jesus was “in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself…” The key words in this passage are “he emptied himself.”

Jesus “emptied” Himself, thereby becoming a Son of Man, a term that He often used for describing Himself, as recorded in Holy Scripture. The words, “Son of Man,” mean that He became a son of Adam. Adam is the first human being of the human family and Adam means “man.” It is through the Original Sin of Adam and Eve—the rejection of God—that resulted in every human being born into a permanent state of suffering and death. Before Original Sin, Adam and Eve were free from suffering and death and they were meant to pass on these special preternatural gifts to their children from God.

Jesus, when He “emptied” Himself, means that as The Second Person of The Most Holy Trinity, through the act of the Incarnation, He subjected Himself to the condition of human suffering and death, as truly all the sons and daughters of Adam are subject to and inherited from the first parents’ sin.

Jesus, also when He “emptied” Himself, divested Himself of His Eternal Glory as The Second Person of The Most Holy Trinity. Although Jesus Is and remained God, He freely divested Himself of His Divine Wisdom as God. This means that while He had existed in all-eternity with the Infinite Wisdom of God, through the Incarnation, Jesus became a servant of humanity (Son of Man, son of Adam) and would, just as a servant, seek the purpose of every human being, which is to know, love, and serve God.

Jesus would be like the first man, Adam. He would have a closely-intimate spiritual relationship with God, His Heavenly Father, and would have a superior intellect as the first man. But, He would live a total life of holy virtue, as an example to mankind. He would practice the virtues of faith, hope and love, as He increased in holy wisdom of God. Just like any other child of Adam. This is why in Holy Scripture, it is written:

Gospel of Luke

Chapter 2

Verse 40

The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”

Verse 52

And Jesus advanced [in] wisdom and age and favor before God and man.”


In my studies of the heavenly messages through Locutions To The World, I have learned many important things about My Love. In The Locutions, Our Lady revealed in several messages how Her Son, Jesus, grew in holy wisdom as a child. For example, on September 22, 2012, Our Lady shares:

Jesus never sought his own interests. From the very beginning, he had shared his Father’s glory, but he emptied himself and became flesh and lived among us. Jesus would often speak of this far-off glory and of a world that always was and always will be. He called this world, “the kingdom”. He would say, “People are meant for the kingdom where they are to live forever. I would ask him, “How will this come about?” He would only say, “That is why I have come into the world.” ”

In the above passage, Our Lady reveals in easy-to-understand words, how Jesus “emptied” Himself as God and became flesh and lived His Life as a child. As a child, He knew of God and how each human person is meant for Heaven. He also understood that He had a life mission of being the Messiah for mankind. Our Lady also reveals in further Locutions, how Jesus had “understanding far beyond his years” and that he “understood better than any adult” the purpose of human life as He grew into adulthood:

September 23, 2012

Jesus walked his own path, with an understanding far beyond his years. He had unbelievable emotional warmth, as if every feeling in him was perfectly attuned like a harp that played only harmonious notes. Then, there was his time of solitude. I’ll explain that next.”

September 25, 2012

My conversations with Jesus were different than any other conversations. He would speak of the normal things of earth but he saw everything differently. He understood the real purpose of life, what God wanted to accomplish in childhood games and youthful gatherings. As he grew, he understood better than any adult. He was never swayed by passing things.”


On September 26, 2012 and September 28, 2012, Our Lady gave two important Locutions about Jesus’ hidden life as a child. They are so important in understanding how Jesus Is Man-God that I include them here to be read in their entirety.

September 26, 2012

Because Joseph needed his sleep after his day of toil, Jesus and I would be alone at night. All would be quiet and still.”

He would begin with a question that became the subject of that night’s talk. He saw God’s mystery and wanted to know all he could. As I would explain something about God or about our Jewish faith, Jesus would take my words and go far beyond them. He would take me into the heart of the heavenly Father.”

He did not realize it but he saw and understood God far better than I did. Each night, he revealed the great mysteries of God in the easiest to understand words. I am not sure that he even understood the gifts of divine wisdom that he possessed. He was like a great mathematician who sees complex truths but is not in awe of his own talents. Each night, I sat at the feet of this young man who understood better than the wisest sage and could explain these realities in the simplest of words. I knew that, soon, even greater mysteries would be revealed to him.”

September 28, 2012

One night, Jesus said, “God is not far from the world and especially he is not far from the Jewish people. He is close to the world and very close to Israel. How close can he come? Nothing is impossible to God”. (When he said those words I gasped because Gabriel had used the same expression.).”

He went on, “I even believe that God could become a man and dwell among us. I think he would be Jewish and that he would choose a Jewish mother. If I were God, I would choose you for my mother”.”

When Jesus said those words, I could see his eyes. The words went forth from his lips and then turned and entered his heart. Divine light was filling his young mind. His eyes revealed someone overwhelmed by a truth that his own lips had said. Finally, he said those words that are forever written on my heart. “Nothing is impossible for God. He can become a man and he can choose a mother and he chose you to be his mother.” I said nothing. His own mind was unraveling this mystery. He was seeing much more than I could ever explain. The conversation ended. Jesus withdrew to his room to speak with his Father in secret.”


As these words of Our Lady reveal, Jesus as a child, grew in holy wisdom and in faith. Incarnate as a child, the Mystery of being The Divine Son of The Heavenly Father, was hidden from Him. Jesus grew up as any other human child, having to exercise the virtue of faith. Jesus as a child did not immediately know that He Is God. In time, through the gift of faith, Jesus realized the reality of Who He Is.

Through The Locutions, it is also revealed that Jesus did not immediately know that as Messiah, it would be necessary for Him to suffer and die for atonement of human sin. The necessity of His Sacrificial Death was revealed to Him by Our Heavenly Father during the three years that Jesus spent in His ministry on earth. This is why in Holy Scripture, it is written that Jesus prayed to His Heavenly Father in the Garden of Gethsemane to ask if the Cup of Suffering could be avoided. It was only in the Garden of Gethsemane that Jesus finally accepted The Way of The Cross. Until that moment in time, Jesus had exercised the virtue of hope that The Cross might be avoided.

However, with the acceptance of The Cross, this does not mean that Jesus lost hope. Jesus always hoped in His Father. He always believed in faith that He was the Messiah and so, He trusted in His Father’s Promise to bring salvation through the Jews to humanity. Jesus continued to live in hope that through His Sacrificial Death that the Heavenly Kingdom would open to humanity again. On August 30, 2012, Jesus provides a Locution that shows how He exercised His hope in God:

Finally, death came upon me just as it comes upon everyone. My body could no longer support life and my soul no longer had a dwelling place. It was free to enter into eternal light. Suddenly, the heavenly realms were changed. The doors of heaven were opened and I led a multitude of souls, including my foster father Joseph, into heavenly glory.”

What I always believed, I saw, experienced and tasted. The will of the Father had been accomplished and now a light went from earth to heaven. What had been separated was now joined again. A new road was constructed by my human nature taken from my virginal mother.”

All could walk this road. I needed only to prove to the apostles that I was the way to the Father. This still lay ahead in the Father’s plan.”


In this first writing, I have shared what God has revealed to me about Jesus’ divine and human nature as Man-God. I have also written about how Jesus exercised the virtues of faith and hope in His earthly life. In my second writing, I will discuss in depth how Jesus exercised the virtue of love in His earthly life. However, in conclusion, I want to reveal another finding I had regarding Jesus as Man-God. It is related to the following passage from Holy Scripture:

Gospel of Mark

Chapter 13, Verses 32-33

But of that day or hour, no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be watchful! Be alert! You do not know when the time will come.”


This passage from the Gospel of Mark refers to The Second Coming of Christ in The End Times. It reveals that only The Heavenly Father knows the day and time of when Jesus will reclaim His Kingdom on earth. And before, when I tried to understand this verse of Holy Scripture, I would get confused. I did not understand how Jesus could not know this fact since He Is God?

However, now, I know that when Jesus “emptied” Himself of His Heavenly Glory to become Man-God, All-Infinite Divine Wisdom of God was hidden from Him and had to be revealed to Him by Our Heavenly Father as He grew as a child into adulthood.

In Heaven, Jesus continues the redeeming actions of the human family on earth. One of those actions is His Suffering in union with Our Lady, Mother of Sorrows, for the state of sinful man until the end of time. The second action is that Jesus Is still subject to the unveiling of the Divine Wisdom and the Divine Plan of His Heavenly Father.

So, truly, Jesus Is Man-God, but only Our Heavenly Father knows the day and hour of The Second Coming of Christ.

Te Deum laudamus.

(“Thee, O God, we praise”)



By a soul

In Part One, I explained in, hopefully, simple to understand words, how My Love, Jesus, Is both Man and God. I also explained how My Love, Jesus, exercised the virtues of faith and hope in His earthly life.

In this writing, Part Two, I will, hopefully, explain in simple to understand words, how My Love, Jesus, exercised the virtue of love, particularly, through His Suffering and Sacrificial Death on The Cross. I will also explain a bit about the workings of Our Lady and The Holy Spirit in the Divine Plan of God. I sincerely hope that The Holy Spirit will be with me, as I attempt to explain these matters. God bless us all!

I return to this passage in Holy Scripture. I will now focus on the words of St. Paul, “he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.” This is the true meaning of Love.

Book of Philippians

Chapter 2, Verses 5-8

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, Who,

though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.

Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness;

and found human in appearance, he humbled himself,

becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”


As I have shared before, I suffer from schizophrenia, which is a severe mental illness. It became manifest during the same time that I converted to God and returned to the Catholic faith. One night, early on in my illness, I was having a particularly hard time. satan was attacking me day and night, and the demonic voices and daily nightmares were relentless.

On that night, I was praying earnestly before a Crucifix that I had high on my bedroom wall. Although I knew myself to be in my bedroom, in my spirit, I imagined myself two thousand years ago, standing before The Cross, at the Crucifixion of Christ. And as I stood there, before Jesus Crucified, I said to Jesus, with tears streaming down my face, “My God, You suffered and died for everyone, but You forgot about one, me…”

I have always considered that my lowest, most shameful moment of my journey in the faith. Here, I was, an ungrateful, little soul, telling Jesus as He hung dying on The Cross, that He did not suffer enough and forgot about me in His universal Love for everyone. I abandoned Jesus on The Cross.

Afterwards, I would reflect about that moment a lot, mortified that I had said those words to God. But, I think many others would understand my situation, especially, those who have severe mental illnesses and have had severe hardships in life. It is hard to keep up with the struggles in life and at times, such struggles can seem overwhelming. And many people have felt at one time or another, that they have been abandoned by God. That they are unloved and unlovable.

In my study of Locutions To The World, there was one particular message from Our Lady that really affected me and moved my heart to deep tears. It brought the Love of God immediately home to my soul. It is the Locution of July 24, 2013, which is titled “Explaining Jesus’ Defeat of satan.” It is a long message, which should be read in its entirety, and I have attached it to the end of this writing. However, I want to reflect with you all, parts of that Locution, so that you may grow in your faith, hope and love of God.

Our Lady begins by sharing these words:

Jesus’ final and complete victory began in the Garden of Gethsemane. There, he asked his heavenly Father if it were possible to avoid the Way of the Cross. The Father explained that Jesus had to reach the very stronghold of Satan. Every king, (even Satan) protects his stronghold with guards and gates. As Jesus accepted this task from the Father, namely to invade Satan’s central stronghold and engage him in combat, his suffering began. The soldiers, led by Judas, came to arrest him.”


Many of us, when we reflect upon th Sufferings and Sacrificial Death of Jesus, we focus on the physical tortures that He endured for our redemption. But, while the physical tortures were great, there was a greater Suffering that He endured for our redemption. Not simply a mental torture, but a true Spiritual Suffering that He endured to free our souls. Our Lady tells us,

The scourging, the crowning of thorns, the various trials before the Sanhedrin and Pilate, and even the way of the cross were just the preliminary obstacles that Jesus had to go through to reach the central stronghold.”


Amazingly, the scourging, crowning of thorns, and the way to Calvary, all these physical tortures, were just obstacles satan placed before Jesus, to keep Him from invading the deepest part of his evil kingdom, reaching his evil throne. Our Lady shares:

Only as he was lifted up on the cross, did the mortal combat begin. I was there, not merely as a witness, but to engage in the battle with Jesus. That is why I am the co-redemptrix of the human race.”

How great was that battle – back and forth. One part would be conquered and then a greater Satanic response would be released. Jesus’ sufferings continued to escalate as he entered deeper and deeper into the Satanic stronghold. By his fidelity and my cooperation, we finally reached the center of Satan’s kingdom.”


Now, at this time, I have to take a moment and reflect a bit upon these above words of Our Lady. There are two ponderings that I desire to share with you.

The first pondering is that when I first read these words in this Locution, they deeply penetrated my heart and deeply moved my soul. Only God and Our Lady truly understand the total suffering of every human heart. In my shameful moment, I thought that Jesus Crucified on The Cross could not possibly understand my severe mental sufferings. These mental sufferings, which seemed at times, even worse than a physical suffering, because they were hidden and no one “in the outside world” could understand me and sympathize or empathize with what I was enduring every moment in my life.

Yet, here, Our Lady was revealing to me, that She did understand. That She and Her Son, Jesus, not only understood, but They, too, had endured those same Sufferings for me and all of humanity. I was not forgotten and unloved and unlovable. Our Lady and Our Lord had not only shared in my individual sufferings, but that They had fought the battle for me and won the crown of victory for me. And understanding these profound words in my soul, it moved me to immediate tears of heartfelt gratitude. I was not alone. I was not alone. Our Lady and Our Lord were with me in every mental anguish I suffered. Realizing this true reality in my heart, my spirit became free. I am not alone. God knows me. God loves me. I am lovable.

The second pondering is on the sheer Greatness and Holiness of Our Lady as She fulfilled Her role as Co-Redemptrix of humanity. How great is the role of Our Lady as Our Mother of Sorrows. And how great is Our Lady’s Love for all of us, each one of Her children.

As I have written many times, as I discovered through the heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministry (, The Hearts of Jesus and His Mother are so United in Divine and Holy Love as to essentially be One. This Sacred Union of The Twin Hearts of Love took place at the Incarnation, when Our Lady gave Her “Fiat” (yes) to God’s desire for Her to be the Mother of God. This is supported by the messages from Our Lady in Locutions To The World. I recall this message in particular:

May 12, 2014

God is love, an infinite love that always pours forth blessings, like the sun that gives only light. If there is darkness, no one blames the sun. So, if there is evil, no one should blame God.”

Somehow, his love has been blocked, kept out, and unable to enter.”

In his secret plan, the heavenly Father has placed this love in my Immaculate Heart. He has told me, “Mary, go to the world. You will be more than just my messenger. Your heart will carry my love. I have so united your heart with Jesus’ heart, that the two hearts are as one. You are so united that it would be more difficult to separate your hearts than to separate the sun from its rays”.”

So, I go everywhere with this great secret of my Immaculate Heart, a mystery kept hidden for centuries but now revealed to a world that is plunging into darkness.”

O mankind, the heavenly Father has united my heart with Jesus’ heart. He has surprised Satan, who had no idea that he would be conquered by a Woman. Against my Immaculate Heart, he has no defenses.”

He has not been able to plan for this surprise. He wants my words to be hidden but, by these locutions, I speak openly to the whole world. All is new!”


Yes, Our Lady is Co-Redemptrix of the human race. Our Mother said “yes” to God and His Divine Plan each and every moment of Her life. And She continues to say “yes” to God in Heaven on behalf of each one of us on earth.

It is important to understand that in the Divine Plan of God, every person has free will to decide for God or not every moment of their life. Eternal salvation is a cooperative act between God and His children. God respects the sacrosanct gift of free will that He has bestowed to every son and daughter of Adam. We must cooperate with God in every moment in order to fulfill the Divine Plan that God has for each one of us and for the entire human family.

The Blessed Mother always cooperated with God. It is essential to understand that Our Lady is Co-Redemptrix of the human race, not simply because She cooperated with God at the moment of the Incarnation (Annunciation), but also because She cooperated with God during the Passion of Her Son, Jesus Christ, and during His Crucifixion. The Passion and The Crucifixion was a cooperative act between God and humanity. Our Lady, in Her role as the New Eve, provided the continual “fiat” (yes) for all Her children so Jesus, the New Adam, could fulfill His role as the Messiah for the human race.

Our Lady provided the necessary faith, hope, and love, for Jesus to Conquer Death and for Jesus to Conquer satan forever. The Redemption of humanity by God would not have been possible without Our Lady. Through Her Son, Jesus, Our Lady saved the human race.

The special Locution of Our Lady on July 24, 2013, provides deeper understanding of this true reality. Our Lady continues:

We were together, our hearts locked together by the greatest human and divine love that has ever existed. Satan did not just confront his Creator but a creature, whom he so much despised.”

He was surprised that we had penetrated into his great secrecy. He saw his own folly in stirring up the Jewish leaders and in leading Pilate to condemn Jesus. He, by his foolishness, had allowed us to arrive for this mortal combat.”

Totally dedicated to evil, he again used his great deceptions. He even repeated the temptations in the desert, offering Jesus once more all the kingdoms of the earth. Over these temptations, Jesus had already won his victories. He offered to lessen my sufferings and to make my way easy and light, but I rejected his false offers. I would always be the suffering Mother to bring forth my children.”


As I wrote in Part One, I explained how Jesus Is both Man and God. I showed how when Jesus “emptied” Himself of His Heavenly Glory as The Divine Son, to Incarnate in the flesh as a human person, He freely divested Himself of His Divine Wisdom as God. He became a servant of humanity as the Son of Man (son of Adam) and would live a life of holiness on earth. I wrote how Jesus practiced the “virtues of faith, hope and love, as He increased in holy wisdom of God. Just like any other child of Adam.”

The words I wrote in Part One are important to understand, because they will illuminate further what happened to Jesus in His final moments on The Cross. In the Locution, Our Lady reveals,

Then came the final moment, the ultimate struggle, evidenced by Jesus’ words, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” In his cleverness, he (satan) covered over the light that Jesus had always enjoyed. From the first moment of his conception, Jesus knew that he was the Beloved Son of God. Frequently, as at his Baptism and Transfiguration, the Father had assured Jesus of these special prerogatives. Even in the garden, Jesus knew that he was the Beloved Son.”

Now, that light was covered over. The Father did not hide himself but Satan, by his great intellect, saw how to cover over the Father’s face.”

This was darkness, for both Jesus and myself. We had only each other. The darkness was complete and total. Our love for each other was the only light that we enjoyed and we remained embraced in our mutual love until the end. At the end, there seemed to be no faith, nor even hope. Especially, there seemed to be not even love for the Father. All that we knew is that we loved one another. Together, we redeemed the human race. Jesus and I destroyed Satan in the very heart of his stronghold. His kingdom was divided and would not stand.”


Jesus, the Man-God, needed human love to conquer satan at The Cross. In the final moment, satan covered The Face of The Heavenly Father. Jesus as Man-God could not experience the Love that He always shared with His Father. This was possible, because Jesus as The Divine Son of God “emptied” Himself to become mortal man. Just as St. Paul writes, “Christ Jesus, Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”

In His humanity, Jesus could not experience the reciprocal Love of God in His final moment on The Cross. But, True Love is something that cannot survive on its own. True Love is something that is mutual and must be shared and exchanged between two persons. So, for Love to truly conquer all evil, Jesus, as God, needed human love to survive. This human love was provided by Our Lady, The Co-Redemptrix, Whose Immaculate Heart Is So United with Her Son’s Sacred Heart as to be One and the Same Heart. Free will cooperation between God and mankind.

And because Love survived in the final moment of the Man-God, the Sacrificial Death of Jesus was complete and total, atoning for all sin of the human race, sinner and saint alike, for all-eternity. The Heavenly Father accepted the Sacrifice of His Divine Son for all humanity. God accepted God’s Sacrifice for all evil of the human race and opened the Heavenly Kingdom to all those would believe in the atoning gift of The Christ.

satan’s kingdom was divided. All evil—every sin—of every human person for all-eternity had been atoned for in Love. Every human soul had the opportunity for the grace of eternal life with God. All the evil of humanity for all time had been split from all the evil committed by satan and his devils in time against humanity. satan’s kingdom was divided by Love and thereby conquered by Love. God won.

My Love desires me to write about this passage from Holy Scripture, that I did not understand until now. It is on the unpardonable sin—Blasphemy against The Holy Spirit:

Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 12, Verses 31-32

Therefore, I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. And whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.


How dearly The Heavenly Father Loves His Most Beloved Son, Jesus!! In the deepest, darkest final moment of His Human Life, Jesus, was in need of The Father’s Love to overcome death and for evil to be conquered at The Cross. However, The Father knew that His Son, Jesus, would be unable to experience that Love at the very moment He would need It most, due to the cleverness of satan, in hiding The Heavenly Father’s Love. And so, foreseeing this pivotal moment, The Father provided a Mother for His Son, Who would carry His Love to His Son. The Heavenly Father placed His Eternal Love in The Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.

At the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, The Heavenly Father placed His Spirit of Love, The Holy Spirit, in Our Blessed Mother’s Heart. And at the Incarnation, The Blessed Mother became forever The Spouse of The Holy Spirit, through Her “Fiat” (yes) to bring forth Divine-Human Life through Her Immaculate Womb. Joined Together forever in a Sacred Oneness that surpasses all spiritual marriages, The Holy Spirit resides and abides in a rich, ever-abundant fullness in The Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.

Yes, it is True. All sins committed against the Man-God will be forgiven, because Jesus atoned for all evil—all sin—of every soul in the human race against The Heavenly Father. The Man-God atoned, through His Sacrificial Death, in His Humanity as son of Adam, all sins committed against God The Father and God The Son.

However, there is no eternal atonement by God for sins committed against The Third Person of The Most Holy Trinity, The Holy Spirit. This is why blasphemy against The Holy Spirit is the unpardonable sin. When a person is illuminated by The Holy Spirit and deliberately turns away from that Light, it is an eternal sin that is unpardonable. This illumination especially happens in the final moment of death.

And this same illumination of conscience will take place on earth as a “Baptism of Truth” in The Great Warning. For some, they may die in shock, in their mortal sins, at this Great Illumination. Others may turn away from God in the hours, days, months, or even years, from this great event. But, if a soul turns away from this action of The Holy Spirit after The Great Warning, their eternal judgment will be confirmed and sealed and becomes unpardonable. This is especially true if a person takes the mark of the beast, because that is a deliberate act of free will against God after The Great Warning.

Through The Great Warning, all souls on earth will know about the pivotal role Our Lady has in the Divine Plan of God as The Women of Genesis and Revelation, The Woman Clothed With The Sun, and the New Eve. A deliberate turning away from this Divine Truth will also be an unpardonable sin. Our Lady is The Spouse of The Holy Spirit. They are One in Spirit and in Truth. The Holy Spirit blesses the works of Our Lady and Is Always with Our Lady. To deny the pivotal role of Our Lady, in the Divine Plan of God for the salvation of humanity, is to deny Truth Itself. Thus, it becomes an unpardonable sin. One cannot make it to Heaven and into the age to come without acknowledging the Queen of Heaven and Their Mother. This is an inescapable fact.

Now, in Part Three, I will write about the New Pentecost and New Springtime meant to come forth to all lovers of Our Lord and Our Lady.

Te Deum laudamus.

(“Thee, O God, we praise”)



July 24, 2013

Explaining Jesus’ Defeat of Satan”


I want to explain the great mysteries of suffering and death. The heavenly Father so loved the first human persons he created that he gave them special gifts, called preternatural. By these powers, they could not suffer or die.”

Satan’s Envy

Satan was filled with jealousy and rage because lowly human persons enjoyed these special divine protections. He conceived his plan to bring those first persons away from their very special condition and to bring them into his seduction, filled with sufferings.”

As these human persons, deceived by Satan’s lies, followed his promptings, they, too, were plunged into his sufferings. These preternatural gifts were lost. This is now the permanent state of the human race. Every person born into the world is subjected to Satan’s sufferings and to death. I will speak now of my own Son’s sufferings and death.”

Jesus’ Sufferings

During his lifetime, Jesus frequently destroyed human sufferings by his healing actions. For some people, he even reversed the power of death. However, all of these were just partial victories. Satan’s kingdom was still safe in the center of his stronghold.”

Jesus’ final and complete victory began in the Garden of Gethsemane. There, he asked his heavenly Father if it were possible to avoid the Way of the Cross. The Father explained that Jesus had to reach the very stronghold of Satan. Every king, (even Satan) protects his stronghold with guards and gates. As Jesus accepted this task from the Father, namely to invade Satan’s central stronghold and engage him in combat, his suffering began. The soldiers, led by Judas, came to arrest him.”

Getting to the Stronghold

The scourging, the crowning of thorns, the various trials before the Sanhedrin and Pilate, and even the way of the cross were just the preliminary obstacles that Jesus had to go through to reach the central stronghold.”

Only as he was lifted up on the cross, did the mortal combat begin. I was there, not merely as a witness, but to engage in the battle with Jesus. That is why I am the co-redemptrix of the human race.”

How great was that battle – back and forth. One part would be conquered and then a greater Satanic response would be released. Jesus’ sufferings continued to escalate as he entered deeper and deeper into the Satanic stronghold. By his fidelity and my cooperation, we finally reached the center of Satan’s kingdom.”

Standing Before Satan’s Throne

We were together, our hearts locked together by the greatest human and divine love that has ever existed. Satan did not just confront his Creator but a creature, whom he so much despised.”

He was surprised that we had penetrated into his great secrecy. He saw his own folly in stirring up the Jewish leaders and in leading Pilate to condemn Jesus. He, by his foolishness, had allowed us to arrive for this mortal combat.”

Satan’s Futile Attempt

Totally dedicated to evil, he again used his great deceptions. He even repeated the temptations in the desert, offering Jesus once more all the kingdoms of the earth. Over these temptations, Jesus had already won his victories. He offered to lessen my sufferings and to make my way easy and light, but I rejected his false offers. I would always be the suffering Mother to bring forth my children.”

His Final Tactic

Then came the final moment, the ultimate struggle, evidenced by Jesus’ words, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” In his cleverness, he covered over the light that Jesus had always enjoyed. From the first moment of his conception, Jesus knew that he was the Beloved Son of God. Frequently, as at his Baptism and Transfiguration, the Father had assured Jesus of these special prerogatives. Even in the garden, Jesus knew that he was the Beloved Son.”

Now, that light was covered over. The Father did not hide himself but Satan, by his great intellect, saw how to cover over the Father’s face.”

The Victory of Mutual Love

This was darkness, for both Jesus and myself. We had only each other. The darkness was complete and total. Our love for each other was the only light that we enjoyed and we remained embraced in our mutual love until the end. At the end, there seemed to be no faith, nor even hope. Especially, there seemed to be not even love for the Father. All that we knew is that we loved one another. Together, we redeemed the human race. Jesus and I destroyed Satan in the very heart of his stronghold. His kingdom was divided and would not stand.”


Today, he still roams the earth looking for those whom he would devour. However, he knows that his days are numbered and that, at the end of time, he will be cast forever into hell, never to have access to the saints. His kingdom is condemned forever.”

I needed to teach this all at once. There is much more to say.”


From the Book of Truth

(Maria Divine Mercy)

By declaring the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be evil, you are guilty of a blasphemy of such magnitude proportions”
Wednesday, August 8th, 2012 @ 23:20

My dearly beloved daughter, when people ask what I mean by the Word of God, let Me explain.

The Word of God, as contained in the Holy Bible, both the Old and the New Testaments, the Word of God, the Truth, is being given to the world through these messages by the Gift of the Holy Spirit.

These messages are being presented by the Holy Trinity and are the only ones of their kind ever delivered to humanity by a prophet.

The reason is that this is the last mission, the final form of Divine communication and intervention being presented to the world because of My Second Coming.

Never interfere with the Power of the Holy Spirit for this is a very serious sin.

In these messages, the Voice of the Holy Spirit is being poured out to save mankind from eternal damnation.

You may deny Me, your Jesus, or the Divine messages given to you by My Beloved Mother, and you will be forgiven.

For all of you have the right to discern such Holy Messages because of your gift of free will.

However, when you reject the Holy Spirit and publicly blaspheme against it, this is an eternal sin and only a miracle, sanctioned by God the Father, can save your soul.

You must remain silent if in doubt about any Divine message given to the world and pray for the seer. Pray and follow your faith and continue in your ways of honouring God. It is very important that you do this.

By declaring the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be evil, you are guilty of a blasphemy of such magnitude proportions that this is deemed an unforgiveable sin.

You need to ask God to forgive you now, because should you continue to mount deliberate campaigns to block the Voice of the Holy Spirit, the Voice of the Holy Trinity and declare it to be an evil spirit, you will not, nor can you be forgiven, for this is a grave sin.

Many well-meaning Christians pull this work apart. The messages, they say, do not conform with Holy Scripture. When they say this, they do not know the Truth, which is contained in the Holy Bible.

They either attack these messages based on hearsay by others who claim to know the Truth or they declare them to be untrue based on their flawed interpretation of the Truth. Worse still, they twist the truth and compare these messages with new and ludicrous interpretations of the Holy Bible.

Listen to Me now, your Jesus, as I tell you this.

The high priests in My time on earth tried to twist the Truth of God’s Laws in order to justify their rejection of Me.

They used lies to stop people from hearing My Voice.

They declared Me a liar, a false prophet and accused Me of Heresy.

I blasphemed against the Laws of the Church, they said, and violated the Sabbath by conducting the Paschal Meal on a different day to the one they deemed to be correct.

They not only misunderstand Me, they out-rightly rejected Me, because they were not prepared to welcome the True Messiah at that time.

They were not ready.

They never thought that they would witness the arrival of the True Messiah in their lifetime.

So wrapped up were they in their ceremonies, their hierarchical regulations – which at that time exalted their leaders and placed them on pedestals as the real kings of their church –that they had no room in their hearts for Me, the Redeemer of Mankind.

The same will happen again as I prepare the world for My Second Coming.

The Pharisees could not understand the importance of humility.

They could not accept how God works in that He does not exalt the powerful or the most experienced religious leaders in His Church to unveil His plans, or warn His children.

God chose the ignorant, the humble and the generous of heart, to deliver His warnings to humanity.

He raised the weak and elevates them, through suffering, to become pure of heart so that He can manage how He communicates with them. In this way, human pride, on the part of the prophet, is unlikely to interfere with the Truth.

They rejected John the Baptist and murdered him. They murdered the prophets of old. They tormented chosen souls, through whom God communicated with.

In your world today, do you think it will be any different?

Will you, devoted followers of Me, and those who claim to be experts in My Christian or other churches who believe in My Eternal Father, accept the Word of God today?

No. You will do exactly onto the prophets, the true prophets as has been done to them since the beginning. You will vilify them in My Father’s Name.

But remember this. When the Truth is finally revealed to you, there will be no turning back if you are found guilty of the one eternal sin. That is if you blaspheme against the Holy Spirit.

Should you blaspheme against Me, Jesus Christ, you will be forgiven.

If you deny the gift of prophecy you, too, will be forgiven.

But if you block the final plan of salvation by ridiculing openly and gathering believers of My Church to consistently proclaim the Voice of the Holy Spirit to be false and evil, you will suffer eternal damnation.




By a soul

As I sit here, I am pondering some thoughts that The Holy Spirit has been placing in my heart for the past month or so. The thoughts are related to a comment that Our Lady made through a special message at Holy Love Ministry ( Here is the part of the heavenly message:

May 5, 2009

Blessed Mother:

Today I reveal to you for the first time, that the Flames above the heads of the apostles on Pentecost were sparks of love from My Heart of Holy Love. It is through these Flames that the apostles were able to proclaim the good news with Holy Boldness. So today I invite you to spread the good news of the Gospel message of Holy Love with the same Holy Boldness.”


When I initially encountered this message, it struck me, because I could not understand how the tongues of fire at Pentecost came from the Immaculate Heart of Our Blessed Mother. Because physically, the Blessed Mother was with the apostles on earth in the upper room in Jerusalem. Yet, the flames of The Holy Spirit came down from Heaven by God.

I also read these subsequent two messages from St. Thomas Aquinas at Holy Love Ministry that discussed further this spiritual event. They made me ponder even further this mystical reality.


May 9, 2009

1:00 A.M.

St. Thomas Aquinas says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

You are questioning the statement given by Our Lady on the Fifth–the statement being that the Tongues of Fire above the apostles on Pentecost were a Spark from Her Heart–the Flame of Holy Love. To understand this, you must delve into the theology of the Complete Image of the United Hearts.”

There are many aspects to this. First of all, remember the Holy Spirit and Mary were united at Jesus’ conception; that is, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Our Lady at the conception. At Pentecost the Eternal Father allowed a small Spark from Mary’s Heart to be united once again with the Holy Spirit.”

Also, remember that the Immaculate Heart is God’s Holy and Divine Will–so is the Paraclete. So then, in this mystical union in God’s Will, They were One at Pentecost.”

In the Complete Image of the United Hearts, the Flame of Holy Love and the Flame of Divine Love are encapsulated in the Light of the Holy Spirit. They cannot be pulled apart–the union is mystically perfect. Therefore, where the Holy Spirit is acting, Holy and Divine Love are present as well. This is the Divine Will.”

It will take theologians ages to sort this out. Therefore, do not try to resolve it tonight.”

May 9, 2009

9:30 A.M.

St. Thomas Aquinas says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

I have come once again to speak on the topic I expounded upon last night, mainly the interaction of the Divine Will and the union of the United Hearts pertaining to Pentecost. Don’t worry if you can’t grasp this information; just write down what I say.”

Paternal Love, which is the Heart of the Father, is united with Divine Love–Jesus’ Sacred Heart and Holy Love–the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are All the Eternal Divine Will. When One is acting, All are. None can act or have essence outside of the Divine Will. Paternal Love gives the Light of the Holy Spirit, which encapsulates Holy and Divine Love. So then, the Tongues of Fire on Pentecost, which were the visible presence of the Light of the Holy Spirit, encapsulated Holy and Divine Love; thus, Our Lady’s statement that the Tongues were a Spark from Her Heart.”

A spark is only a small portion of a flame, but enough to ignite other flames. Certainly, Holy Love was a part of the tradition of Holy Boldness in the apostles’ hearts after Pentecost.”


Now, I am not a theologian or a learnt student of Holy Scripture. And when St. Thomas Aquinas said, “it will take theologians ages to sort this out. Therefore, do not try to resolve it tonight,” I thought to myself, I’ll never understand this as it is too mystically in-depth for me. St. Thomas Aquinas even said in the second message, “don’t worry if you can’t grasp this information; just write down what I say,” and so, even though, I knew this comment by Our Lady was important, as it would not have been revealed unless it meant something important, I simply filed it away in my mind as a question of faith that might never be answered for me while on earth.

Yet, The Lord Is Good to me. He always answers my prayers, even if, it takes years-in-the-making for the answer. And so, for the past month or so, The Holy Spirit has been answering this question of mine in my heart. And so, I desire to share with all what has been revealed to me. The answer lies in a locution given by Our Lord (Locutions To The World). Here is it:

September 2, 2012

Manifestation to Mary”


There was a unique moment of my glory when I manifested my glorified presence to my mother. This is not recorded in Scripture because it was so internal to her spirit. Because the disciples needed bodily visions, I appeared to them to convince them of my rising from the dead. My mother did not need this. She was ready for the highest manifestation of my glory in the deepest part of her soul. This slightest touch of God effects greater glory than many lower gifts, like bodily visions.”

Such it was with my mother and this experience cannot be described in words. Also, it is continuous and constantly growing. She went from glory to glory, a glory unknown to men and angels. She was totally hidden in me, arriving at the center of my heart. From the time of my resurrection to the time of her Assumption there was a continuous growing union of our spirits. This happened only after my human nature entered into its glory. These secrets will be on display for all to see in heaven, where every human being enters into the union between myself and my mother. How else can anyone be born to eternal life? She is the mother of all the living.”


And when I read this locution from Jesus, The Holy Spirit gave me the gift of understanding this locution in relationship to the message from Our Lady about Pentecost at Holy Love Ministry. It is a blessing that I desire everyone to share in. As I explained in Part Two, Our Lady’s role in the Redemption of humanity cannot be undervalued or underrated. She had a uniquely special role at The Crucifixion. The Blessed Mother’s role in The Divine Plan of Our Lord is critical to understanding the role She continues to have today in this, The End Times, as well as in the age to come. Truly, without Our Lady, salvation history would not be possible.

At the Resurrection of Our Lord on Easter Sunday, because of the unique Union between Our Lord’s Most Sacred Heart and Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart, a Union that has been revealed through Holy Love Ministry, Our Lady entered into Her Heavenly Glory, in Union with Her Son, when Jesus glorified His humanity through the Resurrection. This unique grace and privilege was bestowed on Our Blessed Mother, because of her participation and cooperation as Co-Redemptrix of mankind.

Mystically, Our Lady experienced the “highest manifestation” of Christ’s Resurrected Glory in the “deepest part” of Her soul. A Glory that is so High and so Perfect that it is “unknown” to all men and even angels. A Glory that is continuous and constantly growing. A Glory that takes place from Glory to Glory in God. A Perfect mystical Union with and between The Three Divine Persons of The Most Holy Trinity.

And when I understood that Our Lady entered into the Heavenly Glory of God in the Resurrection, I then understood in perfect clarity how the Divine Flames of the Light of The Holy Spirit at Pentecost came from the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. Just as the Image of the United Hearts at Holy Love Ministry tries to portray, the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady Is One with the Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity.

What St. Thomas Aquinas said at Holy Love Ministry is True. When The Holy Spirit overshadowed Our Lady at the conception of Jesus, both The Holy Spirit and Our Lady entered into a mystical marriage so High, so United, and so Perfect, as to never be separated ever. And from Locutions To The World, it has been revealed that the Renewal of the face of the earth will take place through the workings of The Holy Spirit in the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.


May 10, 2013

Age of the Holy Spirit”


I want to speak of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, in my name. He now lives and dwells with mankind. Although hidden from human eyes, he manifests himself constantly to those who know him and invite him to act. He manifests himself sometimes among those who know him but have little devotion to him. He hides himself from everyone who rejects me.”

All of that will change because the Age of Mary is really the Age of the Holy Spirit. The two are so closely joined, that one cannot be present without the other. This is the mystery being revealed now. The Spirit has chosen to take up his permanent residence within Mary. She is the Spirit’s spouse, where he always stays. From her Immaculate Heart he pours out his divine fire.”


When my spouse, the Holy Spirit, came upon me to conceive Jesus, he grasped me and held me. He took me as his bride, like the proudest bridegroom on his wedding day. Since then, we have never separated. He has made his temple in my heart. From there, he has sanctified the Church and the world. Now, the mystery has to be revealed because the world so needs his divine fire. Where will you find God’s Spirit, O world? He waits for you in my heart. He goes out to you from my heart and he will renew the whole world in my heart. This is the secret of the Age of Mary. You have found his traces, his works, his manifestations but you have not encountered his essence, his internal fire, because you have not sought him in the secret dwelling place of my Immaculate Heart.”


Truly, the tongues of fire came forth from The Holy Spirit through the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady to the apostles at Pentecost. And as we await the second Pentecost, the New Springtime, to take place at The Great Warning, once again a “Baptism of Truth” will take place on earth, originating in the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady through the workings of The Holy Spirit.

Jesus has said through Locutions To The World: “These secrets will be on display for all to see in heaven, where every human being enters into the union between myself and my mother. How else can anyone be born to eternal life? She is the mother of all the living.”

I have written in other writings about the profound communion each soul has with Our Lady in Heaven. I wrote previously:

Each of us in heaven enjoys a unique intimate relationship with Our Lady. Second only to God Himself, each of us is ever-closest and ever-present to Our Lady in a fullness more profound and in a deeper way that is set apart from the unity that all holy angels and saints have in the Communion of The Saints through The Body of Christ.”

In order to comprehend this profound and deeply intimate relationship we have especially with Our Lady, one must understand the Divine Truth that the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady are so United as to be essentially One in God. They are identical Twin Hearts never separate or apart from one another. Wherever Our Lord Is, so Is Our Lady. They never walk apart or alone. Our Lady is Our Mediatrix of All Grace and Our Advocate of All Causes.”

“…And so, because of the unique Unity between the Twin Hearts of Divine and Holy Love, each of us has a uniquely profound communion with Our Lady. She is ever-present to us, just as Her Son, Jesus, Is to us in heaven.”

I speak this Divine Truth, because I witness this in my own life, in my own soul. It is hard for me to speak of these mystical gifts, because they are private for me, a hidden favor and special blessings God has given to me in my faith journey. I only speak about this hidden grace with great reluctance, but others need to know the Truth of Our Lord and Our Lady’s words to us today. People need to understand that these gifts and experiences are not limited to me or certain persons. God desires to shower these graces and favors on one and all.

I know that there will be some who will not believe my words. But, to those who look with the eyes of faith, I share this with you all, so you can enter into this profound mystical communion with Our Lord and Our Lady on earth, too. This journey of the faith is accessible to you, through the pathway Our Lord and Our Lady have provided for every soul at Holy Love Ministry ( This is the pathway that I travel every day, each present moment, in my faith journey, towards Unitive Love and living in the Divine Will of Our Heavenly Father. I write down my experiences in these writings and various love-letters, so others can find The Way, too, and take this ultimate journey with me, for the Glory of God.

In Locutions To The World, Our Lady shares with us:

October 25, 2014

In the midst of these problems, how do you find the way to peace? I will speak. Listen to my promptings. Where do I speak? In the quiet of your heart. I begin right now. Stop and listen. Do not fear if I chastise you. Some parts of your life might have to change. They are just obstacles that need to be swept away so you can see the road ahead.”

I speak in these locutions but they are external words, general words of guidance for all the world. I promise to also speak to every heart. How do I speak? What words do I use? From reading the locutions, you know that I speak clearly and simply. I do not use big words but little words that even a child can understand.”

You also know that I point out what needs to be changed but always with words of encouragement. You know that my words are filled with promises and hope. I speak gently and invite, so no one is scared away. This is how I will speak to you in your own heart.”

Can I not pour out the gift of locutions upon the whole world? I do not mean that I will give you great words that should be published. I will give you little words to guide you on your path. Once in a while, I will give you words for others, for your family or your friends. At times, I will want you to do a work for me. Then, I will speak more strongly in your heart, when you are better prepared.”

How faithful you have been in reading these locutions. By doing so, you have learned to listen to my words spoken in your own heart. Be still. Pray. Go into your own heart. You will find me waiting there for you.”

And on October 29th, 2014, Our Lady promises to us:

I invite the whole world into chambers of my heart that, up to now, have been accessible only to the great saints. Read the books of all those saints who wrote about me. Their gifts will be your gifts.”


I am not a locutionist or a visionary or a messenger of God. I do not receive messages from Heaven that are to be published for the entire world. That is not the mission that God has given me.

I am a simple soul who desires all to come to know and love God and Our Lady. I am a poor sinner like everyone else. But, as God pours more and more of His Love into my heart, expanding my heart more and more, I cannot help but desire even more that everyone recognize the path that God has provided for them in their life. I cannot help but desire that everyone answer the Universal Call to Holiness of Our Lord and Our Lady at Holy Love Ministry.

God does not desire to limit His gifts or His favors. He desires that everyone become a “great saint” in His Eyes. I know that it is the express desire of God that every soul enter into the Fifth Chamber of The Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord. Just as He expressed at Holy Love:

Hasten to live the message and begin your journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts; for when I return in Victory, all will be in the Fifth Chamber of My Heart–the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

In conclusion, I desire to share this invitation from Our Lady to all through Locutions To The World. God bless all!

November 25, 2014

Mary’s Promises to Beginners”


When the events begin, it will be too late. Many will find themselves unable to respond because they are bereft of any faith in supernatural help. They will not know the ways of God or how he can save them. They know only natural powers and human resources which will totally fail them in these events. So, I must explain my help.”

I am present to every person in the world. To each one, I offer my help. I do not limit my presence or my saving power. Some are keenly aware of this. They always experience my help and turn to me in every need. They also live according to the gospel teachings and are faithful to the Church. They understand my promises because they are already experiencing my presence.”

Now I speak to others. Through these locutions they are beginning to grasp the need for my help. They also see my promise and my new gifts that will be needed to face the future events which will severely change the whole world.”

To these I say, “You have beginning faith. Your hearts are filled with beginning light. You sense something new. Your mind has been plunged into all my promises. You see a new road which you want to walk. This road is true. The invitation is so vital. Follow these new hopes. Commit yourself to my ways. I am awakening you while there is still time. Follow these holy desires. Soon, you, too, will realize that I am always present, always helping and always leading. You have found the door to my Immaculate Heart. Enter quickly and remain there. You will be safe.””


Te Deum laudamus.

(“Thee, O God, we praise”)



Holy Love Ministry

May 5, 2009

Feast of Mary, Refuge of Holy Love – 12th Anniversary

(This message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed.

Blessed Mother is Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.

Blessed Mother says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus says:

I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

Blessed Mother:

Dear children–apostles of My Heart–My Beloved Son sends Me once again seeking your reconciliation with the Will of God the Father. This cannot be accomplished outside of Holy Love. Therefore, once again I call all people and all nations into the Refuge of My Heart, which is Holy Love.”

Never allow Satan to discourage you in your prayer life. These days I have come to tell you that your prayers withhold the Arm of Justice. Even if a prayer is offered in the midst of great distraction, it is not lost; for I send angels to collect the fragments of such prayers. The angels carry the fragmented prayers to Me, which I mend and make whole–even beautiful in the Eyes of God.”

I desire to be close to you during these troubling times. Realize that it is the Holy Love in your hearts which binds us together. Satan is ever-present and tries to pull us apart by weakening this bond through lack of trust in God’s Will and unforgiveness towards one another.” *

I, your Mother, tell you to remain simple and childlike. Know that this alone confuses the enemy, for he cannot understand such a heart. When you pick up your rosaries, it is as though you are holding My Hand and I am guiding you through the Mysteries and along the path of Holy Love. I am always with you in prayer, especially the rosary. I will not abandon you.”

Threats against basic freedoms are all around you. Indeed, your country in the name of ‘liberty’ is surrendering its freedom. Only Satan could turn the truth inside out in such a way. Pandering to the enemies of freedom may cost your president dearly. Evil that is in hearts will not change by paying it respect. It is naive to believe so.”

With a Mother’s Heart, I plead for the conversion of sinners. My Son is most grievously offended by the indifference of so many towards the state of their souls. God’s commandments are trampled underfoot by self-love. You have yet to experience the full wrath of God’s Justice. Do not live as though it will never come. I tell you, angels tremble at the thought of that day. Do not support leadership which ignores God’s laws in favor of pleasing man’s whims.”

Today there is much concern for the spread of the flu virus. People fear for their lives, as it seems to spread worldwide. Close attention is given to this insidious pandemic. But I tell you, of far greater concern should be the epidemic of evil, which has gripped the heart of the world. This epidemic contaminates souls and robs many of their salvation. Thousands slip to their perdition through this contagion of compromise, deceit and inordinate self-love. The failure of mankind to even recognize evil at work is Satan’s greatest weapon. He is free to do whatever he chooses from conception in the womb to invasion of childhood innocence to compromise of the faith, and even to challenging natural death. As long as evil is unacknowledged, it runs rampant.”

Dear little children, please understand that the grace of each present moment is a cooperation between the choices of free will and God’s Divine Will. The greatest graces come into the present moment when the soul trusts and chooses to live in Holy Love; for instance, I cannot save the world from disaster by My efforts alone. I can only act in accord with the Father’s Will and the efforts of mankind to live in righteousness. This is why I tell you, it is most important for each soul to discover the path of Holy Love and live in harmony with the Divine Will. Then the Father allows Me to spread My Mantle of Protection over you.”

Today as we celebrate My title ‘Refuge of Holy Love’, I invite you to reflect back upon the ways in which Heaven has tried to intervene here. I came at first seeking the title ‘Protectress of the Faith’. This title could have saved the Church in America from so much heresy and liberalism, but it was judged ‘unnecessary’. Jesus asked for the construction of the Church of Atonement–a mystical concept–made up of victim souls who sacrifice for the welfare of the Universal Church. These messages were not regarded in the light of truth either. The Revelation of the United Hearts was next followed closely by the Chambers of the United Hearts. This, too, had been held up to suspicion.”

It is necessary that you realize that such judgments levied against Heaven’s helping hand do not support the truth, no matter the lofty position of those who decide to levy their judgments. Do not be tricked by Satan but begin to see that he seeks the destruction of the Church, the world and every soul.”

In the world you witness people wearing masks as protection from the flu virus; but, My children, the flu is just a physical threat. How much greater is the threat of evil which jeopardizes your eternal salvation. This threat, too, is invisible. I, your Mother, have come many times to warn you that evil is all around you. I give you the cure, which is Holy Love, and I offer you the protection, which is the Refuge of Holy Love–My Immaculate Heart. I ask you, My children to be more concerned with exposure to evil than any physical disease, for evil is a disease of the soul.”

All that is rising to a head in the world dictates the need for Holy Love–as a guide towards purification and personal holiness–as a fortress and protection in spiritual warfare, and as a sign that mankind has not been abandoned by Heaven. Those who seek to find reasons not to believe have chosen to oppose these truths. But, My children, if Heaven did not see the urgent necessity of My title ‘Refuge of Holy Love’, I would not be here in your midst offering My Maternal care.”

Today I reveal to you for the first time, that the Flames above the heads of the apostles on Pentecost were sparks of love from My Heart of Holy Love. It is through these Flames that the apostles were able to proclaim the good news with Holy Boldness. So today I invite you to spread the good news of the Gospel message of Holy Love with the same Holy Boldness.”

We’re extending to you today the Complete Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

* Unforgiveness includes unforgiveness of self.

Note: Please refer to the two messages from St. Thomas Aquinas on May 9th in which he gives an explanation of the Tongues of Fire above the apostles that were a Spark from Blessed Mother’s Heart.

May 9, 2009

1:00 A.M.

St. Thomas Aquinas says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

You are questioning the statement given by Our Lady on the Fifth–the statement being that the Tongues of Fire above the apostles on Pentecost were a Spark from Her Heart–the Flame of Holy Love. To understand this, you must delve into the theology of the Complete Image of the United Hearts.”

There are many aspects to this. First of all, remember the Holy Spirit and Mary were united at Jesus’ conception; that is, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Our Lady at the conception. At Pentecost the Eternal Father allowed a small Spark from Mary’s Heart to be united once again with the Holy Spirit.”

Also, remember that the Immaculate Heart is God’s Holy and Divine Will–so is the Paraclete. So then, in this mystical union in God’s Will, They were One at Pentecost.”

In the Complete Image of the United Hearts, the Flame of Holy Love and the Flame of Divine Love are encapsulated in the Light of the Holy Spirit. They cannot be pulled apart–the union is mystically perfect. Therefore, where the Holy Spirit is acting, Holy and Divine Love are present as well. This is the Divine Will.”

It will take theologians ages to sort this out. Therefore, do not try to resolve it tonight.”

May 9, 2009

9:30 A.M.

St. Thomas Aquinas says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

I have come once again to speak on the topic I expounded upon last night, mainly the interaction of the Divine Will and the union of the United Hearts pertaining to Pentecost. Don’t worry if you can’t grasp this information; just write down what I say.”

Paternal Love, which is the Heart of the Father, is united with Divine Love–Jesus’ Sacred Heart and Holy Love–the Immaculate Heart of Mary. These are All the Eternal Divine Will. When One is acting, All are. None can act or have essence outside of the Divine Will. Paternal Love gives the Light of the Holy Spirit, which encapsulates Holy and Divine Love. So then, the Tongues of Fire on Pentecost, which were the visible presence of the Light of the Holy Spirit, encapsulated Holy and Divine Love; thus, Our Lady’s statement that the Tongues were a Spark from Her Heart.”

A spark is only a small portion of a flame, but enough to ignite other flames. Certainly, Holy Love was a part of the tradition of Holy Boldness in the apostles’ hearts after Pentecost.”



August 29, 2012

The Woman and the Beloved Disciple”


There were two special people, the disciple whom I loved and my mother. In my final hours, they consoled me as no one else could ever do. Frequently, I looked at them standing valiantly at the foot of the cross. They said no words and made no gestures, but I knew what was in their hearts.”

They were the two who were closest to my own heart. Their sorrows multiplied my sorrows. This is the truth about human life. The same love that consoles also increases the pain. A constant flow took place between our hearts, a flow of both consolation and sorrow.”

Finally, I had to say what was in my heart. “Woman, behold your son”, and to the disciple “Behold your mother”. That was the grace of my death. A believer would share in my relationship to my mother. From this flows every gift. So, I say to all the world, “Behold your mother”. She will make you children of the Father.”

August 30, 2012

Death on the Cross”


Finally, death came upon me just as it comes upon everyone. My body could no longer support life and my soul no longer had a dwelling place. It was free to enter into eternal light. Suddenly, the heavenly realms were changed. The doors of heaven were opened and I led a multitude of souls, including my foster father Joseph, into heavenly glory.”

What I always believed, I saw, experienced and tasted. The will of the Father had been accomplished and now a light went from earth to heaven. What had been separated was now joined again. A new road was constructed by my human nature taken from my virginal mother.”

All could walk this road. I needed only to prove to the apostles that I was the way to the Father. This still lay ahead in the Father’s plan.”

August 31, 2012

King of the Angels”


I entered into my glory, welcomed by all the angels and saints and united forever with my heavenly Father, an experience which every justified soul enjoys when they come to heaven. I am the first-born among the dead and those who were deceased first experienced my power to free them from captivity and to bring them into heavenly glory. These souls had awaited my coming and now they could rejoice in the fullness of God that had been denied them until I redeemed them by my Blood.”

But that is not all. Finally, the angels had their king. They had seen the mystery of my birth and had announced this to the shepherds. They had witnessed my agony in the Garden, and saw my death on the cross. Now they went before me as my soul entered into its glory.”

September 2, 2012

Manifestation to Mary”


There was a unique moment of my glory when I manifested my glorified presence to my mother. This is not recorded in Scripture because it was so internal to her spirit. Because the disciples needed bodily visions, I appeared to them to convince them of my rising from the dead. My mother did not need this. She was ready for the highest manifestation of my glory in the deepest part of her soul. This slightest touch of God effects greater glory than many lower gifts, like bodily visions.”

Such it was with my mother and this experience cannot be described in words. Also, it is continuous and constantly growing. She went from glory to glory, a glory unknown to men and angels. She was totally hidden in me, arriving at the center of my heart. From the time of my resurrection to the time of her Assumption there was a continuous growing union of our spirits. This happened only after my human nature entered into its glory. These secrets will be on display for all to see in heaven, where every human being enters into the union between myself and my mother. How else can anyone be born to eternal life? She is the mother of all the living.”

May 10, 2013

Age of the Holy Spirit”


I want to speak of the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, in my name. He now lives and dwells with mankind. Although hidden from human eyes, he manifests himself constantly to those who know him and invite him to act. He manifests himself sometimes among those who know him but have little devotion to him. He hides himself from everyone who rejects me.”

All of that will change because the Age of Mary is really the Age of the Holy Spirit. The two are so closely joined, that one cannot be present without the other. This is the mystery being revealed now. The Spirit has chosen to take up his permanent residence within Mary. She is the Spirit’s spouse, where he always stays. From her Immaculate Heart he pours out his divine fire.”


When my spouse, the Holy Spirit, came upon me to conceive Jesus, he grasped me and held me. He took me as his bride, like the proudest bridegroom on his wedding day. Since then, we have never separated. He has made his temple in my heart. From there, he has sanctified the Church and the world. Now, the mystery has to be revealed because the world so needs his divine fire. Where will you find God’s Spirit, O world? He waits for you in my heart. He goes out to you from my heart and he will renew the whole world in my heart. This is the secret of the Age of Mary. You have found his traces, his works, his manifestations but you have not encountered his essence, his internal fire, because you have not sought him in the secret dwelling place of my Immaculate Heart.”

November 3, 2013

Speaking to Everyone”


I want the whole world to look for my signs. I do not ask you to look up into the clouds, as if you would see me standing there. I want you to be still, to look into your own heart. Find there new stirrings, and new desires. They were not there yesterday. You find a new desire for God and for his friendship. Suddenly, you want to take up new religious practices.”

Secondly, you will begin to hear my voice. By reading my locutions, you realize that I speak in a quite human way. If you remain at peace and search your own heart, I will begin to speak to you in the same way. These will be little words. You will even write some down. You will say, “Mary is speaking to me”. The daily locutions will guide you. You will not go off course. By reading these locutions, you know my interests and the helps that I offer. Especially, you have learned to hear my voice.”

January 23, 2014

The Secrets of the Saints”


Too many hold back, afraid to seek God’s favors. So, I myself bring you into God’s presence. I present you to him as my special child and I plead for your every need.”

Among heaven’s greatest gifts is the intercession of the saints, all the saints, both known and unknown. They plead every minute for you. They, who now see God, want you to see God. They, who live forever, want you to live forever. How incessant this pleading. How fruitful. It gains so many helps for you.”

You are not alone. All of heaven accompanies you on your journey. When you turn aside, and go off the road, the saints intercede even more. When you are fervent, they rejoice.”

Enter into this cloud of witnesses. Hide yourself in their company until the day that Jesus comes for you. Blessed are those whom he finds united with his friends. All will enter as one.”

Do not think of yourself as an individual walking a lonely path to the kingdom. You are in the middle of all the saints who accompany you. Just remain with them.”

October 25, 2014

Having Your Own Locutions”


In the midst of these problems, how do you find the way to peace? I will speak. Listen to my promptings. Where do I speak? In the quiet of your heart. I begin right now. Stop and listen. Do not fear if I chastise you. Some parts of your life might have to change. They are just obstacles that need to be swept away so you can see the road ahead.”

I speak in these locutions but they are external words, general words of guidance for all the world. I promise to also speak to every heart. How do I speak? What words do I use? From reading the locutions, you know that I speak clearly and simply. I do not use big words but little words that even a child can understand.”

You also know that I point out what needs to be changed but always with words of encouragement. You know that my words are filled with promises and hope. I speak gently and invite, so no one is scared away. This is how I will speak to you in your own heart.”

Can I not pour out the gift of locutions upon the whole world? I do not mean that I will give you great words that should be published. I will give you little words to guide you on your path. Once in a while, I will give you words for others, for your family or your friends. At. times, I will want you to do a work for me. Then, I will speak more strongly in your heart, when you are better prepared.”

How faithful you have been in reading these locutions. By doing so, you have learned to listen to my words spoken in your own heart. Be still. Pray. Go into your own heart. You will find me waiting there for you.”

October 29, 2014

New Chambers of Mary’s Heart”


The great mysteries unfold and the power contained in these flames of my love comes forth, only when I enter into a person’s life. I must now reveal the great mysteries, hidden for all the ages and made known in this special time.”

I speak now to those who love me and serve me. I know your fidelity. I know your longing for me. But I say to you. You do not yet know me because so many mysteries that have been hidden will be hidden no more. As they come forth, you will see how small was the light that you previously had, like the light of the stars compared with the sun.”

I will be everywhere. I will consume your thoughts and fill your affections. What you received up to now was little. What you knew about me was quite small. All will multiply – your knowledge, your faith, your love, your surrender. This will prepare you for the multiplication of my blessings and protections.”

I declare a new day. Those who know me will understand that they did not know me. All of this will happen in the new light that I am casting upon the world. Do not judge as you judged in the past. Do not think as you thought before. The new light will open unseen vistas, new mysteries and deeper understandings.”

I invite the whole world into chambers of my heart that, up to now, have been accessible only to the great saints. Read the books of all those saints who wrote about me. Their gifts will be your gifts.”

November 25, 2014

Mary’s Promises to Beginners”


When the events begin, it will be too late. Many will find themselves unable to respond because they are bereft of any faith in supernatural help. They will not know the ways of God or how he can save them. They know only natural powers and human resources which will totally fail them in these events. So, I must explain my help.”

I am present to every person in the world. To each one, I offer my help. I do not limit my presence or my saving power. Some are keenly aware of this. They always experience my help and turn to me in every need. They also live according to the gospel teachings and are faithful to the Church. They understand my promises because they are already experiencing my presence.”

Now I speak to others. Through these locutions they are beginning to grasp the need for my help. They also see my promise and my new gifts that will be needed to face the future events which will severely change the whole world.”

To these I say, “You have beginning faith. Your hearts are filled with beginning light. You sense something new. Your mind has been plunged into all my promises. You see a new road which you want to walk. This road is true. The invitation is so vital. Follow these new hopes. Commit yourself to my ways. I am awakening you while there is still time. Follow these holy desires. Soon, you, too, will realize that I am always present, always helping and always leading. You have found the door to my Immaculate Heart. Enter quickly and remain there. You will be safe.””


Holy Love Ministry

October 5, 2001

Monthly Message to All Nations

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed.

Blessed Mother says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

(Jesus and Blessed Mother were surrounded by the Rosary of the Unborn. There were large angels stationed at each of the ‘Our Father’ beads.)


I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

I have come to ask you to stop killing the life I lovingly place in the womb. Each life that is snuffed out changes the world forever.”

My brothers and sisters, I come to you today clothed in truth and openness. I hide nothing from you. I have no ulterior motive aside from the safety, salvation and well-being of every soul from the moment of conception until natural death. I beg your country today to take heed of My call to end legalized abortion. Do not wait until My solution is your last alternative.”

I desire that all humanity unite under the Seal of Holy and Divine Love–the two great commandments that embrace all the commandments. Yes, I long to place My Kiss of Divine Love upon the heart of the world. Then abortion would cease–war would end and terror would lose her grip upon the throat of the world.”

My brothers and sisters, it is when you do not place God first, and when you do not love your neighbor as you do yourselves, that right reason leaves you. Your consciences become compromised and you cannot distinguish good from evil. This is the state of confusion governments are in when they legislate unjust laws. It is the state of convoluted thinking that leads people to acts of terror. This is how souls open their hearts to Satan. The world cannot prosper in such confusion. Little by little, Satan is establishing his anarchy–first in hearts–then in the world.”

But I have come to tell you what the adversary does not want you to hear; that is, that every Mass you attend, every Communion you receive, every holy hour you make, every prayer or rosary you say, weakens the enemy forever in some soul somewhere in the world. This is the way to victory, little by little–one soul at a time patiently persevering in Holy Love.”

The war you are engaged in is not over property or even lives. It is about souls. It is good against evil. This is why I come here today seeking to place My Seal upon your hearts. My Seal is Holy and Divine Love. It is a sign to Satan that you belong to Me spiritually, and he can’t have you. But I can only place My Seal upon your heart when you obey the two great commandments of love. Hasten to live the message and begin your journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts; for when I return in Victory, all will be in the Fifth Chamber of My Heart–the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”

In truth I tell you that your nation’s stance on legalized abortion is the determining factor in your national security. For years Heaven has stood by and watched as the security of the baby in the womb was violated and life taken. Solemnly I tell you, recognize abortion as a face of evil and an enemy to world security. You will not have genuine peace until abortion is overturned. Do not see My words to you today as a threat, but as a grace.”

We are blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”


By a soul

Sometimes I wonder things about Our Lord, Jesus Christ, that might seem like “silly” ponderings to others.

For example, I have wondered if Jesus ever got sick as a child? Did He ever scrape a knee or fall and get a bruise? I knew that Jesus suffered in His Passion and in His Death, but I did not understand if He also suffered physically in other ways during His Life on earth. I have wondered these “silly” things simply because Jesus Is God and He had a Perfect Body. So, I have thought that He might be exempt from many commonly-held experiences as we, poor sinners, have on earth. I simply did not know.

Well, God Is amazing… He always finds a way of answering my hidden questions, my secret ponderings, and my private musings, in some form or another, all in His divine timing. And the answer to this question if Jesus ever got sick as a child is no exception. I found the answer when I came across a mystical revelation a few months ago, and My Love reminded me of this finding tonight, along with some contemplative thoughts. So, I am putting together these thoughts first as an introduction to the mystical piece I found awhile back to share with you all.

And yes, Jesus did get sick as a child and He did experience childhood illnesses.

In an earlier three-part series of writings, I have written much about a certain passage of Holy Scripture. Here is the passage again:

Book of Philippians
Chapter 2, Verses 5-8

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, Who,
though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.
Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness;
and found human in appearance, he humbled himself,
becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.”


I have learned, through studying and praying about this passage of Holy Scripture as well as by mystical revelation, that when Jesus willingly accepted to become a Man before His Divine Father that Jesus also accepted the grace to be able to suffer as a Man to bring about our Redemption through The Cross. But, this grace to be able to suffer was not limited to only the Passion and Crucifixion, but from the first moment of Conception of His Life on earth.

Jesus had the grace to be able to suffer as a child, both physically and mentally, as any human child. And when I realized this fact, it was astonishing to me, because Jesus had an Immaculate Soul and a Perfect Body formed from His Blessed Mother, yet, He truly humbled Himself even in this way, to be able to truly suffer like the rest of us, fallen humanity.

It was not necessary for Jesus to suffer throughout His whole Life on earth. His suffering could have been limited in time to the Passion and the Crucifixion. Yet, He chose to “empty Himself,” by taking the form of a “slave,” by becoming like us in all “human likeness.”

He bled, He suffered, He cried, He became ill, He fell down… He suffered as any child and as any adult before the Passion.

That is true humility. And most of this human suffering, done in profound humility, during His Life remains “hidden,” because it is not recorded in Holy Scripture. That makes His suffering even more incredible to me. God chose to intimately suffer in ways we do not know about simply because He desired to identify Himself with us, poor sinners—He held nothing back for Himself!

Adam and Eve were originally created by God with immaculate souls and had the “preternatural gifts” of being exempt from suffering and death. It is only when they fell from grace—when their souls were no longer immaculate—that they became subject to suffering and death. And so, because they had originally perfect bodies, although subject now to pain and suffering, Adam and Eve lived hundreds of years before death finally overcame them.

Adam and Eve were able to pass on these almost perfect physical qualities to their immediate children and that is the primary reason why humanity lived for hundreds of years before The Flood in Noah’s time. It is also the reason why today, humanity is experiencing increasing physical ailments and deformities and illnesses. We are far-removed from the physical perfections of Adam and Eve. It is natural law that all life and the earth pass from perfect order to increasing disorder. It is all due to The Original Fall.

Yet, Jesus always had an Immaculate Soul. Jesus inherited a Perfect Body due to The Blessed Mother and Her Immaculate Conception. So, it follows that Jesus should have been exempt from all suffering and physical death, like Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. So, it was by sheer grace and free-will choice alone, that The Divine Son humbled Himself before His Father, to accept His Redeeming Role as The Christ for fallen humanity.

My God, how Glorious You Are! I am nothing before Your Holiness!

I also realized tonight in my contemplations one of the reasons why Jesus spoke in parables to His apostles and disciples.

From mystical revelation, one knows that the reason 1/3 of the angels fell from grace was because they were asked if they would serve God as a Man-King. satan said “I will not serve,” and he demanded to be made King of All-Creation. he was able to convince 1/3 of the angels to follow him, thus, they created hell for themselves.

From that moment onward, satan prepared and plotted for the coming of God Incarnate as Man and as the Messiah of fallen humanity. It was his primary obsession before the Incarnation.

satan knew that Christ was coming into the world at the moment of the Annunciation, because of the Miraculous Conception of Our Lord. Yet, I have read in mystical revelation, that satan was never completely convinced that Christ was the Messiah throughout His Life on earth. I finally realized why… It was because Jesus could suffer throughout His earthly Life.

satan was confused by Jesus living His Life hidden for thirty years—satan does not understand humility—and he was confused because Jesus suffered as a Man.

satan could spiritually see that Jesus had an Immaculate Soul and a Perfect Body, like Adam and Eve, and so, logically, as I surmised in my earlier private musings, Jesus should have been exempt from any pain, suffering, and death. Yet, Jesus suffered as a child and as a man, like any human person. This fact completely confused satan.

But, because he knew that Jesus could suffer and die like any mortal man, satan connived to have Jesus murdered. However, I also know from mystical revelation, that satan only realized his great folly—his “great mistake”—at the moment The Cross was raised at Calvary.

It was only when The Cross was raised that satan finally understood all the parables that Jesus spoke to His apostles and disciples about His Death. satan realized his great error in causing the Crucifixion that would bring about The Resurrection. he was fooled by God.

God won.

And so, these are some of the lovely thoughts that My Love has been inspiring me to think about tonight. There is one final thought, which is about Our Lady.

The Blessed Mother also had an immaculate soul and a perfect body while living on earth. She also should have been exempt from pain, suffering and death, yet, She shared in this similar grace as Her Divine Son. She was given this exceptional grace due to Her Co-Redemptress role as Mother of God and Mother of all souls. Her Immaculate Heart is intimately United with the Most Sacred Heart of Her Divine Son. Thus, She shares the same Sorrows as Her Divine Son.

And the Greatness of Our Queen can never be understated. The Blessed Mother is not God, and yet, She will always Triumph with Him, because of the fact that She is only human and Her undivided free-will decision to always abide in the Divine Will Is To The Magnificent Glory Of God.

I am humbled by Our Lord and Our Lady. My God, how insignificant I am…

May I always love Thee…



I am not immaculate like the Blessed Mother. I am not a saint or even a holy person. I am an imperfect being and a poor sinner. So, I write these words knowing so well and so evidently my failings and faults. But, I had a dream once—a wish and a prayer that I have kept secret in my heart for several years. A dream that I want to share with you all now.

And so, in 2003, when I returned to the Catholic faith of my youth, I truly believe that The Holy Spirit inspired in me to pray in a particular way to God.

You see, during my conversion experience, as I read myself back into the universal Church, I would often think about how perfect and beautiful the earth was in the beginning when God the Father created Adam and Eve. About how perfect and beautiful the Divine Plan of God was for humanity. And how everything and everyone fell into increasing darkness through Original Sin.

I would cry myself to sleep sometimes at night over this. Because I could see the brokenness and suffering due to sin in hurting souls around the world. It made me so sad, because I knew that humanity had so much more potential for something greater and better than the current world and state that we are living in.

It was like God permitted me to see the world through His Eyes for a brief span of time in my life. I cried, because I wanted everything to be fixed, but because I was merely one soul, I knew that I had no power to do this. It truly broke my heart.

And I would often think of this quote by St. Augustine:

You have made us for Yourself, Oh Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”

And so, because I would become so emotionally distraught over the current sinful state of the world, I would spend much time in prayer, especially at night, begging God to fix this world.

In particular, I would pray to God, begging that we return to the original perfection and beauty of that special time in the Garden of Eden, before The Fall, before sin corrupted the world and our souls.

In particular, my prayers would call for all grace, from the beginning and end of time, to descend on the world and in our souls now, so that Creation could be brought into conformity again—remade into the beautiful and holy state it was before The Fall. So that the Divine Plan of God would be realized for all mankind.

Every moment that I could, I would petition all of Heaven and the Blessed Mother for this special intention. I would beg and I would beg with abundant tears falling from my eyes.

And I would say to God the Father, please, Father, please, Abba, let me see the original beauty of Creation. Please Father, please put Creation back together again. I want to see Your Heavenly Kingdom and the beauty of Your Divine Plan fulfilled in us and in the world. Please Father, answer my prayer. All the prayers of all Your children, Your family.

Because I was only a baptized child of God at the time—never having my First Holy Communion or Confirmation or any type of Catholic education, I never realized how profound these types of prayer would be, if said from the heart.

But, soon afterwards, as I prayed more and more intensely in this particular way, I became a prime target of the evil one. I was very naïve spiritually, so I did not know anything about spiritual warfare.

At first, satan tried to convince me by mental thoughts that since I was only a baptized soul and a great sinner, that my prayers were not being heard at all by Heaven. But, when I sought my first Sacrament of Confession and continued to pray in this particular way, the spiritual warfare became more manifest around me.

Then, one night, satan approached me disguised when I was praying, and still being too naïve about such matters, I almost allowed my soul to be possessed. But, in my hesitation and confusion over this, my guardian angel was able to warn me in my soul that it was satan.

This then lead to several events that ended up making me very sick, as Heaven and hell fought over the eternal state of my soul. I had to be hospitalized and I have been diagnosed chronically ill ever since.

I have never prayed in such an intense way since that particular time of my life. However, my special prayer intention remains in my heart and soul ever since. It has been the secret yearning of my human heart. That the Kingdom of Our God be fully realized on earth and that Creation be brought back whole and beautiful again as before The Fall.

And so, I have wondered and pondered about this, in my heart, for several years. Hoping that, in some way, it would be answered… someday… some sweet day…

I will tell you, my dearest brothers and sisters, that one of the motivations I have for writing you all is that I am hoping that this dream and wish of mine somehow comes true.

Of the few prophets and chosen holy souls that I follow, their messages are all consistent with each other, because they reveal spiritually to me the unfolding Divine Plan of God, Our Heavenly Father, in this special time, The End Times. The messages through Holy Love Ministry and from such holy messengers as Maria Divine Mercy are true—

God the Father is answering the inner cries of our hearts and our souls. Jesus Is Returning in The Second Coming to reestablish His Kingdom on earth.

God the Father is restoring Heaven and earth back to its Original State before The Fall of Adam and Eve. Our Heavenly Father is lifting up Creation and along with it, all willing souls who choose to enter The New Paradise in which there will be no more evil and no sin.

As I have written, I am not like the Blessed Mother. Nor am I not a saint or even a holy person.

I am simply a poor sinner who tries with all her heart to love like My Jesus. I stumble and fall often, but God Is All Merciful and All Forgiving towards me. Blessed Be God Forever!

I am not a prophet, nor do I know all the details of Our Father’s Divine Plan. But, I have, by reading various heavenly messages, discerned many things. I share some of them with you now:

  • The General Tribulation began in 2008.
  • The Great Warning / Global Illumination of Conscience will take place in Fall 2012.
  • The Great Warning will usher in The End Times events: the commencement of The Great Tribulation (reign of the antichrist (Islam) & false prophet (false church)) and The Great Struggle over souls between Our Lady and satan (Chapter 12 of The Book of Revelation).
  • Much of humanity will be saved through The Great Warning and prayer effort afterwards—many souls that would not have made it to Heaven without this great grace from God.
  • The souls still living that choose God will suffer their purgatory on earth. It will be difficult because they must cleanse their souls from all sin and sinful tendencies to enter The New Paradise on earth. Many souls will suffer their living purgatory at refuges on earth prepared by God. At the refuges, these souls will learn how to love and pray to God by following the example of Our Blessed Mother.
  • Meanwhile, through penance, prayers and indulgences by living souls at the refuges, the poor souls languishing in the real purgatory will be lifted up to Heaven. So that, at The Second Coming, purgatory will be closed forever.
  • The Two Witnesses during The Great Tribulation will be wearing the Sackcloth of Holy Love. God will commission them to preach The Gospel after The Great Warning. The Good News will include pointing The Way to The Divine Heart of Our Heavenly Father through the Messages imparted at Holy Love Ministry. At the refuges, souls will be taking these messages to heart by living them fully every moment they can as they prepare for The Second Coming.
  • After their martyrdom, The Two Witnesses will descend for three days to the real purgatory to witness to the poor souls that the Kingdom of God is at-hand on earth for The Second Coming. Also, the resurrection of The Two Witnesses will be a great grace of consolation to the remaining Church on earth as they prepare spiritually for Armageddon.
  • At The Second Coming and Final Judgment, all good souls from Heaven, purgatory and earth will be raised up to everlasting life in transfigured bodies. God will renew the earth and Heaven so that they will be ONE, and all of Creation will be restored as it was before The Fall. Time as we know it will cease as all good souls will be living in the present moment as God Is in The Eternal Now. Evil and sin and suffering will no longer exist in The Great Era of Peace. The Holy Spirit will be alive in every good soul and all will abide in The Divine Will of God. The eternal fate of every good soul will be secured forever in God.


Now, I do not claim any special insight into The Divine Plan of Our Heavenly Father after The Second Coming. But, I do have special prayers intentions for The Great Era of Peace, which I hope will become true.


These are the special prayer intentions that I have for The Great Era of Peace:

  • I pray that all souls will have the opportunity to have The Heart of Christ. This means that all souls will have the opportunity to journey along the Path of Holy Love and will eventually reside in The Divine Heart of The Father in Unitive Love. This includes the unborn infants that never had the opportunity to fulfill their mission in life or pursue the spiritual path imparted to us by God at Holy Love Ministry. This also includes all the souls of ancient and older times who either did not have the Holy Sacraments, including The Holy Eucharist, at all, or never took advantage of the Holy Sacraments as they should have.
  • I pray that the heavenly angels will also have the opportunity to increase in their love of God. That the heavenly angels will be able to also partake in The Holy Eucharist, known as The Bread of Angels, and will be truly our brothers and sisters in Christ. That the Blessed Mother, Queen of the Angels, will be their mother, too, in loving communion with Our Lord and the human family.
  • Finally, I pray that The Divine Will of God be fulfilled in all souls on earth. That all future generations are blessed forever by God. That all the special intentions of the Blessed Mother are fully realized now and always and forever. I also pray that the Blessed Mother will be finally recognized and honored and loved under all titles that God desires. That The United Hearts of Jesus and Mary triumph and reign in victory in all. I love You, Lord.

Now, I do not know if any of my special prayer intentions will come true. But, I have learned that in praying to God, it is important to dream big and often. That God listens to all prayer said genuinely from the heart and answers all prayer in keeping with His Divine Will. So, I hope that all I desire is in accordance with God’s desires for humanity and Heaven. And if my prayer intentions are not exactly in keeping with Our Father’s Divine Will, I pray the special intentions of Our Blessed Mother, because She always prays in accordance with The Divine Will of Our Loving Father. Blessed Be God!

And so, my dearest brothers and sisters in Christ, I invite you to pray often and to dream big. To be the eternal optimist and to never lose hope in a better and glorious future for all mankind. Because God answers prayer, in such a way, that it is more than we ever could dream for ourselves.

God bless you all!

I love you.

a soul



I believe in the messages provided through Maria Divine Mercy in the Book of Truth. I truly believe that she is the 7th messenger and end-time prophet as mentioned in Holy Scripture, the Book of Revelation.

However, in a few messages given to Maria Divine Mercy, Jesus indicated that the 3 1/2 year long period of the Great Tribulation would start before the end of 2012. And since Jesus has indicated that The Warning would happen as the first event that ushers in the Great Tribulation, I became disillusioned when this did not immediately happen.

I began to doubt the authenticity of the heavenly messages in the Book of Truth.

But, I realized over time that I was underestimating the Divine Mercy of God and the power of prayers by the faithful. Through much prayer and careful discernment, I realized the value of prophecy given to avert terrible situations from happening and how prayer can postpone events.

Our Lord is Ever-Merciful towards us, His children. In humility, I submitted this matter to Our Lord, and while I did not understand everything, I began to believe in the messages again through Maria Divine Mercy.

I trusted in Jesus and accepted not knowing all the details.

And truly being an Ever-Generous and Good God, The Lord answered my prayer and provided the answer to my questions through the Prophet John Leary.

I share these messages from Jesus through the Prophet John Leary for your discernment and consideration:

Prophet John Leary

Thursday, April 16, 2015


My people, I have delayed My Warning experience, so people will have more time to prepare their refuges. There are not a lot of people who have given their ‘yes’ to build a refuge. This takes a lot of faith and work to set up a place for people to stay. It may require some extra building and securing of food, water, and bedding for those who would come. Pray for My refuge builders, and help them in some of their needs.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


My people, I have given you a large measure of time before the major events will begin. This is why I have delayed the Warning experience. In the vision I have shown you an hourglass with the last bits of sand running out. This vision is to warn you that your time is running out before these events will happen. The Warning is needed to offer an opportunity for all sinners to see how they have offended Me in their sins, and some will want to convert and be saved. Those people, who have had a near death experience, are repentant and desire Confession, or they want their sins to be forgiven. Once, I bring about the Warning experience for everyone, the major events leading up to the Antichrist’s reign will occur rapidly. I have even mentioned before about six weeks of time after the Warning, will be the time for conversions. Those, who do not change their life direction, are risking being taken in by the Antichrist, and they could be lost in the eternal fires of hell. I told you, My son, that you would be fortunate to have your chapel completed. Some major events and possibly a major war could happen this year of the last Tetrad blood moons. Time is urgent, and evangelizing souls will always be important, both now and after the Warning. Be prepared after the Warning, so you are ready to leave for My refuges on short notice.”

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


My people, the one world people have their plans for a takeover of America, but they do not control My Divine intervention. By My postponing the Warning, I am putting off their schedule for a takeover. I am allowing My refuge builders to have time to finish their refuges. The Warning will give every sinner an opportunity to repent and seek My forgiveness. I will also give people six weeks time for conversion after the Warning, and an opportunity to improve their spiritual lives. After the Warning, people will know that they can only come to heaven through Me. All sinners will know true right from wrong, and they will be more responsible for their sins that offend Me. The more information you have, the more reason you have to love Me. I am reaching out to save as many souls as possible, so My Warning will be a wake-up call in your life reviews. I am greater than all the evil ones, and I will be victorious over all of their plans. Evil will have its hour, but it will be brief before I cast this evil lot into the eternal flames of hell.”


By a soul

As I sit here, listening to lovely melodies, I reflect upon some mystical life stories that I read earlier today. And it makes me smile to know how My Love has blessed so dearly and so tenderly His beloved Saints, my sweet brothers and sisters in Heaven.

And as I reflect upon how holy and beautiful are my beloved brothers and sisters, I sit in awe and sweet, amazing contemplation of the Goodness of God, The True Love of my tiny heart.

I wish I could do such amazing acts of devotion for My Love. But, alas, I am poor in spirit and holiness is a gift I seek, but do not yet have. I am a soul and not a saint.

And yet, on one fateful night, seven years ago, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, visited me and gave me His Hand and a precious Ring. And He said to me that I have a special mission to fulfill in life. A special mission still to be revealed to me.

And so, I sit here with lovely melodies caressing my heart, and I ponder upon my special mission. What could it be…? Could it be so simple as… Love?

On July 13, 2008, Our Lady at Emmitsburg gave a public message that I treasure deeply. I have shared it before with you all, as the message confirms the visitation of My Love the prior night to me when He gave me His Precious Ring. Here is the part of the message that I want to reflect upon now:

“…Dear children, I am a Mother, “full of Grace.” I have extended my hand to you. I have presented my Most Adorable and Merciful Son to you.”

Children, you all possess the same Spirit of Grace that God has gifted you. Why then do you tear one another apart? Why is there not harmony and unity? My Son’s Peace is that of holiness and justice. You do not realize the tears, the penance and the sacrifices made at a price for your existence! There are hidden heroes around the world whose love is their life’s mission. They pray to love; and oftentimes they come between you and God, warding off Divine punishment. They pray for a spiritual transfusion and for conversion of hearts…”


Oh, my beloved family, could my special mission be… as simple as… Love?

To simply love My Lord with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my strength, and with all my mind? (Gospel of Luke, Chapter 10, Verse 27)

Could my special mission… be… Love?

Recently, My Love gave a message at Holy Love Ministry ( Here is what He said:

July 24, 2015

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says:

I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

My brothers and sisters, each one of you has a special mission to fulfill in this life, the mission of living in Holy Love and giving an example of Holy Love to others. When you are judged, it will be according to how you fulfilled this special mission.”

Tonight, I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”


Sometimes, I will be alone in prayer and in song with My Love. And I will think at that very moment about the Most Sacred Heart of My Love. I will think to myself, how Is the Heart of My Love? How Is My Love feeling tonight?

Sometimes, I will think how heartbroken He must be. How heartbreaking it must be to witness most of humanity indifferent and unresponsive to His overtures of affection. How heartbreaking it must be to witness most of humanity chasing after other (false) loves.

It makes me sad.

I will tell you, my beloved family, that each day, I hardly spend any time reading the daily news. I do not watch television, although I might hear a little news on the radio carpool to work. And I rarely spend any time reading news websites. In fact, most of the time, I avoid them, even the Catholic news.

I belong to a few prayer groups through Facebook and usually, daily, there will be linked articles sent on happenings (usually bad) about the Church. I will glance at the headlines, but I usually do not even read those articles, even if they may be prophecy unfolding.

I will tell you, my beloved family, that I could easily be the most uninformed person on planet earth. My family will easily agree with one another that I am a hermit. I proclaim to know nothing about what the important events are of the day and who the important people are in the world. I truly do not know anything substantial. I freely admit total ignorance.

In fact, I will tell you something very revealing and telling for me. But, for the first two-three years, I forgot that we elected Obama as President of the United States of America. I knew at the time of the election, but then forgot afterwards. And because I ignore the news, especially, politics, his actions as president simply did not directly affect my daily life.

I blush at that very embarrassing fact…

So, now, knowing these truths about me, you, my beloved family, must wonder what I do with all my time these days? Well, besides full-time work and taking care of my needs, the interesting truth is, I am very busy and I am always running out of time to do the things that I care about in my heart.

Every day, I spend time praising My Love in music and contemplating the daily messages at Holy Love Ministry and other heavenly messengers that I believe in.

I ponder and I pray.

I will even stay up to 2-3am singing love-songs to My Love.

And I will always run out of time, because there is always one more beautiful song to sing, but eventually, I have to go to sleep, because I have a full day of work ahead of me.

Yes, this is the life of me, a soul…

I will tell you, my beloved family, another embarrassing fact about me. These days, I do not read much of Holy Scripture or much spiritual writings of the great teachers of our beautiful faith.

Especially with St. Elijah the Prophet being my special protector, one would naturally think that I would be highly educated in prophecy and the Old Testament stories. But, I read very little the prophetic books or the Book of Revelation in Holy Scripture. I am very ignorant, perhaps, even ignorant of My Love, Jesus Christ, as the famous quote of St. Jerome goes…

Yes, given the choice between reading Holy Scripture or praising God in song, I would choose the love-song every time…

And yet, sometimes, I will ponder for hours each word of the daily message at Holy Love Ministry. Or, I will wonder for hours about some spiritual insight Our Lady gave in a daily locution (Locutions To The World).

The Words of Heaven from Our Lord and Our Lady will be the highlight of each day for me.

I live in joyful anticipation and expectation for Their Holy Words. And oh, how deeply my tiny heart sighs when there is no message waiting for me…

And so, now, my beloved family, you all must be wondering why I revealed all these truths about me to you all. This is why:

What if my special mission… isLove?

What ifmaybe… the whole purpose of my life is to be a willing receptacle of Our Lord’s Divine Love?

Could it be… as simple as… Love?

I have nothing to offer My Love, except for my heart… Could my heart be all that He desires of me?

I know that many hearts today are closed to My Love.

Maybe, all My Love desires is a simple heart uncluttered by the world to rest in?

A heart to dwell within, even if it is very small…? A heart unfettered by the world?

Could my special mission… be… Love?

And so, I end my little love-note to you all with the lyrics of another beautiful love-song, “Here With Me,” by the Christian band, MercyMe… Because sometimes, simply put, love-songs are the best poetry…

I long for your embrace

Every single day

To meet you in this place

And see you face to face

Will you show me?

Reveal yourself to me

Because of your mercy

I fall down on my knees

And I can feel your presence here with me

Suddenly I’m lost within your beauty

Caught up in the wonder of your touch

Here in this moment I surrender to your love


I love You, Lord.

May I always love You.


For Meditation:

From the Book of Truth
(Maria Divine Mercy)

How to enter Heaven – role of suffering”

Friday, January 14th, 2011 @ 10:00

My beloved daughter, the way in which I communicate with you is beginning to change. While I have, in previous Messages, warned My children of the urgency to repent in order to achieve salvation, My next communications will focus on helping souls to aim towards spiritual perfection.

Paradise, My daughter, although the rightful home for each and every one of you, is not easy to enter. The entrance is small and only so many can enter at a time. In order to enter, souls must show humility and place themselves fully in My Hands. They must push aside pride, strong will and the eagerness and attachment they have for the material things on this Earth, if they want to enter Heaven.

All My children who are starting on their spiritual journey towards Me, now that they understand the Truth, need to work hard now and understand the qualities essential to enter My Father’s Kingdom.

Importance of humility

Humility is a term many of My children understand through My Teachings. While many of My followers understand why it is important, they are confused as to what it really entails. Humility means sincerity. It means accepting, with dignity, the trials, challenges and abuses you will find yourselves facing especially when you come in My Name. My best advice is this. Think of yourself as a child, a simple, innocent child, with no knowledge of the evil society that you would normally experience as an adult. Communicate at all times in your prayers to Me through the eyes and the heart of a child.

Keep prayers and communication simple. I do not expect you to recite all Prayers handed down, out of Love, to the world. Look up and share your problems with Me. Share your sufferings. Give them over to Me. You will be rewarded greatly when you accept sorrow or suffering in your lives, for Me. You may not realise this, but when you do, you are saving many souls and are paving the way for them to enter Heaven. This fact will not be revealed to you until you too, enter Heaven, where you will experience the glory of your generous gift to Me.

Do not lose your temper when defending your Faith

When showing humility this means accepting what goes on around you, painful though it may be. Show dignity at all times, even when My Name is being scorned in your company. By all means defend – and passionately, if you so desire – but never dismiss the abuser by publicly scorning him.

Explain the Truth of My Teachings calmly. Do not lose your temper. Do not show fear of the abuser, either. Be firm. Defend yourself, but only by reiterating My Teachings. Never be afraid to speak the Truth openly. Do not confuse humility with cowardice.

Some of My followers who understand the importance of humility and its relevance in sanctifying souls, confuse this by staying silent when My Name is mocked in public. Yes, you should never judge the person who ridicules Me, or My Eternal Father, or indeed, My beloved Blessed Mother, but you should stand your ground in defence of the Truth.

Sorrow, a Gift from God

When speaking to Me, as a child, understand this. If you open your hearts and place all your trust in Me, I will direct you when you suffer sorrow on this Earth. Do not turn your back on Me. While it is excruciatingly painful, My children, consider sorrow a Gift from God. A blessing. Because it is through sorrow and suffering that purification takes place. Offer your sufferings to Me. By doing so, you are relieving the torment I endure, when I experience the pain of My Passion on the Cross, over and over again, each day as I witness the horror in the world today.

The Purification which takes place when you accept sorrow or suffering, no matter how bad, when offered up with joy for the salvation of mankind, cannot be truly understood by you, My children. But as you draw closer to Me, by opening your hearts, abandoning your will to Me and completely surrendering to Me, you will understand more. You see, it is only by doing this that you will be in union with Me. And when you do, your trials and suffering on Earth will ease. In time you will accept suffering with joy in your hearts, especially when you offer this as gift to Me.

Suffering is a Gift from God and is permitted. The souls you will help save guarantees you a place in My Father’s Kingdom. These Teachings are not new, My children. It is just that you have not been reminded of the simple Truth. My Messages and Teachings have never changed. They are simple and are summarised in the Gospels and in the Ten Commandments. Just remember, when you give yourself to everyone, you give yourself to Me. Show love to your neighbour and you show love to Me.

Treat him the way in which you would expect to be treated yourself. And never forget that when you find yourself becoming angry with others and are tempted to do them harm, or punish them in any way, that I Am present in them – even in those who hate Me. Inflict damage on any of My children and you do the same to Me.

In time, My children, all these graceful actions will make sense. Pray every day for the strength to live your life in My Name. Know that every time you forgive another, although he may seem like the enemy, you expand My Heart of Love and Mercy. For that, you will receive eternal happiness in Heaven.

Pray for perseverance. Imitate My Life. It won’t be easy. But your actions, no matter how small, will help souls.

Your beloved Teacher and Saviour

Jesus Christ

One with God the Eternal Father and the Holy Spirit


For Reference:

Our Lady of Emmitsburg

To the World

through Gianna Sullivan

July 13, 2008

Little children, praised be Jesus!

Dear children, I am a Mother, “full of Grace.” I have extended my hand to you. I have presented my Most Adorable and Merciful Son to you.

Children, you all possess the same Spirit of Grace that God has gifted you. Why then do you tear one another apart? Why is there not harmony and unity? My Son’s Peace is that of holiness and justice. You do not realize the tears, the penance and the sacrifices made at a price for your existence! There are hidden heroes around the world whose love is their life’s mission. They pray to love; and oftentimes they come between you and God, warding off Divine punishment. They pray for a spiritual transfusion and for conversion of hearts.

It was the same during the time of my Son. The Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Scribes did not bear fruit through their repeated sins. They desired to persecute, to conquer, to dominate and to distort the goodness of my Son and the Truth of His Word. Is it not the same today—with “pharisees” living with hardness of heart, desiring to tear down, persecute and dominate? Is there not lust, gluttony, hatred and selfishness?

So today, I can tell you that true Charity will be precisely gifted upon those who are scorned, mocked, persecuted and laughed at. Little ones, when something is real, you cannot stop God! No judgment from men can impair or influence the Judgment of God. You would only be fighting God.

I am your Mother, “full of grace”; and my Merciful Son has allowed me to distribute these graces to you. I have a duty as a Mother to warn, to challenge, to protect and to draw all people to God. Please, receive these graces while I am still allowed.

Seals (Rev. 6:1-17) have been broken one by one, but if all the seals were broken at once, humanity would not be able to survive.

For those who have ears, hear! “We are not leaving.”

I love you. I love you (fading whisper—crying).


(During the apparition but before the audible message from Our Lady through Gianna to the world, Gianna’s eyes and head panned the entire width of the room from her right to her left as Our Lady moved from the center of the room to Her far left, upward and back to the center, and to Her far right, before returning back in front of Gianna. Throughout this entire time, a kaleidoscope of color in the form of rays flowed from Our Lady’s hands onto the entire crowd in the building. Those gathered at the Prayer Group saw on the giant screen monitors the ecstatic joy on Gianna’s face, for NEVER before had Gianna seen such an expression of Our Lady’s love. Our Lady shared with Gianna that she was distributing God’s graces to all.)



Jesus Christ – “When the soul stands before Me in judgment, it will not matter how many others committed the same sin”

Holy Love Ministry

January 23, 2017

I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

The reason people are confused as to the difference between good and evil is they allow popular opinion to define good – not God’s Laws. These days, people do not love God more than their own will. It is, therefore, not as important to please God as it is to please themselves. As the world in general approves of these illicit values, it appears acceptable to embrace evil with an erroneous heart rather than stand for the Truth. These are the times which demand courage in the Truth.”

You must not allow popular opinion to dictate approval of entertainment, dress codes, moral values, government policies and every type of behavior. Thousands, millions may accept sin, but it is still sin. When the soul stands before Me in judgment, it will not matter how many others committed the same sin. You must begin to make moral judgments based upon Holy Love. Ask for the grace to love Me more than yourselves.”

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-5+

Synopsis: These are the tribulations of the last days the heart of the world has entered as men have become lovers of self, worshipping the gods of money, power and the status of pride, arrogance, abuse, disobedience, profanity, ingratitude, slander, licentiousness, violence, and hating good. They have become treacherous, pompous, lovers of pleasures (of the flesh) rather than of God as they make a pretense of being religious, but abuse it’s power and authority. As the Remnant Faithful, do not listen to them, but stay clear of their influence.

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of stress. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, inhuman, implacable, slanderers, profligates, fierce, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding the form of religion but denying the power of it. Avoid such people.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.

Blessed Virgin Mary – “You cannot claim salvation once, then embrace sin, and expect to be saved”

Holy Love Ministry

January 24, 2017

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

These days, boundaries are transgressed with reckless abandon. Every sort of compromise is readily embraced. I am not speaking merely of geographical borders such as this country’s southern border. I refer to the greater evil of compromised morals which oppose the Truth of sin.”

Apathy towards one’s own salvation has become common place. The Commandments were given to be obeyed always in every present moment. Your salvation is in the present moment. You cannot claim salvation once, then embrace sin, and expect to be saved. The state of your soul at the moment of death is never compromised by Jesus but stands before My Son clothed in Truth.”

Pray every present moment infuses your heart and the heart of the world in Truth, leaving behind every form of compromise.”

Blessed Virgin Mary – “People must understand that private revelation does not have to be approved by theologians to be genuine”

Holy Love Ministry

April 5, 2017

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

I can only tell you (Maureen) what I told you last night. People must understand that private revelation does not have to be approved by theologians to be genuine. Human error is too often part of discernment. The fact is, judgment often takes the place of discernment. Minds are set on disapproving rather than discovering the Truth.”

When you see a bird soaring overhead you know that he sees everything below – a bird’s-eye view – you would say. These Messages* come into the world to give the listener a bird’s-eye view of where the heart of the world is headed during the present age. It was never My Son’s intent that people live in fear, unforgiveness and hunger not only for food, but hunger for power, popularity and money.”

The call of these Messages is to allow Holy Love to possess your hearts, thereby transforming the heart of the world. This is the path of Jesus’ Victory.”

* The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5+

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may speed on and triumph, as it did among you, and that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men; for not all have faith. But the Lord is faithful; He will strengthen you and guard you from evil. And we have confidence in the Lord about you, that you are doing and will do the things which we command. May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God and to the steadfastness of Christ.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.

Blessed Virgin Mary – “Please treasure the journey you are given through these (Holy Love) Messages – It is the missing link to all other Messages given to other visionaries”

Holy Love Ministry

May 10, 2017

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

Dear children, please treasure the journey you are given through these Messages.* It is the missing link to all other Messages given to other visionaries. While many others deal with living in the Divine Will, the Journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts gives you the way into the Divine Will. You cannot reach any destination without first making the journey.”

This is not a sophisticated journey, but one that takes simplicity of heart and inner acknowledgment of one’s short comings. Never presume you are in any Chamber, but keep making the journey.”

* The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Ever-Important Holy Love Message From 2005 To Read Today

Holy Love Ministry

June 4, 2005
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field

Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love and says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

My daughter, today I am beginning My public message to you to be read in summation after I appear to you in the field at midnight. It has been difficult for Me to withhold these things in My Heart, and even more difficult to dictate them to you for the ear of the world.”

You must understand that self-love has carried away the hearts of a vast majority of the world populace to the point of God’s Creation being convoluted towards the fulfillment of this disordered self-love. The life that God creates in the womb is defiled and discarded without regard for the soul that He creates at the moment of conception–discarded because life is not loved for what it is; or even worse, body parts are harvested as though the unborn child was a used car.”

While Christians go to every extreme to limit reproduction and use sex only for pleasure, the nation of Islam is burgeoning forth and will soon outnumber all other populations. You do not see what lies hidden in some hearts, but I tell you that unnatural birth control is a tool Satan is using to bring destruction to your doorstep.”

Decisive steps are being taken towards stripping God from view in public places so as not to offend anyone. Little concern is tendered towards offending God. These are steps that were taken during the spread of communism. Have you not learned from the course of human history?”

Disordered self-love leads to the pitfall of placing human respect ahead of God. In doing so, sin is condoned so as not to offend the sinner. In particular I speak of homosexuality which is a sin, and has been a sin since the beginning of time. Therefore, it should not be regarded as an alternative, but as a path to perdition.”

Tonight I invite you to first respect God in all His Creation; then, to respect one another and yourselves as part of God’s Creation. It is only in this way that you can live in Holy Love according to God’s plan for you. It is only in this way, dear children, that you can save the world, and I can share eternal life with you.”

Tonight I have revealed to you the symptoms of the ever-widening abyss between mankind and his Creator. I also give to you the remedy that can span the abyss–Holy Love. As your Mother, I come with a love beyond all telling to lead you, protect you and show you the way. This is the most I can do. I cannot make you choose Holy Love. I cannot make you respect God and neighbor. You, dear children, must decide to come closer to God. You must desire to pray and to sacrifice for those who do not make good choices. You must decide for Holy Love.”

Do not be surprised as I tell you that this site of Heaven’s predilection will come into focus in the near future. Heaven desires greater, more positive attention be drawn to these messages. While Satan has held sway with his lies and innuendos, Heaven will now intervene. Truth will win out.”

My dear little children, tonight I have come to envelope your hearts in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father which is Holy Love itself. My children, Jesus desires that you make My Heart known as the Gateway to the New Jerusalem which is the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Do this, My children, and I will bless your hearts and your lives. You will have peace, and there will be an end to war and famine, and every kind of disease.”

My children, tonight your Heavenly Mother is blessing you with Her Blessing of Holy Love.”

Ever-Important Holy Love Message From 2008 To Read Today

Holy Love Ministry

September 15, 2008
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field
Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

(This message was given in multiple parts.)

Our Lady is here dressed in gray and has the Seven Swords in Her Heart. She says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

Dear children, tonight I have come to help you see more clearly the choices you must make. These times in which you are now living are very difficult, for the differences between good and evil have become obliterated by compromise. Mankind has placed himself at the center of the world instead of God. No longer is pleasing God a priority. Man chooses over and over to please himself through money, power and every sort of worldly gain.”

Little by little, good souls, souls once consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, are slipping away from Me in pursuit of temporal pleasures. Even in the Catholic world where I was once Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, My statues are being removed and the rosary is not respected anymore. This is why your Heavenly Mother weeps.”

Tonight, dear children, I have come to ask for your assistance in reversing the trend within the Church towards liberalism. Please pray with Me for the illumination of conscience of all Church hierarchy, priests and religious. I desire, with a tender Mother’s touch, to draw each one closer to Me–to be united in My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love. Therefore, understand Jesus has sent Me to renew His Church in the Tradition of Faith in and through Holy Love. It is through My Heart the grace will come to avoid any schism, but you must listen to Me.”

In this present moment, I remind you that the only way in which mankind can be reconciled with God the Father is through Holy Love. If Holy Love does not govern your hearts, no amount of peace talks or treaties will bring you genuine lasting peace. You must love God above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This is the only path to salvation, holiness, sanctification and lasting peace.”

My dear, dear children, I desire only the best for you, your own salvation. There is but one way into God’s Kingdom, one key that unlocks the Gate of Heaven that is God’s Eternal Divine Will, which is Holy Love. Each present moment is your opportunity to show the Father your love for Him by choosing to let Holy Love rule your hearts. By choosing Holy Love, you are always choosing Truth Itself, which is the soul of love. Be obedient to the Truth. Let no one, whatever his title or position in the world, lead you away from the Truth.”

Tonight, dear children, I am asking you to consecrate your hearts and your lives to the Truth so that you will always be Mine. Test everything with the rule of Holy Love so that you will never be tricked or duped by Satan to embrace his agenda, which is all lies.”

The Father’s Divine Will for you is that you are all united in Holy Love–that you live in harmony with one another and with your Creator. This is the hope of the world–the invitation to the New Jerusalem.”

Dear children, when you pray with love in your hearts, time is suspended. The Divine Will of God comes closer to earth and a bridge of reconciliation spans the abyss formed by sin. Understand, then, the importance of prayer from a loving heart. Such prayer that can suspend time can also suspend the laws of nature, redirect elements of the cosmos and alter future threats to the human race. God’s Eternal Divine Will allows Itself to be moved by such prayer that arises from a heart of love.”

When the love of man is united with Divine Love, it is a force that no sophisticated weapon, no devious plan of Satan, no movement of free will can match or equal. This is the weapon you need to use to put an end to war, terrorism, moral degeneration, poverty and disease. The prayer of love that unites you to Divine Love is what you must seek and use. No other weapon can act as quickly, as surely or with such resolute effects. The future of the human race depends on your decision to listen to Me tonight and to act on My words. Do not wait for approvals before you put this powerful weapon of all weapons–loving prayer–into action. You haven’t the time! I am handing to you victory now.”

Before you begin to pray, say:”

Heavenly Father, I give You my love. Take this prayer as a morsel of love from my heart and wrap it in Divine Love. Make this prayer an instrument of Your Divine Will. Amen.”

The Eternal Father desires to cooperate with you and that you join Him, making each prayer the strongest weapon possible against evil.”

Dear children, tonight I have asked each person in the world to pray with a loving heart to their Creator for the well-being of the world. But now, in this place and time, I ask all those who are Catholic to pray in earnest their rosaries for the Church, for the world and in particular for this country, which is facing difficult challenges in the near future. Satan has succeeded in making sin into legal and political issues, clouding evil with the language of choice. I am telling you that the weapon to use against all evil is your rosary. But, My dear children, you must load the weapon with ammunition, which is the Holy Love in your hearts when you pray.”

In the Church, this Holy Father (Pope Benedict XVI) is working very hard towards unity in the Tradition of Faith. Follow him! All the confusion about True Tradition has been inspired by Satan who uses Vatican II as a scapegoat–an excuse for variance from the truth. There are cardinals, bishops and priests who have not chosen to live in the truth or even in a state of grace.”

Their bad choices will have eternal effects, for they cannot make up their own rules. Pray for the ones they mislead.”

Dear children, tonight I come to you as a concerned Mother, warning you that you are placing yourselves in harm’s way of many dangers and disastrous consequences. You can no longer afford to carelessly place yourselves first. God needs to be first in your hearts so that He can once again govern your country and the world.”

Do not allow My warnings to you tonight to go unheeded or to be lost in a storm of controversy. You are choosing your own future, either by heeding My warnings and turning to loving prayer or by ignoring yet another grace-filled admonition and continuing on the path to destruction. Just as the baby cries out in the womb begging to live, I cry out to you tonight, begging you to choose a new life with God at the center.”

Dear children, you have come here tonight amidst great adversity. I ask you that when you return to your points of origin you would, with some Holy Boldness, make known My message to you this evening.”

Dear children, the moral integrity of your country depends upon your response to My call here tonight. Your country is under My Mantle of Protection so long as its people live moral lives and place God first in their hearts. I love you and want only the best for you.”

I’m taking your petitions into My Immaculate Heart, and I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love.”

Also read:

October 7, 2004
Feast of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary

I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

I have come to help you understand the length and breadth of My Father’s Divine Will for you. My Father is the author of every present moment. He is the Creator of man’s free will. Think of the joy in all of Heaven when a breath is drawn and the tongue given over to prayer–the prayer of the Holy Rosary. All of Heaven sighs with joy when free will surrenders to the Divine in this way.”

When the ‘Hail Mary’ is being prayed from the heart, time stands suspended between Heaven and earth. Angels carry the light of grace back and forth between Heaven and earth, creating a bridge of light between the soul and his Creator. Such a soul is never alone, but has in his company all the Heavenly court.”

You will please make this known.”

An Invitation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Holy Love Ministry

June 8, 2015

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

Once again, dear children, I offer you the Refuge of My Immaculate Heart where I give to you My guidance and protection. My Heart, which is Holy Love, needs to be your solace during these most evil of times. You do not see, nor do you comprehend the dangers all around you. These are the times preceding the Apocalypse when Satan is strong in his assaults against Truth. You may recognize the error in hearts, but you must also recognize the evil that has inspired this error.”

Remember, My Heart is the First Chamber of the United Hearts. It is the Chamber in which souls gain self-knowledge, repentance for sins and cleansing of iniquities through the Flame of My Heart. This is the vital introduction to personal holiness. You cannot proceed in holiness until you recognize what is holding you back. Therefore, I invite all people and all nations into the grace of My Immaculate Heart.”

Do not fear My invitation, only fear not answering it.”

Read Ephesians 6:10-17+

Synopsis: The Armor of God Prayer for Christian spiritual warfare.

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His Might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having girded your loins with Truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; above all taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.

June 8, 2015

Monday Service – Peace in All Hearts through Holy Love and World Peace

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says:

I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

My brothers and sisters, tonight I invite each one of you, and all of you, to make the rest of your lives a journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. A journey in Holy Love.

Tonight, I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

June 9, 2015

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

Dear daughter, you notice that all My Images around you seem sad today. It is because so few partake of the graces offered here at this site.* We have continued miraculous healings and conversions – clearly, the Hand of God reaching down to touch many. Yet, too many rely on worldly endorsements and approvals and consequently do not believe.”

We have yet another apparition approaching. I weep for the ones responsible for discouraging others from coming here. Some have been given misinformation about Heaven’s intervention here. I hold each one responsible for finding the Truth and accepting information as Truth only because of who said it.”

You cannot change the Truth by merit of your office. Please take to heart Jonah, Chapter 3. Even the ruler accepted Jonah’s words as True and repented. As a result, God did not carry out His Wrath. These days, My children do not listen, using the erroneous opinions of leaders as a reason to race towards God’s Wrath. This is why I appear sad today. Heaven speaks, but few respond. My coming to you does not mean all is well and forgiven. You must repent and seek God’s Mercy from the greatest and most influential to the least. Every heart counts.”

My Son has waited patiently, but will not be put off much longer. When He lowers His Hand of Justice, you will understand My urgent pleas to you. Pray that the heart of the world responds as in Jonah’s day.”

Do not clothe your hearts in worldly approvals but, in humility, recognize Heaven’s Warning.”

* The ecumenical Ministry and Mission of Holy Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Jonah Chapter 3+

Synopsis: The repentance and conversion of the people of Nineveh.

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you.” So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the Word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, three days’ journey in breadth. Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s journey. And he cried, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” And the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them. Then tidings reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he made proclamation and published through Nineveh, “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not feed, or drink water, but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry mightily to God; yea, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands. Who knows, God may yet repent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we perish not?” When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil which He had said He would do to them; and He did not do it.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.

The Great Warning – Illumination Of Conscience – And Holy Love – United Hearts Of Jesus And Mary

Holy Love Ministry

May 7, 2012

I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

The fortune of My Heart is Divine Love. This is a fortune which will never devalue. It is a great fortune readily available through the Chambers of the United Hearts.”

Do not chase after the tangible. Do not seek out evidence or proof of all that I offer you through grace. Rather, faithfully follow the journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts. This is the way of peace and reconciliation – with one another. It is the way of reconciliation with God.”

The time will come when the First Chamber – the Purifying Flame of My Mother’s Heart – will consume the world. In that moment, each one will be given the opportunity to step into the First Chamber and to begin the journey. Pray that all cooperate with this profound grace.”


Please see for more information:

Holy Love Ministries

Our Lady Of Medjugorje – Queen Of Peace

Mary Refuge Of Holy Love

Mary Queen Of Peace – Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje






Important SEAL for all of God’s followers on earth was given to Maria Divine Mercy by God the Father. He asks that all accept this Seal as a protection for each and every one of us and our families during the future difficult times we will have to live in. As foretold in Holy Scripture, Book of Revelation, Chapter 7. Recite everyday.

Crusade of Prayer (33) From the Book of Truth

Rise now and accept The Seal of The Living God”

Monday, February 20th, 2012 @ 00:20

Rise now and accept My Seal, The Seal of The Living God.

Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.

O My God, My Loving Father

I accept with love and gratitude

Your Divine Seal of Protection

Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity

I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty

To You, My Beloved Father

I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal

And I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever

I love You, Dear Father

I console You in these times, Dear Father

I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son

In atonement for the sins of the world

And for the salvation of all Your children


Go, My children and do not fear.

Trust in Me, Your beloved Father who lovingly created each of you.

I know every single soul, every part of you is known to Me.

Not one of you is loved less than the other.

Because of this I do not want to lose one soul. Not one.

Please continue to pray My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day.

One day, you will understand why this purification is needed.





From the Book of Truth

(Maria Divine Mercy)

666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination”

Friday, June 1st, 2012 @ 20:15

My dearly beloved daughter the antichrist is preparing, already, his peace plan which he will introduce soon after the wars become widespread in the Middle East and when the pain and terrible anguish means there is no sign of hope.

Then he will appear suddenly and announce himself to the world as a man of peace, a bright jewel which will sparkle in the midst of darkness.

As he emerges he will be seen as one of the most charismatic political leaders of all time.

His handsome, appealing and caring personality will fool the majority of people.

He will exude love and compassion and will be seen to be Christian. In time he will draw many followers who will grow in their numbers so that he becomes like Me, the Messiah.

He will be seen to promote unity among all nations and he will be loved in almost every country in the world.

Then he will be seen to have supernatural skills. Many will believe that he has been sent by My Father and that he is Me, Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World.

They will pray to him, love him, give up their lives for him and he will laugh and mock them when they cannot see him.

This will be the biggest deception of all time and the plan is to steal your souls, to take you away from Me.

He and the False Prophet, who will sit like a King in the Seat of Peter, will secretly plot a one world religion.

This will appear to be a Christian type religion which promotes love. It will, however, not promote love of one another which comes from God. Instead it will promote love and allegiance to the antichrist and love of oneself.

The abomination does not stop there for when they have seduced God’s children the attack will begin.

Suddenly all will be asked to accept the one world Mark of Allegiance. A united world which all men will have to partake in.

It will control your money, your access to food and how you live.

Rules, many of them, will mean that you will become prisoners. The key to your cell, which keeps you under their control, will be the Mark of the Beast.

666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination.

Once embedded it will poison, not only your mind and soul, but your body. For it will cause a plague designed to wipe out much of the world’s population.

You must not accept the Mark. Instead I will instruct you what to do.

Many will accept the Mark because they will feel helpless.

The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) is your lifeline.

When you receive My Seal of Protection, given to you by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the Mark.

You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen, searched or a target for it will be rendered invisible in the eyes of Satan’s army.

You will need to keep food hidden which will last a few years. You will need to grow your own crops, store your own water and keep all Holy objects around you.

My Remnant Church will grow and spread out and you will be given shelter if it is needed.

Much planning is needed now.

Those who laugh at what you do, or say, surely Jesus would not ask you to do this? Does He not supply all His followers at their time of need?

Even one loaf and one fish can be multiplied. So it does not matter if you only have some food for I will protect you and you will be safe.

Pray hard for those souls who will be unable to avoid the Mark.

Those innocent souls will be saved who are in a state of grace at the time of being forced to accept the chip.

The rest of you must plan to protect your family and your allegiance to the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.

When the antichrist devours all religions the only weapons which he will be powerless against is the Holy Mass and the Transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My Body and Blood, in the Holy Eucharist.

My Masses must continue. Those of you who know this must gather in numbers now and start the preparations.

The sooner you prepare the more graces you will be given to grow your ranks around the world.

The Rock will become laden with a new building which they say will be My New Temple. But this is untrue.

But when the persecution ends My Remnant Church and My Chosen People will have the Temple rebuilt and My New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven.

She will descend in glory. The trumpets will be heard in Heaven and on earth at the same time.

And then I will come. You, my daughter will herald my arrival and many will fall on the ground and weep with relief, love and joy in ecstasy.

For, at last the moment they have been waiting for. The skies will light up, the thunder will peal and the choirs of angels will sing in sweet unison as all God’s children will welcome the True Messiah.

I, Jesus Christ, will come to judge. And the Heavens and the Earth will become one.

The New Glorious splendour, the renewed earth, will emerge and the New Paradise will embrace all those whose names are in the Book of the Living who will unite as one.

And while the end of the old earth, soiled with the stain of sin, will have come to an end the New Era is only beginning.

This is what you must strive for. This is what you are entitled to as part of your natural inheritance.

Only focus on the saving of all souls.

This is why you must ignore the obstacles presented to you. The persecution. The pain. The horror of evil by the hands of others. All that matters is the saving of souls.



Words of Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, to Sister Faustina in the 1930s:

Encourage souls to say the Chaplet which I have given you… Whoever will recite it will receive Great Mercy at the hour of death… When they say this Chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as the just Judge but as the Merciful Savior… Priests will recommend it to sinners as their last hope of salvation. Even if there were a sinner most hardened, if he were to recite this Chaplet only once, he would receive grace from My Infinite Mercy… I desire to grant unimaginable graces to those souls who trust in My Mercy… Through the Chaplet you will obtain everything, if what you ask for is compatible with My will…”


How to Recite the Chaplet

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy is recited using ordinary rosary beads of five decades. The Chaplet is preceded by two opening prayers from the Diary of Saint Faustina and followed by a closing prayer.

1. Make the Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

2. Optional Opening Prayers

You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls, and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world and empty Yourself out upon us.”

(Repeat three times)
“O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You!”

3. Our Father

Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.”

4. Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

5. The Apostle’s Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.”

6. The Eternal Father

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.”

7. On the Ten Small Beads of Each Decade

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

8. Repeat for the remaining decades

Saying the “Eternal Father” (6) on the “Our Father” bead and then 10 “For the sake of His sorrowful Passion” (7) on the following “Hail Mary” beads.

9. Conclude with Holy God (Repeat three times)

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

10. Optional Closing Prayer

Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion — inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. AMEN.”

Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, gave us the following request through Maria Divine Mercy (Book of Truth):

Say this prayer every day after you recite My Divine Mercy and you, through your allegiance to Me, will help save My children.

Fill me now O Lord with the Gift of the Holy Spirit to carry Your Most Holy Word to sinners who I must help save in Your Name. Help me to cover them, through my prayers with Your Precious Blood so that they can be drawn to Your Sacred Heart. Give me the Gift of the Holy Spirit so that these poor souls can revel in Your New Paradise. Amen.”



From the Book of Truth

(Maria Divine Mercy)

Pledge your allegiance to My Divine Mercy”
Saturday, April 23rd, 2011 @ 16:40

Easter Saturday 23rd April 2011 16.40 hours

My dearly beloved daughter, it is with joy that My children now rejoice in the commemoration of My Rising. This year is important because it marks the beginning of the New Era of Enlightenment due to commence in the world shortly.

My great gift of Mercy will bring huge relief to believers and create a vast sense of euphoria among those non-believers who will convert. When they discover the Truth, they will be light of heart and they will be filled with love for God the Eternal Father and Me, your Divine Saviour. Even non-Christians will understand the Truth of My Existence. Finally this will create a great sense of joy and love in the world.

The Warning must be followed by prayer

It is important, however, to remember one important lesson regarding The Warning. This Great Event, when all of you will see not only your sins, as I see them, but will understand the Truth about the next life, must be followed by prayer.

Sadly, many will fall back into sin afterwards. Now is the time to prepare to avoid this situation by praying My Divine Mercy Chaplet every day of your lives. By getting into the habit of praying this powerful prayer you will retain the level of conversion and faith, which will sweep the world thereafter.

Rejoice, pray and thank Me, your Divine Saviour, for this great Mercy. Kneel and give praise to God the Father, for the Gift of My Sacrifice. Prayer will help dilute the impact of the persecution by the New World Global Alliance, which will follow. If enough of you remain loyal to Me, My Teachings and continue to pray as well as receive the Sacraments, you can change the course of events, which would follow.

How powerful My Divine Mercy is. So many of you still do not understand the significance of it. Many, sadly, have never heard of it before.

For those of you loyal to Me now, I must make a very special request of you. I do not want to see any of My children destroyed. This is why The Warning is being given to you. This will show every one of you, including the skeptics amongst you, what will actually happen during the Final Judgment. So to help Me save each soul, I want you to pledge your own gift to help Me win over souls.

Create Divine Mercy Prayer Groups all over the world and use this Prayer for every person known to you who may be dying, for I will guarantee their salvation if you do. Gather now, My people. Follow your Saviour. Pray as you have never prayed before and then more souls will be saved. Then you will all become part of the New World I promised you when Heaven and Earth merge as one. This glorious future is for all of you. Rather than fear this great change, open your minds, hearts and souls to the great joy ahead. By merging as one great, powerful group all over the world, in each country, in every family, in every church and in every community, you will make a great difference.

Your prayers will help prevent much of the persecution, which will happen as foretold. So out of deference to Me, your Ever-loving Saviour, follow Me now.

I live in each one, each of you. I know what is contained in your hearts and souls. By giving Me your pledge of mercy for your brothers and sisters you will receive special graces.



The Warning will prove that God Exists”
Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011 @ 19:00

My dearly beloved daughter, strong now, having endured the worst trial so far, you will move to impart My urgent pleas to the whole world.

They, My beloved children, need to know that when I come soon, they will come face to face with Me.

How I long to show them that I really do Exist and how I await the joy on their faces when they witness My Love and Mercy.

For many of My children will fall down and cry tears of relief, tears of joy and happiness, tears of wonder and love. For, at last, it will be possible to live a New Life thereafter, where all can follow the Truth of My Teachings.

My children will not realise the significance of this great Act of Mercy, the greatest Gift ever bestowed on mankind since My Crucifixion. For it will be through this Gift of The Warning that man’s eyes will be finally opened to the Truth of their entire existence on this Earth and beyond.

Those who are alive in this world today must understand how privileged they are to be given the proof of the Existence of God the Eternal Father and I, His beloved Son, although this is beyond your comprehension.

After the Warning do not turn back to your old ways

I urge all of you, that when you have seen My Presence and shown how sin, not only offends Me, but propels you down the pathway to Hell, that you must not turn back to your old ways.

The period after the Warning is crucial for world peace and your salvation. Do not reject this Gift. Grasp it with both arms. Let The Warning bring you as one in Me. When you do this and pray for guidance, you will be rewarded with the New Paradise on Earth where you will want for nothing.

Rejoice. Listen to Me. Heed My Message and allow My Love to envelop you towards My Glorious Kingdom.

I love you all.

The next time you feel a stab of love in your heart for another fellow being, remember that this Gift comes from Me. Without love there is no life.






How to Pray the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth

(Version: The Rosary of the Unborn & Flame of Love Hail Mary)

The Mysteries of the Rosary

The Church has used three sets of mysteries for many centuries. In 2002 Pope John Paul II proposed a fourth set of mysteries—the Mysteries of Light, or Luminous Mysteries. According to his suggestion, if you can only pray one mystery a day, the four sets of mysteries might be prayed on the following days: the Joyful Mysteries on Monday and Saturday, the Sorrowful Mysteries on Tuesday and Friday, the Glorious Mysteries on Wednesday and Sunday, and the Luminous Mysteries on Thursday.

The Joyful Mysteries

1. The Annunciation Mary learns that she has been chosen to be the Mother of Jesus.
The Visitation Mary visits Elizabeth, who tells her that she will always be remembered.
The Nativity Jesus is born in a stable in Bethlehem.
The Presentation Mary and Joseph take the infant Jesus to the Temple to present Him to God.
The Finding of Jesus in the Temple Jesus is found in the Temple discussing his faith with the teachers.

The Luminous Mysteries

1. The Baptism of Jesus In the River Jordan God proclaims that Jesus is His beloved Son.
The Wedding Feast at Cana At Mary’s request, Jesus performs His first miracle.
The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God Jesus calls all to conversion and service to the Kingdom.
The Transfiguration of Jesus Jesus is revealed in glory to Peter, James, and John.
The Institution of the Eucharist Jesus offers His Body and Blood at the Last Supper.

The Sorrowful Mysteries

1. The Agony in the Garden Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night before He dies.
The Scourging at the Pillar Jesus is lashed with whips.
The Crowning With Thorns Jesus is mocked and crowned with thorns.
The Carrying of the Cross Jesus carries the Cross that will be used to crucify Him.
The Crucifixion Jesus is nailed to the cross and dies.

The Glorious Mysteries

1. The Resurrection God the Father raises Jesus from the dead.
The Ascension Jesus returns to His Father in Heaven.
The Coming of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit comes to bring new life to the disciples.
The Assumption of Mary At the end of her life on earth, Mary is taken body and soul into heaven.
The Coronation of Mary Mary is crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth.


Begin by raising your Rosary to Heaven and saying:

Heavenly Father, I give You my love. Take this prayer as a morsel of love from my heart and wrap it in Divine Love. Make this prayer an instrument of Your Divine Will. Amen.”

Celestial Queen, with this Rosary, we bind all sinners and all nations to your Immaculate Heart.”

Then make the Sign of the Cross and blessing yourself while reflecting over the Crucifix:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”

Unity Prayer:

I unite with all the angels and saints in heaven, the holy souls in Purgatory, and all the just on earth; with all the Masses and prayers that ever have been, or ever will be prayed; all the tears, joys, sacrifices and sufferings of every soul who ever has, or ever will live. I unite it all to the Sorrowful Heart of Mary at the foot of the Cross and offer Jesus the whole of creation with it; for the conversion of sinners, the salvation of all souls, the deliverance of the holy souls in Purgatory, the sanctification and protection of all ordained clergy and religious, the desires of the Two Hearts, and peace in the world.

Crusade Prayer (26) Pray the Rosary to Help Save Your Nation:

Queen of the Holy Rosary, Thou didst deign to come to Fatima to reveal to the three shepherd children the treasures of grace hidden in the Rosary. Inspire my heart with a sincere love of this devotion, in order that by meditating on the Mysteries of our Redemption which are recalled in it, I may be enriched by its fruits and obtain peace for the world, the conversion of sinners and of Russia, and the graces which I ask of Thee in this Rosary. (Here mention your request.) I ask this for the greater glory of God, for thine own honor, and for the good of souls, especially for my own. Amen.”

Holy Love Prayer for the Conversion of Hearts:

Heavenly Father, during this time of world crisis, let all souls find their peace and security in Your Divine Will. Give each soul the grace to understand that Your Will is Holy Love in the present moment. Benevolent Father, illuminate each conscience to see the ways that he is not living in Your Will. Grant the world the grace to change and the time in which to do it. Amen.”

Prayer to recite with the Rosary of the Unborn:

Divine Infant Jesus, as we pray this Rosary, we ask you to remove from the heart of the world the desire to commit sin of abortion. Remove the veil of deceit satan has placed over hearts which portrays promiscuity as a freedom, and reveal it for what it is–slavery to sin. Place over the heart of the world a renewed respect for life at the moment of conception. Amen.”

Then recite the Apostles Creed while reflecting over the Crucifix:

I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Amen.”

Then say 1 Our Father (large bead), 3 Hail Marys (for the virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity, on the 3 small beads) and then 1 All Glory Be:

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.”

(Traditional Version): “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of death. Amen.”

(Flame of Love version): “Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

All Glory Be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”


Then moving counterclockwise on the Rosary, announce and meditate on each individual Mystery, reciting:

One Our Father (large beads)

10 Hail Marys (small beads)

1 Glory Be (before the next large bead) to make a complete decade (one individual Mystery) of the Rosary.

Then recite the Fatima Prayer for sinners:

O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of Thy Mercy. Amen.”

Holy Love Unborn Payer:

Jesus, protect and save the unborn!”

Repeat these prayers for all five decades (one set of 5 individual Mysteries) of the Rosary.


Hail Holy Queen (or Salve Regina may be sung):

Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary.”

(Verse) “Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God.”

(Response) “That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.”

(Verse) “Let us pray.”

(Response) “O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal salvation. Grant, we beseech Thee, that while meditating on these Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, that we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through Christ our Lord. Amen.”

Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer:

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and the snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray and do thou O Prince of the Heavenly Host cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.”

Conclude with the Sign of the Cross, blessing yourself:

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”



Holy Love Ministry

July 2, 2001

Special Promises for The Rosary of the Unborn”

Our Lady comes as the Sorrowful Mother. She says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

I see you are using the new Rosary of the Unborn. I affirm to you, my daughter, that each Hail Mary prayed from a loving heart will rescue one of these innocent lives from death by abortion. When you use this rosary, call to mind My Sorrowful Immaculate Heart which continually sees the sin of abortion played out in every present moment. I give to you this special sacramental* with which to heal My Motherly Heart.”

Maureen asks:

Blessed Mother, do you mean any Hail Mary or just one prayed on the Rosary of the Unborn?”

Blessed Mother:

This is a special grace attached to this particular rosary. It should always be used to pray against abortion.

You will please make this known.”

To learn more about the history of the Holy Rosary, to learn about the 15 Heavenly Promises to those who recite faithfully the Holy Rosary, and to join the Rosary Confraternity visit:

To learn more about the Rosary of the Unborn and to purchase the sacramental for devotion visit:
The Rosary of the Unborn – Online Store for USA –
The Rosary of the Unborn – Online Store for Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, Oceania –
Save 50+ babies from abortion by praying this special Rosary from Heaven!

To join the prayer movement of One Rosary A Day To Defeat Abortion visit (English and Spanish website):

To learn more about the Hail Mary prayer and the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary see:



October 7, 2011

Our Lady of the Rosary”


Today, so many will call on me and remember me in both my joys, my sorrows and my glory. Yet, so many do not know of the power of this devotion to the rosary which can save the world.

When I came to the children at Fatima, I carried the rosary. I taught them to say it fervently and I told Francisco, in particular, that he had to say it properly. He responded with great fervor and said the rosary daily with great devotion.

My servant, St. Louis de Montfort, wrote “The Secret of the Rosary”, which all should read. It is a small book but will inculcate devotion. He writes that he does not know why, but the rosary is the most powerful of prayers.

Let me take you back in history to the famous Battle of Lepanto (1571) when Europe could have been overwhelmed by the Muslims. So many in secular Europe forget their history. They do not realize how only those with faith saved the Western civilization from being totally wiped out by the Muslim attacks. Only the papacy continued to rally the forces of good. Many others, caught up as usual in their selfish interests, would not cooperate and would not turn their eyes to the threat. Only the pope and those whom he could stir were interested in this vital battle.

Although outmanned and really no match for the Muslim fleet, the papal forces won the victory and the West was saved. This naval battle was reinforced by the many who recited the rosary, and so this feast was established, (by Pope Pius V), as an annual reminder of the power of the rosary.

O reader, learn the true history that has been taken from you. The Muslim threat is again at your door. This time, new methods are used, very effective and powerful. You, on the other hand, are asleep. You do not realize how soon will be the day when America will be attacked, an America that is so unprepared to respond, an America that is willing to compromise the truth. The Muslims have no desire to compromise. They seek only conquest. Do you want your children and your grandchildren to live under Muslim rule? Then wake up. Take the rosary in your hands and begin to pray it, today and every day.

May 19, 2012

The Rosary – A Chain of Unity”


When the events begin, all will see how the modern world is so vulnerable. All of their systems are interconnected, with a great dependency on one another. To touch and destroy one part leads easily to destroying another. Such is the interdependency of the modern world.

But, some aspects I have guarded. I have kept them in great simplicity. I have led people to make decisions in truth. They have not shared in the great wealth that has flowed from this new interdependency. So, they will not feel all the effects of the events. They will be safeguarded.

Safeguarded also will be those who listen to me and act now. Some steps can easily be taken. They are right at hand. Begin now. I will build a different interdependency.

Faith and Love

Faith and love must be the chains that bind you together, the common ground which everyone can hold on to.

First, the rosary must be prayed with husband and wife and within the family. This practice, which has been set aside, must quickly be taken up again before it is too late.

Second, let the rosary expand. Let families and individuals gather often to recite the rosary. From this small beginning, the foundation will be placed for greater sharing and interdependence. The rosary breaks down the sinful powers in each person and leads to openness and trust. Community can be built. This is the goal before the events happen.

O reader, do not remain isolated. Yet, how do you begin to meet and to trust others. The rosary will be the chain of unity.


From the Book of Truth
(Maria Divine Mercy)

Mary: Satan loses his power when My Rosary is recited”
Saturday, June 25th, 2011 @ 15:00

My child, always keep focused on my Son for He needs your attention. You must place all your trust in Him and never let anyone take your eyes off Him.

He, my child, has chosen you as one of the important messengers for these times so that lost souls are saved. Tell people to pray my Most Holy Rosary, even non-Catholics, for this is the greatest weapon against the influence of the deceiver, who groans in pain when it is said. His power is weakened when my children say this prayer. The more my children pray the Holy Rosary the more souls can be saved.

You, my child, have a very difficult Mission, much harder than any of the prophets in history. This is because of the darkness of spirit in the world. Never before has such a darkness descended, when My children turn their back on my Son, He Who died a terrible death to save them. Yet they have not only forgotten this, but choose to deny His very Existence.

Prayer to me, your Blessed Mother, hurts the evil one, who cringes and loses his power when my Rosary is recited. This is the weapon that has been given to me so I can help save lost souls, before I crush the serpent’s head, finally. Never underestimate the power of the Rosary, for even just one group of people dedicated to the regular devotion of my Holy Rosary can save their nation. Tell my children to be careful when turning their back on prayer, for when they do this they are leaving themselves wide open for the deceiver to ensnare them by his charming, but dangerous path to darkness. Bring my children into the Light by spreading devotion to my Most Holy Rosary.



Virgin Mary: My Rosary can save nations”
Thursday, December 29th, 2011 @ 14:15

My child, reciting my Holy Rosary can save nations.

My children must never forget the power of my Holy Rosary.

It is so powerful that it renders the deceiver useless. He can do nothing to you, or your family, when you recite this daily.

Please ask my children to begin to say my Holy Rosary from this day forth in order to protect not only their families, but their communities also.

The Rosary is the most powerful weapon against the evil one’s plans to destroy what he can, in these his last days on Earth.

Never underestimate the lies that he plants in people’s minds in order to turn my children away from the Truth.

So many, under his influence, will kick and fight against the Truth of my Son’s great Mercy.

By saying my Holy Rosary you can protect these souls from lies.

Their hearts can and will be opened if you set aside the time to say my Rosary.

Pray now for my children to open their hearts to the Truth. Pray too that all my children will find the strength to accept my Son’s Mercy.



Mother of Salvation: All those of different faiths must begin also to recite my Holy Rosary, for it will bring each of you great protection”
Sunday, February 2nd, 2014 @ 17:09

My dearest children, I ask that you recite my Most Holy Rosary every day from now on to protect this Mission from satanic attacks. By reciting my Most Holy Rosary, each day, you will dilute the wickedness of Satan and those he influences, when he tries to take souls away from following this special Call from Heaven.

All those of different faiths must begin also to recite my Holy Rosary, for it will bring each of you great protection. The Most Holy Rosary is for everyone and those who want to benefit from my protection – the Gift I received from God to defend souls from the evil one.

So many of you, dear children, will be tormented unless you relent. Otherwise, you will pull away from this Mission. The enemies of God will use every power they can to stop you. They will pull at you, scream abuse at you and accuse you of evil things. Ignore this and allow me, your beloved Mother of Salvation, to give you comfort and provide you with all the protection you need.

During my Son’s Mission on Earth, He was betrayed in so many ways. They waited in villages for Him, with stones in their hands. When He walked by, with hundreds following Him, they hurled these stones at Him from behind shelters, so that no one would know who they were. They hated Him; reported Him to the Church authorities; spread wicked lies about Him and said He spoke with an evil tongue and blasphemed against God. Yet, not one of them could explain exactly how He was guilty of such things. They then spent much time urging His disciples to deny Him. Many of them did. Then, the Pharisees warned all those who worshiped in the temples that, should they continue to follow my Son, they would never be allowed inside the House of God again. And many of them stopped following my Son. These same souls cried bitter and sorrowful tears after my Son was crucified, for it was only then that they realized how they had wronged Him.

The same will be true of this Mission, which paves the way of the Lord and the Great Day for my Son’s Second Coming. Every effort will be made to weaken the Remnant Church. Every attempt will be made to weaken your resolve. Every plan will be created to encourage you to turn your backs on your own salvation and that of others.

You must never allow the spirit of evil to dampen your spirit, weaken your faith or encourage you to deny my Son. Never lose trust in my Son or His Promise to come again to bring man the New Beginning. He will never let you down. He understands how difficult it is for all of you, the pain which you endure, as well as the sacrifices you make for Him.

Remember, you are His and when you are truly part of Him and surrender to Him, you become part of His Light. The Light of God, present in souls, draws out the darkness, which is present in other souls. When Satan uses souls in this way, he will make his rage known and felt. When objections are raised against this Mission, which is blessed by God, they will never be rational or calm. The frenzy shown will be a clear sign as to how much this Mission is hated by Satan. That is why my Holy Rosary must be said, every day, by all of you, in order to protect this Mission.

Always trust in my instructions, because I have been told by my Son to help all of you to deal with the pressures you will have to endure on His behalf.



Mother of Salvation: Soon, the “Hail Mary” prayer will not be heard inside or outside of my Son’s Church”
Wednesday, February 12th, 2014 @ 22:45

My child, just as my Son’s Image, His Word and His Promise to come again will be ignored and then eradicated, so also will every reference to me, your beloved Mother be.

Soon, the “Hail Mary” prayer will not be heard inside or outside of my Son’s Church. Much disapproval will be shown to those who visit my holy Shrines and Marian groups will be criticised for many reasons, all without cause. Any admission regarding the authenticity of apparitions involving me, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, will not be heard. All references to me will soon be frowned upon by a newly revamped shell of my Son’s Church on Earth. Devotions to me will be stopped in many churches, under the newly appointed regime to be introduced in the future. I will be forgotten about and then despised, by those who will claim to represent a new modern, all-inclusive church, which will bear little resemblance to the Church created upon the Rock, by my Son’s beloved apostle Peter.

When you see all devotions to me, the Holy Mother of God, dealt with in this way please be aware that these new rules will be at the behest of the evil one. The evil one despises me, just as much as he is frightened by me. He knows that devotion to me, by souls, keeps his evil ways at bay and that the recital of my Most Holy Rosary scourges him and renders him powerless. Those days ahead will have to be faced by those who love me and there will come a time when the Church’s association with my Shrines will be cut off. When that happens, you will know that this will be to separate God’s children from my influence, which in those times will be necessary, if I am to help you draw towards my Son.

My role is to prepare you for the Great Day of my Son’s Second Coming. I intend to continue to call out to my children, until that Day arrives. I only desire to bring souls before my Son, so that He can give them Eternal Salvation. It is all about the salvation of souls, but every effort will be made by the evil one to prevent this from happening.



Mother of Salvation: Blessed are those who will be given the keys of Paradise”
Sunday, October 19th, 2014 @ 20:40

My dear child, I am your Mother, the Queen of Heaven. I shower all you who call on me to intercede on your behalf, to ask my Son to protect you, with special graces. All of Heaven prays for humanity at this time, so that the transition into the new world without end, will be smooth. It is my Son’s greatest desire to reach into the hearts of every sinner. To pull back the cobwebs of confusion, which covers their souls. To draw, even those with hearts of stone, into His Great Mercy.

My Son never gives up in his quest to touch the hearts of everyone. He never seeks revenge on those who offend Him and He never favours one soul over another. He loves everyone, even His greatest enemies, and this will always be the case. You must not shun my Son if you have suffered in this life; if you have lost a loved one in tragic circumstances; or if you are the victim of terrible injustices. God is the Author of Life. He gives it and he takes it away. It is only when a soul, filled with evil spirits, murders another that God will make that soul pay dearly.

As long as sin exists, evil will remain on earth. It will only be when sin is banished will evil dissipate. Children, I ask you to be patient. I ask that you spend your time in prayer as much as you can. I ask that you continue to recite the Most Holy Rosary for the protection of your families, your nations and your countries. Never before will my Rosary be so powerful as it is in these times, and you will receive great graces when you recite it, especially aloud, and in groups.

All of God’s Plans are in place for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. I ask that, through your prayers, you will help prepare the way for all sinners to seek repentance, so that they will enjoy everlasting life in the world to come, which is without end. Blessed are those who will be given the keys of Paradise.



Mother of Salvation: My role as the Mother of God’s children is being undermined”
Monday, October 27th, 2014 @ 16:20

My child, it is important to remember to recite my most Holy Rosary each day in order to protect this mission, and other missions, sanctioned by my Eternal Father for the world.

Christians who uphold the Faith will find it very difficult to continue to declare their devotion to me, the Immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in these times. My role as the Mother of God’s children is being undermined and discarded and, in particular, by certain Catholic groups who do not come from my Son. Such groups give the impression that they are devotees of my Son’s Church but they do not practice what He taught. They persecute those who uphold the Truth and go to extraordinary lengths to dismiss, as nonsense, every kind of private revelation given to humanity since my Son’s Death on the Cross. Were it not for private revelations, given to the world by me, the Mother of God as Christ’s messenger, many would never have converted to the Truth. Instead, many would have continued to walk in the dark, dismissed the Existence of God and avoided prayer – the door that, when opened, enlightens the soul. My role as the Mother of God is being attacked across the world because of the power I have been given to destroy the wicked adversary. I will crush the head of the serpent as foretold but those who display devotion to me will be scorned and ridiculed by impostors, who dare to proclaim themselves experts in the teachings of the Church.

My Son abhors any kind of hatred shown by man for his brother. He sheds tears when anyone, who says that he represents my Son’s Church, and then incites hatred against a child of God. He suffers the pain of His Crucifixion every time a servant in His Church hurts another or causes terrible suffering to innocents.

Children, you must pray hard for my Son’s Church as it is under the greatest attack since its foundation. The enemies of my Son have many plans to destroy it and most of these will come from within. Heed my warning, and those I revealed to the world at Fatima. The enemy awaits and soon he will control, completely, my Son’s Church on earth and millions will be led into error.

Close your ears when you hear of my Son’s servants being scorned or slandered for defending the Word of God. Always remember that only love comes from God and any person or organisation that encourages you to cast judgement upon a man – irrespective as to what he has done – is to be questioned. You cannot declare yourself to be a servant of God and then tell the world to cast aspersions upon another person. You can never condone incitement to hatred of any kind. Any person who does this, in my Son’s Name, must never be encouraged for this could never come from God. My Rosary must be recited as often as possible to crush the evil, which grips the world at a time when cruelty of any kind is deemed to be just.

Man’s love for his brother has become scarce and charity amongst Christians has been diluted. You must open your eyes to the Truth and remind yourselves what my Son taught you. It is as clear as day, for it was written for the world to read in the most Holy Bible.



Mother of Salvation: My Son has accorded me the power to crush the head of the serpent”
Monday, December 8th, 2014 @ 17:30

My dear children, when you hear rumours of new wars in the most unexpected places, you must be aware that the prophecies contained in the Book of Revelation are upon you.

When the natural order of the earth and the behavior of the human race falls into disarray, in the four corners of the world, then this will be the time to prepare. All of these things must come about in the final bastion against all that is evil, which springs from the wicked infestation of the evil one.

Man will turn against man, people will treat each other cruelly, without a shred of remorse, and each will betray the trust of the other. Such is the outcome when love, which comes from God, dwindles in the hearts of humanity. Even those who believe in My Son will turn against His Teachings. Those closest to Him, though they love Him, will betray Him. Those who represent Him will turn Him over to His Enemies just like Judas did.

There are very few strong enough to stand up and proclaim the Truth of the Holy Word of God. Man is weak and it is because of sin that he cannot become whole. Until sin is eradicated, much pain will be endured until my Son comes again. Until then, prayer is your only weapon against the power of Satan. Pray, especially, my most Holy Rosary every day, because it has the power to weaken the strength of Satan and all those he leads in the final battle against Jesus Christ and His Church on earth.

I tell you now that I, your beloved Mother, the immaculate Virgin Mary, Mother of God, present to you a special gift today. I have been given the grace to become the protector of humanity. Into my protection you must flee in times of strife. I will protect each of you who call upon me against the wickedness of the devil. Under my protection you will be given relief from the attacks he will inflict upon every Christian who tries to remain loyal to my Son in the trials, which lie before you.

My Son has accorded me the power to crush the head of the serpent so that he can bring you closer to Him. Accept my protection and I will respond to all who ask me for help.

My duty is to God and my allegiance is to my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who loves you all so much. There is nothing that I will not do for my Son and there is nothing that He will not do to bring you freedom from pain and suffering.

Thank you dear children for the love you show me but know that I take the love, which you give to me, and I present it to my Son for the Glory of God.

I remain a humble servant of God.



Mother of Salvation: Pray for the protection of my Son’s Church on earth”
Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 @ 14:36

My dear children it is important that all of you recite the Crusade Prayers and My Most Holy Rosary as part of your daily prayers. You may choose whichever prayers that you select, not necessarily every prayer, but those which are according to your desire. My Most Holy Rosary must be recited daily against the influence of the evil one.

Prayer brings you closer to God and protects the souls of all those who request the help of my Son against the power of the deceiver. Prayer is the greatest weapon against evil and you must never underestimate the power that it yields.

Pray for the protection of my Son’s Church on earth and ask my Son to grant Mercy to every one who tries to crucify it. This Church – the Body and the Temple of my Son – is the path through which all glory will be given to God. The Teachings, the Word and the Holy Eucharist, that is the Body and the Blood of my Son, Jesus Christ, were Gifts given to humanity for the salvation of souls. You must uphold the Truth and prepare to accept my Son’s Mercy.

I urge that you pray for souls who refute the Truth and beg my Son to pour His Mercy over their souls. My Son is Life. All Life comes from Him. Reject My Son and you will not sustain life in His Kingdom to come.

My Son has asked me to plead for your prayers for the souls of those who will reject Him. He will hear the prayers you offer up for all of your loved ones and for those who will be unable to accept the Light when it shines like a beacon and covers humanity.

The souls who are alight with the love and humility, necessary to receive my Son, will rejoice. Those with darkness in their souls will shun the Light as they will find it painful to see the Truth. Pray with all your hearts for the souls who are in most need of my Son’s Mercy now and every day from now on.

Without your prayers many will be lost and they will pine for eternity, for the company of my Son, but He will be nowhere for them to find.

I leave you with my love, my protection and my peace. Please respond to my call for the salvation of souls.




Brief explanation of the chaplet:

Consists of 5 sets of one Our Father prayer and 3 Hail Mary prayers while meditating on 5 different intentions.

For lasting peace and personal intentions. Recite daily.

Begin by blessing oneself:

In the Name of The Father, of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen.”

1st Meditation:

Announce: “In Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus”

Meditate: “I invite My children to realize the profound depth and perfection that comprises My Beloved Son’s Heart. Allow yourselves to be drawn into this Vessel of perfect Love, Mercy, and Truth. Let the Flame of His Heart consume you and bring you to the heights of union with the Holy Trinity. To Him all honor and glory! Jesus, bestow on My children a hunger for salvation through devotion to Your Most Sacred Heart.”

Pray One Our Father:

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.”

Pray Three Hail Marys:

(Traditional Version): “Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of death. Amen.”

(Flame of Love version): “Hail Mary, full of Grace, the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

2nd Meditation:

Announce: “In Honor of the Immaculate Heart of Mary”

Meditate: “Immaculate Heart of Mary, You are the purest vessel of grace, the definition of holiness, and a sign of the apocalypse. Mary, Your Heart is a Refuge of Holy Love – a countersign in an evil age. Dear Heart of Mary, it has been ordained that the conversion and peace of the world be entrusted to You. Only through Holy Love can the battle be won. As you, Heart of Mary, have been pierced by many swords, impale our hearts with the flaming arrow of Holy Love. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.”

Pray One Our Father, Three Hail Marys

3rd Meditation:

Announce: “Meditating on the Passion of Our Lord”

Meditate: “Jesus was willingly put to death for the sins of mankind. He died for each one and for all. From His side flows, yet today, an unending font of Love and Mercy. Do not be reluctant, as Simon was reluctant, to embrace the crosses you are given. Many suffer the eternal flames of hell, for no one has been willing to suffer for them. Eternal Victim, truly present in the tabernacles of the world, pray for us.”

Pray One Our Father, Three Hail Marys

4th Meditation:

Announce: “Meditating on the Sorrows of Mary”

Meditate: “As My Son suffered for you, I suffered as well, in My intellect, in My heart, and in My body. My physical cross remained hidden. My emotional and intellectual crosses could only be guessed at – the intensity burning within Me. So too, should your suffering remain hidden, whenever possible, to gain merit for souls, grace for the world.”

Pray One Our Father, Three Hail Marys

5th Meditation:

Announce: “In Atonement to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary”

Meditate: “I invite you to understand that your ‘yes’ in the present moment to Holy Love is atoning to Our United Hearts. I tell you this for to live in Holy Love in every moment requires heroic self-discipline and surrender to God’s Divine Will through Holy Love. You can sacrifice many great things – possessions, events, and more – but none so great as your own will. This is the greatest atonement.”

Pray One Our Father, Three Hail Marys

Prayer to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary:

O United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, You are all grace, all mercy, all love. Let my heart be joined to Yours, so that my every need is present in Your United Hearts. Most especially, shed Your grace upon this particular need (pause and state need). Help me to recognize and accept Your loving will in my life. Amen.”

Holy and Sacred Wounds of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary answer my prayer.”

Conclude by blessing oneself:

In the Name of The Father, of The Son, and of The Holy Spirit. Amen.”


From the Book of Truth

(Maria Divine Mercy)

Saturday, July 21st, 2012 @ 15:15

“…The Love of God will shine down on all those who ask My Father to stop the antichrist from inflicting terrible suffering on humanity.

You must pray hard that he is cut down along with the False Prophet quickly.

You, My followers, will be given special Crusade prayer litanies to break down and weaken his power.

These must be said daily after The Warning and, ideally, during Adoration of the Holy Eucharist.

These litanies, designed to destroy the antichrist and his army, will be a powerful force and if enough souls join in these prayers they will be instrumental in disrupting much of the plans being perpetrated by the antichrist and the False Prophet.

The first litany will be given to you shortly.

Stay strong and trust in My love for you for it is not My desire to see you suffer.

All I desire is the unification of all of humanity in the New Era of Peace which lies ahead.

This is all you need to focus on. All suffering will be wiped out and forgotten when this New Era unfolds.

Be patient. Trust in me and know that the love that My Eternal Father has for His children is insurmountable and beyond your comprehension.

Love and trust in His great love and know that the power of My Divine Mercy is so strong that when it envelopes the whole of humanity that billions will convert.

That will be when the power of the Holy Spirit, which will surge through the majority of the souls of God’s children, will become an intolerable burden for the antichrist.

He will find it difficult to penetrate the armour of God’s army.

This is why you must never give up hope. The battle for souls could be shortened and mitigated if enough souls convert and do as I instruct them.

I love you all and I hope you trust in Me always.”



Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (1) Protection against the False Prophet

Sunday, August 19th, 2012 @ 22:56

Dearest Jesus save us from the deceit of the False Prophet.
Jesus have Mercy on us.
Jesus save us from the persecution.
Jesus preserve us from the antichrist.
Lord have Mercy.
Christ have Mercy.
Dearest Jesus, cover us with Your Precious Blood.
Dearest Jesus, open our eyes to the lies of the False Prophet.
Dearest Jesus unite Your Church.
Jesus protect our Sacraments.
Jesus don’t let the False Prophet divide Your Church.
Dearest Jesus help us to reject lies presented to us as the truth.
Jesus give us strength.
Jesus give us hope.
Jesus flood our souls with the Holy Spirit.
Jesus protect us from the Beast.
Jesus give us the gift of discernment so we can follow
the path of Your True Church at all times forever and ever.

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (2) For the Grace of Immunity

Friday, August 24th, 2012 @ 15:15

O Heavenly Father Most High
I love You.
I honour You.
Lord Have Mercy.
Lord forgive us our trespasses.
I adore You.
I praise You.
I give You thanks for all Your special Graces.
I beg You for the Grace of Immunity for my beloved
(name all those in a list for the salvation of souls)
I offer You my loyalty at all times.
You O Most Heavenly Father,
Creator of all things,
Creator of the Universe,
Creator of humanity,
You are the source of all things.
You are the source of Love.
You are Love.
I love You.

I honour You.
I lay myself before You.
I beg for Mercy for all souls who don’t know You,
who don’t honour You,
who reject Your Hand of Mercy.
I give myself to You in mind, body and soul
so that You can take them into Your Arms, safe from evil.
I ask You to open the Gate of Paradise so that all Your children
can unite, at last, in the inheritance you have created for all of us.

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (3) Defend the Word of God

Thursday, October 11th, 2012 @ 10:03

O dear Jesus, protect us from the lies, which offend God.
Protect us from Satan and his army
Help us to love You more.
Sustain us in our battle.
Defend us in our faith.
Lead us to Your refuge of safety.
Help us stand up and defend Your Holy Will.
Strengthen our resolve to be Your true disciples.
Give us courage.
Give us confidence.
Guide us on the path of Truth.
Defend us against the enemy.
Pour Your Graces of Protection over us.
Help us to avoid temptation.
Bring us closer to Your Sacred Heart.
Help us to remain loyal to You at all times.

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (4) To mitigate punishment by God the Father

Saturday, January 12th, 2013 @ 15:10

O God the Most High.
We beg You for Mercy for the sins of Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of the earth.
We thank You for the Gift of human life.
We treasure the Gift of life.
We uphold the Gift of life.
We thank You for the Gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ.
We thank You for the Gift of Redemption.
We praise Your Divinity.
We surrender, completely, before You, so that Your Holy Will can be completed, on earth, as it is in Heaven.
We thank You for the Gift of the Illumination of Conscience.
We thank You for the promise of eternal life.
We welcome the New Paradise.

We beg You to save all souls, including those who torment You and those who are lost to You.
We thank You for the Love you show all Your children.
We thank You for the Gift of prophecy.
We thank You for the Gift of prayer.
We ask You to grant us peace and salvation.

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (5) For the salvation of those in mortal sin

Monday, February 11th, 2013 @ 12:30

Jesus, save all sinners from the fires of Hell.
Forgive blackened souls.
Help them to see You.
Lift them out of darkness.
Open their eyes.
Open their hearts.
Show them the Truth.
Save them.
Help them to listen.
Rid them of pride, lust and envy.
Protect them from evil.
Hear their pleas for help.
Grasp their hands.
Pull them towards You.
Save them from the deception of Satan.

Jesus to Mankind Litany Prayer (6) Gift of Graces

Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 @ 21:15

O dearest Jesus, my beloved Saviour,
Fill me with Your Love.
Fill me with Your Strength.
Fill me with Your Wisdom.
Fill me with Your Perseverance.
Fill me with Your Humility.
Fill me with Your Courage.
Fill me with Your Passion.